7 research outputs found

    La Ceinture verte d’Île-de-France Ă  l’épreuve du Grand Paris : effacement ou renouveau ? Reconfigurations spatiales, territoriales et paysagĂšres dans les marges de l’aire urbaine mĂ©tropolitaine

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    RĂ©fĂ©rence de la thĂšseFlĂ©geau M. (2018). La Ceinture verte d’Île-de-France Ă  l’épreuve du Grand Paris : effacement ou renouveau ? Reconfigurations spatiales, territoriales et paysagĂšres dans les marges de l’aire urbaine mĂ©tropolitaine. GĂ©ographie. UniversitĂ© Paris 13 - Sorbonne Paris CitĂ©. Aux lisiĂšres de la mĂ©tropole parisienne, les paysages, marquĂ©s par un enchevĂȘtrement d’espaces agricoles, de lotissements, de zones d’activitĂ©s, de zones boisĂ©es, de dĂ©laissĂ©s ou encore de centres-villes anc..

    Populations relĂ©guĂ©es et projets paysagers dans les marges de l’agglomĂ©ration parisienne. Le cas de la plaine de Pierrelaye

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    L’intĂ©rĂȘt rĂ©cent pour les dĂ©laissĂ©s urbains de la part des acteurs publics de l’amĂ©nagement se manifeste dans l’aire urbaine centrale de la mĂ©tropole parisienne mais aussi dans ses marges. On se propose ici d’étudier un projet d’amĂ©nagement en plaine de Pierrelaye, cherchant Ă  transformer cette plaine agricole polluĂ©e en une forĂȘt amĂ©nagĂ©e. Cet espace est aujourd’hui pour partie occupĂ©e par des familles de Gens du voyage et de Roms. Bien que l’abandon des activitĂ©s soit liĂ© Ă  l’interdiction de consommer les produits agricoles issus de la plaine, la prĂ©sence de ces populations est Ă  la fois jugĂ©e comme une des raisons de la situation de dĂ©shĂ©rence que connait la plaine et comme un frein Ă  la rĂ©alisation du projet. L’article aborde la difficile prise en compte des populations marginalisĂ©es et la part d’instrumentalisation dont fait l’objet le projet pour se dĂ©faire des occupations illĂ©gales, appuyĂ© par un argumentaire paysager et social.The recent interest of public stakeholders towards wastelands in the central part of the Paris region appears also clearly in its margins. We would like to study a landscape project in the Pierrelaye’s plain. The project aims to transform this wasteland, that is today a polluted area, into a forest. Mainly composed by unexploited agricultural lands, this space is also occupied by families from the Travelling Community and Roma population. The travelers are altogether accused of being responsible for the decline of this space and of being an issue for the implementation of the project. We will focus on how the project realization is leaving them out and how the land regulation is established for the sake of the project and not according to the law

    La Ceinture verte d’Île-de-France Ă  l’épreuve du Grand Paris : effacement ou renouveau ? Reconfigurations spatiales, territoriales et paysagĂšres dans les marges de l’aire urbaine mĂ©tropolitaine

