9 research outputs found

    The influence of feed protein level on some productive indices in Barred Plymouth Rock reared in free range system

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    The purpose of this paper was to assess the possibility of grow mixed breed broilers in free range system fed according to the slow feeding rate, with nutritional requirements mainly consisting of feed concentrate mixtures starting from the premises that currently there are no nutritional standards especially created for maintenance alternative systems. The experiment for the quantification of impact of nutritional features and of the CM administration intake on bio productive and economic performances of Barred Plymouth Rock avian youth has been reared during 10 weeks on two experimental variants. The elaborated experimental design was intended to assess the effect of a good nutritional start in both variants, but with a different time. Considering the same start, both in Vi and V2, by administering an CM with 2960 kcal ME and 22.04% CP, for 14 days in V| and 21 days in V2.Vi received a tri-phase feeding by using an intermediary „growing" phase during 36 days when CM was administered with 2990 kcal ME/kg and 20.03% CP followed by a finishing phase after 50 days and continued until the end of experiment, when CM was administered with 3000 kcal ME/kg and 17.30% CP. V2 was intended to establish the effect of a bi-phase feeding, therefore phase II became the „growing-finishing" phase, respectively the administration of a feed concentrate mixture with an energy level of 3000 kcal ME and 17.30% CP. Broilers in V,, tri-phase fed, had a feed intake comparison with that of broilers in V2 (bi-phase fed), an average body weight of 1428.60 g with a total increase of 8.3% higher and a better feed conversion (2.66 kg/kg) considering the increased costs per kg of live mass with 1.87% comparing with V2. Regarding the CP intake, depending on ME intake, the registered values are close in both variants. Based on a mathematic model like: y = a/(l+bx+cx2 ), one can assess the fodder feeding costs. The correlation rate between the fodder feeding costs and the CP intake is strongly positive for both variants

    Aspects of the homeostasis changes induced by the gallium complex C(24) in experiments on rats

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    The action of the Ga complex C(24) on some serum biochemical parameters in rats was studied in two different day times, i.e. morning and evening. There were analyzed : total serum proteins (PRO); serum albumin (ALB); serum non-protein nitrogenous compounds, i.e. uric acid (UA), creatinine (CRE), blood ureea nitrogen (BUN); calcemia and magnesiemia. The obtained values and calculation of differences made possible to evidence homeostasis changes occurring in two direction: conditioned by time (choronobiochemistry) and conditioned by the administered xenobiotic (i.e. the studied Ga complex)

    Chronobiological changes induced by the gallium complex C(24) in some hematological parameters in rats

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    In the present research the authors proposed to monitor possible chronobiological changes in some hematological parameters (erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes) of Wistar strain rats induced by the novel gallium complex - C(24). For this purpose a morning (m) and an evening (e) animal series were designed, each including a control (Cp) and an experimental (E) group. Animals of the control groups (Cp-m, Cp-e) were injected intraperitoneally with polyethylene glycol and those from the experimental groups (E-m, E-e) with the novel gallium complex in the morning and in the evening. At 48 hours after the administration of substances the animals were anesthetized and blood samples were collected for biochemical and hematological analysis. Erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes parameters were determined. The resulted values showed an increase in most of erythrocytes parameters in E-m group and a slight decrease of all parameters in E-e group. As to leukocytes parameters an increase of most values both in E-m and E-e groups was recorded. Platelets parameters indicated decrease both in E-m and E-e groups, being more evident in case of platelets number

    Growth Parameters Of Heavy-Breed Avian Youth Fed Organic System

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    The experiment on the assessment of development parameters in the case of heavy-breed young poultry was carried out in concordance with the common legislation, with the provision of feeding and maintenance conditions specific to the organic system. The experiment lasted for 84 days (150 chickens); in this period, we used two structures of concentrate mixtures: CM1 (from 1 day to 42 days), with the following characteristics 3003 kcal EM, 19.91% CP, 1% lysine, 0.57% methionine + cystine, 1.08% Ca and 0.62% P and CM2 (from 43 to 84 days) with 2981 kcal EM, 16.03% CP, 0.73% lysine, 0.47% methionine+cystine, 1.06% Ca and 0.58% P. During the experiment, we recorded the growth performances (body weight, growth, daily gain) and the CI. The body weight recorded at 84 days was 1623.10±37.0 g, with a daily mean growth of 19.32 g and a specific intake of: 3.68 kg AC, 11261.28 kcal EM, 635.35 g CP, 31.03 g lysine and 19.02 g methionine+cystine/kg growth. We determined a mathematical model for body mass prediction depending on energy and protein ingestion, generating an equation of this type: y=a+b*ln(x1)+c*ln(x1)2+d*x2+e*x22, with a multiple determination coefficient R2=0.99 and an error percentage at the end of the growth period of 0.02%, beetwen predicted and experimental values

