2 research outputs found

    Nursing care for a patient after an ischemic stroke

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    Introduction and aim of the study. More than half of ischemic strokes occur above the age of 65, so a stroke is above all a disease of an old age. The problem of a stroke is crucial, because apart from a high mortality rate it also entails a disability. The aim of the study was to determine the scope of nursing care for the patient after an ischemic stroke. Methods and materials. The study was based on the case study method with the use of the following research techniques: documentation analysis, an interview, measurement and observation. Moreover, the study tools applied comprised: an individualized nursing care plan, Barthel Scale, Glasgow Scale, Dutch Scale, the authors’ own test examining the patient’s knowledge. Criteria for the care categories. Findings. After the interview, the biopsychosocial status of the patient was assessed. Nursing diagnoses were made using the empirical data for this purpose. Conclusions. The sudden occurrence of the disease, hospitalization and lack of support from relatives is a difficult and critical situation for the patient, and it disturbs normal functioning in all spheres: biological, psychological and a social one

    Effects of introducing e-administration in the Commune Offices

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    Tematem niniejszej pracy jest e-administracja jako przykład innowacji w sektorze publicznym. Ukazuje efekty wprowadzenia e-administracji na przykładzie Urzędu Gminy w Kętach. Celem pracy było ukazanie efektów wprowadzenia e-administracji. Pierwszy rozdział dotyczy administracji publicznej, samorządowej. Ponadto zostało przedstawione czym są innowacje i ich przykłady w administracji. W rozdziale drugim skupiono się na przedstawieniu gminy na podstawie której przeprowadzone były badania oraz przedstawieniu wyników badań. Rozdział trzeci to podsumowanie wniosków oraz przedstawienie rekomendacji.The topic of this thesis is e-administration as an example of innovation in the public sector. It shows the effects of introducing e-government on the example of the Commune Office in Kęty. The aim of that thesis is to show the effects of introducing e-administration. The first chapter concerns public administration, local government. In addiction it shows what are innovations and their examples in administration. The second chapter focuses on the presentation of the local government on which the research was carried out and the results of of the research. The third chapter is a summary of the conclusions and presentation of recommendations