55 research outputs found

    BMC Public Health

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    BACKGROUND: In 2009, the World Health Organization's Commission on Social Determinants of Health set out its recommendations for action, which included establishing equity from early childhood onwards by enabling all children and their mothers to benefit from a comprehensive package of quality programmes. In order to address social inequalities in health, it is recommended that action be taken from early childhood, and actions providing support for parenting are an effective lever in this respect. The aim of this review of systematic reviews is to analyse, on the one hand, the components and characteristics of effective interventions in parenting support and, on the other, the extent to which the reviews took into account social inequalities in health. METHODS: A total of 796 reviews were selected from peer-reviewed journals published between 2009 and 2016 in French or English. Of these, 21 reviews responding to the AMSTAR and selected ROBIS criteria were retained. These were analysed in relation to the consideration they gave to social inequalities in health according to PRISMA-equity. RESULTS: The reviews confirmed that parenting support programmes improved infants' sleep, increased mothers' self-esteem and reduced mothers' anger, anxiety and stress levels. The mainly authors noted that the contexts in which the interventions had taken place were described either scantly or not at all, making it difficult to evaluate them. Only half of the reviews had addressed the question of social inequalities in health. In particular, there had been little research conducted on the relational aspect and the social link. CONCLUSION: In terms of addressing social inequalities in perinatal health, the approach remains both modest and reductive. Understanding how, for whom and in what conditions interventions operate is one way of optimising their results. Further research is needed to study the interactions between the interventions and their contexts

    The downward spiral of mental disorders and educational attainment: a systematic review on early school leaving.

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    BACKGROUND: Most psychiatric disorders present symptom patterns that cause severe impairment on the emotional, cognitive and social level. Thus, adolescents who suffer from a mental disorder risk finding themselves in a downward spiral caused by the reciprocal association of psychological symptoms and negative school experiences that may culminate in early school leaving. In addition to previous collective work that mainly focused on school refusing behaviour among children and was presented as an expert's opinion, the following systematic review fills the knowledge gap by providing a structured overview of the bidirectional association between mental health and secondary school dropout based on a sound methodology and with a particular focus on mediating factors. METHODS: Four electronic databases were searched from January 1990 until June 2014. Selected references were assessed for study details, main results, mediating factors and methodological limitations. Standardized risk of bias assessment was conducted. RESULTS: Mood and anxiety disorders seemed to have a less consequential direct effect on early school leaving than substance use and disruptive behaviour disorders. The association between externalizing disorders and educational attainment was even stronger when the disorder occurred early in life. On the other hand, internalizing disorders were reported to develop as a consequence of school dropout. Only few studies had addressed gender differences, with discrepant results. Socio-economic background, academic achievement and family support were identified as significant mediating factors of the association between mental disorders and subsequent educational attainment. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggested a strong association between mental health and education, in both directions. However, most studies focused on mediating factors that could not be targeted by intervention programs

    Pierre COSSETTE (2016), Publier dans une revue savante. Les 10 règles du chercheur convaincant plus la « règle d’or »

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    Le projet de l’ouvrage de Pierre Cossette est de transmettre les outils de réflexion et de structuration pour alimenter et orienter la « conversation savante ». L’auteur produit la deuxième édition de ce travail augmenté de plus de 110 références (au total 183). Il met également un accent particulier sur la dimension éthique de la publication scientifique. Professeur associé à l’École des sciences de la gestion de l’Université du Québec à Montréal, Cossette a enrichi cette deuxième édition de..

