2,194 research outputs found

    Existence of minimizers for the 22d stationary Griffith fracture model

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    We consider the variational formulation of the Griffith fracture model in two spatial dimensions and prove existence of strong minimizers, that is deformation fields which are continuously differentiable outside a closed jump set and which minimize the relevant energy. To this aim, we show that minimizers of the weak formulation of the problem, set in the function space SBD2SBD^2 and for which existence is well-known, are actually strong minimizers following the approach developed by De Giorgi, Carriero, and Leaci in the corresponding scalar setting of the Mumford-Shah problem

    Phase field approximation of cohesive fracture models

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    We obtain a cohesive fracture model as a Γ\Gamma-limit of scalar damage models in which the elastic coefficient is computed from the damage variable vv through a function fkf_k of the form fk(v)=min{1,εk1/2f(v)}f_k(v)=min\{1,\varepsilon_k^{1/2} f(v)\}, with ff diverging for vv close to the value describing undamaged material. The resulting fracture energy can be determined by solving a one-dimensional vectorial optimal profile problem. It is linear in the opening ss at small values of ss and has a finite limit as s→∞s\to\infty. If the function ff is allowed to depend on the index kk, for specific choices we recover in the limit Dugdale's and Griffith's fracture models, and models with surface energy density having a power-law growth at small openings

    Factor Models in Finance

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    Integral representation for functionals defined on SBDpSBD^p in dimension two

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    Approximation of SBVSBV functions with possibly infinite jump set

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    We prove an approximation result for functions u∈SBV(Ω;Rm)u\in SBV(\Omega;\mathbb R^m) such that ∇u\nabla u is pp-integrable, 1≤p<∞1\leq p<\infty, and g0(∣[u]∣)g_0(|[u]|) is integrable over the jump set (whose Hn−1\mathcal H^{n-1} measure is possibly infinite), for some continuous, nondecreasing, subadditive function g0g_0, with g0−1(0)={0}g_0^{-1}(0)=\{0\}. The approximating functions uju_j are piecewise affine with piecewise affine jump set; the convergence is that of L1L^1 for uju_j and the convergence in energy for ∣∇uj∣p|\nabla u_j|^p and g([uj],νuj)g([u_j],\nu_{u_j}) for suitable functions gg. In particular, uju_j converges to uu BVBV-strictly, area-strictly, and strongly in BVBV after composition with a bilipschitz map. If in addition Hn−1(Ju)<∞\mathcal H^{n-1}(J_u)<\infty, we also have convergence of Hn−1(Juj)\mathcal H^{n-1}(J_{u_j}) to Hn−1(Ju)\mathcal H^{n-1}(J_u)
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