15 research outputs found

    Acesso Aberto, Repositórios Institucionais e os Periódicos Científicos do MZUSP

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    Open Access, Institutional Repositories and Scientific Journals of the MZUS

    Utilização do Software VantagePoint na Extração de dados para o Anuário Estatístico da USP

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    Using VantagePoint Software in the Data Extraction for Statistical Yearbook of the US


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    The MARC format has allowed for decades the description and exchange of bibliographic and cataloging institutions, promote access to informational content contained in various collections. However, with the exponential growth of information and document generation (especially digital), have demanded greater flexibility and interoperability between different information systems available. In this scenario, the XML markup language aims to facilitate and optimize the management, storage and transmission of content via Internet, currently embodied in various sectors and areas of knowledge for its ease of handling and operational flexibility. Given this, we carried out an exploratory study of theoretical analysis, identifying the appropriate format MARCXML in the construction of forms of descriptive representation for information resources in open files, metadata standard as a complex and flexible, which will enable interoperability between information systems heterogeneous, and their advantages and flexibility in the transfer of bibliographic and cataloging and access to information. As a result of this research, it is considered that the MARCXML is a format suitable for data describing a complex structure. It is concluded that the measure increases the complexity of the documents in the repositories and open archives, longer justified a metadata structure, such as MARCXML format, which supports the description of the specific informational resources, since this initiative and is not nor will it estringindo to scientific documents, but expanding to other types of information resources increasingly complex and specific, requiring also an apt description for the specific nature of bibliographic entities

    White paper sobre Open Source, Open Access, open Standards e o futuro da catalogação

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    The discussions on the future of cataloging has received increased attention in the last ten years, mainly due to the impact of rapid development of information and communication technologies in the same period, which has provided access to the Web anytime, anywhere. These discussions revolve around the need for a new bibliographic framework to meet the demand of this new reality in the digital environment, ie how libraries can process, store, deliver, share and integrate their collections (physical, digital or scanned), in current post-PC era? Faced with this question, Open Access, Open Source and Open Standards are three concepts that need to receive greater attention in the field of Library and Information Science, as it is believed to be fundamental elements for the change of paradigm of descriptive representation, currently based conceptually on physical item rather than intellectual work. This paper aims to raise and discuss such issues and instigate information professionals, especially librarians, to think, discuss and propose initiatives for such problems, contributing and sharing ideas and possible solutions, in multidisciplinary teams. At the end is suggested the effective creation of multidisciplinary and inter-institutional study groups on the future of cataloging and its impact on national collections, in order to contribute to the area of descriptive representation in national and international level

    Utilização do ambiente colaborativo TIDIA-AE pelo Grupo de Gerenciamento do Vocabulário Controlado do SIBiUSP- Biênio 2011-2013.

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    Discorre sobre o Grupo Gerenciamento do Vocabulário Controlado, adototu uma ferramenta colaborativa que proporciona maior interatividade entre seus membros, compartilhando ideias, documentos e o registro de atividades e de modo a integrar e disseminar a filosofia do trabalho colaborativo

    MARC21 e XML como ferramentas para a consolidação da catalogação cooperativa automatizada: uma revisão de literatura

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    The cooperation and the sharing of information cataloguing and bibliographical in environment automated, this was only possible with the creation and adoption of interchange format MARC21. But due to the progresses of the technologies of information and communication, of the crescent use of Internet and of the databases and databanks, there were the need of the creation and development of tools that optimize the organization activities, retrieval and interchange of information. XML is one of those developments that have as purpose to facilitate the management, storage and transmission of data through Internet. Before that, it was proposed through a literature revision, to analyze Interchange Format MARC21 and Markup Language XML as tools for the consolidation of the Automated Cooperative Cataloguing, your differences of storage flexibilities, organization, retrieval and interchange of data through Internet. This research made possible the divulgation to the community librarian, through a literature revision, that has been discussed internationally on MARC21 and XML

    White Paper sobre Open Source, Open Access, Open Satndards e o futuro da catalogação.