    La reprise d'études universitaires : logiques institutionnelles et restructurations existentielles

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    The aim of this research consists of studying the role and social function of adult education at university level. This study can be divided into two: on the one hand one should understand first of all the role of the university in history of adult education. We shall analyze the specificity of this institution within its current policies to be able to place it in the general context of French education since the 1971 law of Delors. On the other hand one should study the grounds for which adults go back to university studies. Four different reasons lead to the social conditions of life, thus allowing the interpretation to the resumption of studies as a biographic form of "conversion" or of "rupture". in all cases these reveal individual quests of new socialization. to conclude, the results of this study show that the social function of adult education at university level leads to the types of logics: a logic of "professional legitimation" extending the perspective of social promotion which originates from the law of 1971, and a logic of "biogragic regulation" which plays a role in helping in the existential restructuring which no other institution can take on.L’objectif de cette recherche consiste à étudier le rôle et la fonction sociale de la formation des adultes à l'université. Notre travail comprend deux axes: le premier cerne la place de l'université dans l'histoire de la formation des adultes; nous analysons ensuite la spécificité de cette institution, dans ses politiques actuelles, pour la situer dans le contexte d'ensemble de l'appareil de formation français depuis la loi Delors de 1971. Le deuxième axe de recherche étudie les processus biographiques de retour aux études des adultes. Quatre types de trajectoires créent des conditions sociales d'existence permettant d'interpréter la reprise d'études comme une forme de "conversion" ou comme une forme de "rupture" biographiques. Elles révèlent dans tous les cas des quêtes individuelles de socialisation nouvelle. L'ensemble de notre travail nous amène à conclure que la fonction sociale de formation des adultes à l'université entre dans deux types de logiques: une logique de "légitimation professionnelle" qui prolonge la perspective de la loi de 1971, et une logique de "régulation biographique" qui joue un rôle d'aide à la restructuration existentielle et que nulle autre institution ne peut assumer

    Sciences sociales et santé publique : vers une sociologie de la e-santé mentale

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    ln psychiatry and mental health, the uses of e-health question research and how to develop interdisciplinary work beth in the field of individual uses for patients (users) and in the scientific and professional uses of smartphone applications and connected objects. ln connection with the development of artificial intelligence, this program seeks to coordinate the actors, institutions and work organizations involved in research without a disciplinary hierarchy: health, psychiatry, social sciences, technical and computer sciences, legal sciences ...The overail goal of the research project is to develop a sociology of e-health that produces a science that can help describe and guide the social uses of e-health in this area. Producing concepts, theories, methods and analytical tools is useful to determine the scientific scientific economie causes that positively accelerate the evolution of e-mental health. The research program consists of mobilizing young PhD students in a group of international experts around questions about the different dimensions of e-mental health.The program is structured into six sub-domains that group together the three systemic levels according to Urie Bronfenbrenner's social ecological model. (1979).En psychiatrie et en santé mentale, les usages de la e-santé interroge la recherche et la manière de développer des travaux interdisciplinaires tant dans le champ des usages individuels pour les patients (usagers) que dans celui des usages scientifiques et professionnels des applications smartphones et objets connectés. En lien avec le développement de l'Intelligence artificielle, ce programme cherche à coordonner les acteurs, les institutions et organisations de travail impliqués dans la recherche sans hiérarchie disciplinaire : santé, psychiatrie, sciences sociales, sciences techniques et informatiques, sciences juridiques ...La visée générale du projet de recherche consiste à élaborer une sociologie de la e-santé mentale qui produit une science capable de contribuer à décrire et à orienter les usages sociaux de la e-santé dans ce domaine. Produire des concepts, des théories, des méthodes et des outils d'analyse est utile pour déterminer les causes techniques scientifiques économiques qui accélèrent positivement l'évolution de la e-santé mentale. Le programme de recherche consiste à mobiliser des jeunes doctorants dans un collectif d'experts internationaux autour des interrogations sur les différentes dimensions de la e-santé mentale. Le programme se structure en six sous-domaines qui regroupent les trois niveaux systémiques selon le modèle écologique social de Urie Bronfenbrenner. (1979

    De la réflexion à l’action : regard croisé transfrontalier d’une démarche de santé mentale

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    peer reviewedProjet PPSM IP/GR/3/3/052PPSM - Prévention Promotion de la Santé Mental
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