15 research outputs found

    Transference, development and recognition of organizational competences in subsidiaries of brazilian multinationals

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    Para as multinacionais emergentes, o desenvolvimento de competências em subsidiárias, assim como sua capacidade de transferência e aprendizagem é fonte de importante vantagem competitiva. Este estudo objetiva compreender os processos de desenvolvimento, transferência e reconhecimento das competências das subsidiárias de multinacionais emergentes. Foi feito um survey com empresas multinacionais brasileiras e suas subsidiárias. Os resultados mostraram a importância das variáveis ambiente externo para a transferência, desenvolvimento e reconhecimento de competências. Deve ser salientada a necessidade de iniciativas das subsidiárias para o reconhecimento das competências desenvolvidas em subsidiárias estrangeirasEmerging multinationals must seek and develop competences abroad and develop the skill to transfer these competences much faster and more actively than the traditional multinationals. This paper aims at understanding the development, transfer and recognition processes of the competences of emerging multinationals’ subsidiaries. The research was applied to a survey involving a large proportion of the brazilian multinationals and their subsidiaries. The results showed that the variable

    Mesa Redonda: novas formas de organização do trabalho

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    Automação na indústria metal-mecânica: tendências da organização do trabalho e da produção

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    As novas tecnologias de base microeletrônica tem sido apontadas como o grande determinante das mudanças que atualmente ocorrem nos sistemas de produção. A rápida difusão e aplicação desses equipamentos seria crucial no aumento de produtividade e competitividade, a nível das empresas e dos paises. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida junto a 61 empresas do setor metal-mecânico, que visou identificar as estratégias de modernização que estão sendo adotadas. Os resultados demonstram que o processo de modernização exige, antes de tudo, que as empresas redefinam os seus modelos organizacionais, que se tornam mais sistêmicos, dinâmicos e flexíveis, para depois incorporar os modemos equipamentos. Estas novas formas de organizar a produção e o trabalho requerem alto nível de capacitação gerencial e tecnológica e significam criar uma grande capacidade interna de aprendizagem para bem enfrentar os tempos incertos e mutáveis que vivemos

    Towards a new analytical framework for the study of production and operations management

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    The purpose of this paper is the presentation of a new framework for an improved understanding of the actual and future challenges of Production and Operations Management. It focuses on the restructuring of organizational networks more than in the internal functioning of individual enterprises. It proposes an analytical framework built around six basic types of firms and their mutual relationships, which would be in the New Era. Methodologically speaking, this paper represents the consolidation of a research work initiated in the early 1990s and involved four large projects on: international operations, Telecommunications, Automobile and Textile-Apparel industries, as well as unpublished outcomes related to consulting activitie

    Brazilian firms acquiring in developed countries: the importance of local enablers of business models

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    This exploratory paper addresses the new phenomenon of emerging country firms acquiring in the developed countries, or “reverse takeovers”. We argue that, one of the main reasons for that is the movement of incumbents which, gradually, changed the scope of their activities. Moreover, we hypothesize that the strategic decisions of both sets of firms were, and still are, influenced by the local business environments which enables the development of specific Business Models. The trajectories of the 21 Brazilian multinationals listed in international rankings are analyzed to bring empirical evidence of that propositio

    Local enablers of business models : the experience of brazilian multinationals acquiring in North America

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    Despite the rapid growth of South–North investments, the literature is still incipient to look into the broad range of issues associated with them. This article focuses on reverse takeovers and discusses the reasons why emerging-country firms, Brazilian multinationals in particular, are able to profitably acquire firms in developed countries, chiefly in the United States. The research addresses two specific subjects in international business literature: country-choice and entry-mode. The analytical approach assumes that reverse takeovers are part of the dynamic reconfiguration of global production systems which, in turn, are influenced by shifting conditions in countries' business environments. Changes in business environments impact local firms' business models and their positioning in global production networks and international markets as well. Reverse takeovers are facilitated when both the simultaneous evolution of the developed country multinational and the emerging country multinational business models establish a common ground for the transaction. Through the analysis of Brazilian multinationals' acquisitions in North America, relevant insights pertaining to the realms of firm-specific advantages, country-choice and entry mode in reverse takeovers are unveile

    Why global value chains should analyse multi-sided platforms?

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    Global Value Chains (GVCs) theory is being used to study a variety of industries, from commodities to information technology, with considerable contributions to the understanding of industry dynamics and governance, value creation and capture, and geographic distribution. Multi-Sided Platforms (MSPs) is a concept has its roots on strategy field, and has been developed under related and complementary concepts such as Two-Sided Markets, Two-Sided Network, Two-Sided Platforms, and Platform-Mediated Networks. GVCs and MSPs share a common ground when it comes to internet-based value chains and business in the digital industry. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the combination of both approaches allows for an enhanced understanding of digital goods and services productio