    Ghid de diagnostic în hipertiroidismul felin

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    inând cont de etiologia multifactorială a acestei endocrinopatii, confirmarea diagnosticului de hipertiroidism a întâmpinat numeroase dificultăti de-alungul anilor nu numai datorită necesitătii unor cunostiinte medicale cât si a lipsei posibilitătii de a realizare diferite examene de laborator mai mult sau mai putin accesibile. Astfel că în prezent metodele cele mai frecvent utilizate si accesibile sunt dozarea hormonilor tiroidieni totali sau liberi, testul de supresie cu triiodtironină, iar una dintre metodele ce necesită aparatură specială însă nu este accesibilă܈i în tara noastră este scintigrafi

    Evaluation of the Administration Effects of Probiotics Against Campylobacter Jejuni on the Immune System of Broiler Chickens

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    The purpose of this research is to determinate the impact of the probiotics administration on serum protein and properdin, fractionation of proteins, lysozyme. Probiotics administration (Lactobacillus paracasei J.R., Lactobacillus rhamnosus 15b, Lactobacillus lactis y and Lactobacillus lactis FO) in different quantities had a positive effect on the organism in increasing the total protein in favor of the serum albumin, maintaining a greater than one ratio between them and serum globulins, furthermore an increase in metabolic rate is indicated as well as the increasing of the nutrients transport capacity and endogenous synthesis. The fodder recipes that contained probiotics led to a rising slope of the alpha and beta electrophoretic factions between batches, due to the increase of the total protein the differences being statistically not significant. Additionally it was recorded an increasing of the synthesis of gamma electrophoretic factions, which highlights the increasing adaptability and response to exogenous biotic factors. Adding probiotics (4 strains) in the last period of growth or (2 strains) over the lifetime of rearing chicken, caused a significant increase of lysozyme, although the increase of properdin and phagocytic index is not significant

    The Influence of Nutritive Characteristics and of the Period of Administration of Concentrated Mixture on the Productive Performances of Broilers Raised in Organic System

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    The objective of this experiment was to assess the nutritional characteristics (metabolisable energy (ME) with values between 2850-3000 kcal, crude protein (CP) from 21 to 17%) and mixture concentrated (MC) administration period (biphasically or triphasically) on the productive performance of broilers raised in organic system. The experiment was conducted on a total of 108 ROSS 308 commercial hybrids for 84 days under specific feeding ecological system. The experimental design consisted of 3 treatments with three replicate cages per treatment. It was found that the higher energy MC1 caused a lower average daily consumption in offspring of V1 (43.00 g) compared to broilers of the other two versions, a trend that is maintained in the following phases. Experimental variants V2 and V3 which have consumed in the first phase MC2 with 10% egg in structure obtained a higher average daily gain (23.90 and 23.23 g) in the first phase as well as in the growth and finishing phases. At the age of slaughter (84 days) V2 stands with 3867.33 g body weight which consumed MC2 in phase I (with 10% egg in structure), triphasically fed variant, followed by V3 (3710.96 g) (p> 0.05) biphasically fed. Also the introduction in MC2 of a protein source of high biological value generated in the first phase an feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.75, respectively 1.80, higher than recorded in V1 2.08. European production index (EPI) shows a high value (161.06) in the version triphasically fed with MC2, MC4, MC6, with values close to the version MC2 and MC6 biphasically fed (152.80). The costs of feeding are for V3 version biphasically fed even if the first phase feeding costs are higher due to the introduction in the MC2 structure of 10% egg. Given the productive performance and expenses incurred in feeding it should be used in organic farming and growing household a biphasically feeding containing the nutritional requests set