20 research outputs found

    Geometry of Schreieder's varieties and some elliptic and K3 moduli curves

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    We study the geometry of a class of nn-dimensional smooth projective varieties constructed by Schreieder for their noteworthy Hodge-theoretic properties. In particular, we realize Schreieder's surfaces as elliptic modular surfaces and Schreieder's threefolds as one-dimensional families of Picard rank 1919 K3K3 surfaces.Comment: 28 pages. Contains arXiv:1603.0561

    Chow motives associated to certain algebraic Hecke characters

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    Shimura and Taniyama proved that if AA is a potentially CM abelian variety over a number field FF with CM by a field KK linearly disjoint from F, then there is an algebraic Hecke character λA\lambda_A of KK such that L(A/F,s)=L(λA,s)L(A/F,s)=L(\lambda_A,s). We consider a certain converse to their result. Namely, let AA be a potentially CM abelian variety appearing as a factor of the Jacobian of a curve of the form ye=γxf+δy^e=\gamma x^f+\delta. Fix positive integers aa and nn such that n/2<a≤nn/2 < a \leq n. Under mild conditions on e,f,γ,δe, f, \gamma, \delta, we construct a Chow motive MM, defined over F=Q(γ,δ)F=\mathbb{Q}(\gamma,\delta), such that L(M/F,s)L(M/F,s) and L(λAaλˉAn−a,s)L(\lambda_A^a\bar{\lambda}_A^{n-a},s) have the same Euler factors outside finitely many primes.Comment: 20 page

    Kodaira dimension of moduli spaces of hyperk\"ahler varieties

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    We study the Kodaira dimension of moduli spaces of polarized hyperk\"ahler varieties deformation equivalent to the Hilbert scheme of points on a K3 surface or O'Grady's ten dimensional variety. This question was studied by Gritsenko-Hulek-Sankaran in the cases of K3[2]K3^{[2]} and OG10 type when the divisibility of the polarization is one. We generalize their results to higher dimension and divisibility. As a main result, for almost all dimensions 2n2n we provide a lower bound on the degree such that for all higher degrees, every component of the moduli space of polarized hyperk\"ahler varieties of K3[n]K3^{[n]} type is of general type.Comment: 56 pages. Comments are welcome

    On product identities and the Chow rings of holomorphic symplectic varieties

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    For a moduli space MM of stable sheaves over a K3K3 surface XX, we propose a series of conjectural identities in the Chow rings CH⋆(M×Xℓ), ℓ≥1,CH_\star (M \times X^\ell),\, \ell \geq 1, generalizing the classic Beauville-Voisin identity for a K3K3 surface. We emphasize consequences of the conjecture for the structure of the tautological subring R⋆(M)⊂CH⋆(M).R_\star (M) \subset CH_\star (M). The conjecture places all tautological classes in the lowest piece of a natural filtration emerging on CH⋆(M)CH_\star (M), which we also discuss. We prove the proposed identities when MM is the Hilbert scheme of points on a K3K3 surface.Comment: A discussion of a natural filtration on the Chow groups of M, emerging from the paper's point of view, was adde