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    As discussões sobre o futuro da catalogação tem recebido maior atenção nos últimos dez anos, principalmente devido ao impacto do rápido desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, no mesmo período, o que tem proporcionado o acesso à Web a qualquer momento e lugar. Tais discussões giram em torno da necessidade de uma nova estrutura bibliográfica para atender à demanda desta nova realidade do ambiente digital, ou seja, como as bibliotecas poderão tratar, armazenar, disponibilizar, compartilhar e integrar seus acervos (físicos, digitais ou digitalizados), na atual era pós-PC? Diante desta questão, Open Access, Open Source e Open Standards são três conceitos que precisam receber maior atenção nas áreas da Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, pois acredita- se que sejam elementos fundamentais para a mudança de paradigma da representação descritiva, atualmente baseada conceitualmente no item físico ao invés do trabalho intelectual. Este trabalho tem como objetivo levantar e discorrer sobre tais questões e instigar profissionais da informação, em especial os Bibliotecários, a pensar, discutir e propor iniciativas para tais problemas, contribuindo e compartilhando ideias e possíveis soluções, em equipes multidisciplinares. Ao final é sugerida a criação efetiva de grupos de estudos multidisciplinares e interinstitucionais sobre o futuro da catalogação e seu impacto nos acervos nacionais, de forma a contribuir para a área da representação descritiva em âmbito nacional e internacional

    MARCXML: um padrão de descrição para recursos informacionais em Open Archives

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    The scientific communication is suffering considerable alterations so much in its process as in its structure and philosophy. The open archives and open access initiatives are contributing significantly for the undoing of the traditional model of scientific communication and for the construction of a new disaggregated model and with interoperability, fairer and efficient to disseminate the research results and like this, the knowledge generated by the scientific communities. However, due to the progresses of the information and communication technologies, not only the structure and the flow of the scientific communication is suffering considerable alterations, as well as the own concept and support of the scientific documents. This has been generating the need of the development of tools to optimize the organization, description, exchange and information retrieval processes, besides the digital preservation, among others. Highlight that the MARC format it has been allowing per decades the description and the exchange of bibliographical and cataloging registrations to the institutions, favoring the access to the contents informacionais contained in several collections. However, with the exponential growth of information and of the documents generation (above all digital), this has been demanding larger flexibility and interoperability among the several information systems available. In this scenery, the XML markup language is presented as one of the current developments that has as purpose to facilitate and to optimize the administration, storage and transmission of contents through Internet, it being incorporate for several sections and areas of the knowledge for the handling easiness and operational flexibility. Front to that, an exploratory study of theoretical analysis was accomplished, identifying the adaptation of the MARCXML format in the construction in ways of descriptive representation for information resources in open archives, as a complex and flexible standard of metadata, that will make possible the interoperability among information systems heterogeneous, besides the access to the information. As result of this research, It's considered that MARCXML is an appropriate format for description of data in a complex structure. It’s ended that the measure that increases the complexity of the documents in the repositories and open archives, plus it’s justified a structure of metadata, as the MARCXML format, that support the description of the pecificities of the informational resources, once this initiative is not and nor it will be if restricting to scientific documents, but expanding the other types of informational resources more and more complex and specific, also demanding an appropriate description for the specificities of the bibliographical entities

    MARCXML para a OAI

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    O formato MARC tem permitido por décadas a descrição e o intercâmbio de registros bibliográficos e catalográficos às instituições, favorecendo o acesso aos conteúdos informacionais contidos em diversos acervos. No entanto, com o crescimento exponencial de informações e da geração de documentos (sobretudo digitais), têm-se exigido maior flexibilidade e interoperabilidade entre os diversos sistemas informacionais disponíveis. Neste cenário, a linguagem de marcação XML tem como propósito facilitar e otimizar o gerenciamento, armazenamento e transmissão de conteúdos via Internet, atualmente incorporada por diversos setores e áreas do conhecimento por sua facilidade de manuseio e flexibilidade operacional. Diante disso, realizou-se um estudo exploratório de análise teórica, identificando a adequação do formato MARCXML na construção de formas de representação descritiva para recursos informacionais em arquivos abertos, como um padrão de metadados complexo e flexível, que possibilitará a interoperabilidade entre sistemas de informação heterogêneos, além de suas vantagens e flexibilidades na transferência de registros bibliográficos e catalográficos e no acesso às informações. Como resultado desta pesquisa, considera-se que o MARCXML é um formato adequado para descrição de dados numa estrutura complexa. Conclui-se que a medida que aumenta a complexidade dos documentos nos repositórios e open archives, mais se justifica uma estrutura de metadados, como a do formato MARCXML, que suporte a descrição das especificidades dos recursos informacionais, uma vez que esta iniciativa não está e nem estará se restringindo a documentos científicos, mas se expandindo a outros tipos de recursos informacionais cada vez mais complexos e específicos, demandando também uma descrição apropriada para a especificidade das entidades bibliográficas