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    The concept of green belt is a manner of thinking the margins of the surroundings of Paris. This urban planning tool has been used by the Île-de-France regional Council in the early 1980’s. The implementation of a green belt aimed to give a global vision of the woodland, cropland and wasteland in that area. Due to a lack of law support and political changes, the Green belt policy never really came to an existence. However, the area of the Green belt is filled with several expectations in terms of recreation, landscapes, quality of life and environment from the city dwellers and public players. Meanwhile, the Grand Paris project tends, in the same time, to put under pressure these spaces by its urban planning projects, and to consider the idea of a green belt for the Paris region.We have chosen in this thesis to highlight the features of the Green belt by a social and spatial approach of the dynamics through a multiscalar approach. It reveals the fragmentation and the heterogeneity of this space on several levels: spatial organization, landscapes and social distribution. The study of the dynamics concerning the territories shows the discrepancy of the urban planning logics in the Île-de-France region. In the Green belt space, a large number of territory projects occurs around open spaces. It aims, in most of the case, to preserve the qualities of the landscapes (in the vallĂ©e de Chevreuse for example) or to attain a certain type of landscape (the forest project in Plaine de Pierrelaye shows that). But this type of territorialities leaves out marginalized population, living in the Green belt space. Finally, this study enlightens the mixed relationship and the tensions between local and metropolitan authorities in a decentralized context.Cette thĂšse se propose de porter un regard gĂ©ographique sur les espaces vĂ©gĂ©talisĂ©s – boisĂ©s, agricoles ou dĂ©laissĂ©s – situĂ©s aux marges de l’aire urbaine mĂ©tropolitaine de Paris, au travers de la notion de ceinture verte. Ce dispositif d’amĂ©nagement, Ă©laborĂ© au dĂ©but du XXe siĂšcle, a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© par le Conseil rĂ©gional d’Île-de-France Ă  partir du dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980. PlacĂ©e Ă  cheval entre l’urbain et le rural, la Ceinture verte francilienne devait permettre de proposer une vision cohĂ©rente de ces marges, en leur donnant une consistance et une identitĂ©. Faute notamment de moyens rĂ©glementaires au Conseil rĂ©gional, le projet de Ceinture verte n’a finalement jamais eu de vĂ©ritable existence. Pourtant, les espaces vĂ©gĂ©talisĂ©s de l’agglomĂ©ration font aujourd’hui l’objet d’attentes renouvelĂ©es de la part des acteurs de l’amĂ©nagement et des habitants, en particulier en termes rĂ©crĂ©atifs, paysagers, de qualitĂ© de vie, et dĂ©sormais environnementaux. En outre, dans le projet du Grand Paris est Ă©voquĂ©e l’idĂ©e d’une ceinture verte, alors mĂȘme que ses projets d’amĂ©nagement remettent sous pression les espaces vĂ©gĂ©talisĂ©s des franges de la mĂ©tropole.Nous avons d’abord cherchĂ© Ă  qualifier cet espace sous un angle socio-spatial en adoptant une dĂ©marche multiscalaire. Il ressort de ce travail la grande hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© et l’importante fragmentation de la Ceinture verte sur les plans de son organisation spatiale, socio-spatiale ainsi que du paysage. Par ailleurs, l’étude des dynamiques territoriales en Ceinture verte fait ressortir les contradictions de l’amĂ©nagement francilien. Cette thĂšse souligne la multiplicitĂ© des initiatives locales de projets de territoire, formulĂ©es autour des espaces vĂ©gĂ©talisĂ©s. Leur mise en valeur est surtout centrĂ©e sur les critĂšres paysagers, comme en vallĂ©e de Chevreuse comme Ă  Marne-et-Gondoire, oĂč l’on souhaite maintenir un cadre de vie prĂ©servĂ©, ou comme en plaine de Pierrelaye, oĂč un projet de forĂȘt doit permettre d’accĂ©der Ă  un paysage, inversant ainsi la trajectoire de dĂ©clin du site. Dans le mĂȘme temps, ces projets paysagers excluent les populations marginalisĂ©es ayant trouvĂ© refuge dans certaines parties de la Ceinture verte, comme dans le cas de la Butte Pinson. Enfin, cette thĂšse met en lumiĂšre les jeux de rĂ©sistance et d’opposition locale au projet du Grand Paris, ce dernier pouvant ĂȘtre Ă  l’inverse un levier pour des projets de territoire, dans un contexte dĂ©centralisĂ©. Cet espace apparait donc en tension entre une vue mĂ©tropolitaine d’ensemble des marges parisienne et des visĂ©es locales pour un paysage prĂ©servĂ© ou en voie de l’ĂȘtre

    Populations relĂ©guĂ©es et projets paysagers dans les marges de l’agglomĂ©ration parisienne. Le cas de la plaine de Pierrelaye

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    The recent interest of public stakeholders towards wastelands in the central part of the Paris region appears also clearly in its margins. We would like to study a landscape project in the Pierrelaye’s plain. The project aims to transform this wasteland, that is today a polluted area, into a forest. Mainly composed by unexploited agricultural lands, this space is also occupied by families from the Travelling Community and Roma population. The travelers are altogether accused of being responsible for the decline of this space and of being an issue for the implementation of the project. We will focus on how the project realization is leaving them out and how the land regulation is established for the sake of the project and not according to the law

    Les transects photographiques : à la recherche des discontinuités dans le paysage

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    This article presents an exploratory method using photography as an analysis tool to understand landscape dynamics in the green belt of Paris Region. This method is considered as complementary to a mapping approach, developed at regional scale. Several transects are placed along radial segments across the green belt perimeter. The photographic database can be a way of analyzing landscape organization at local scale, to experience our study space and to bring a sensitive dimension, informing the access to the open spaces in a mostly peri-urban space

    What evidence exists on the possible effects of urban forms on terrestrial biodiversity in western cities? A systematic map protocol

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    International audienceBackground: As urban areas expand, scientists now agree that the city is an important space for biodiversity conservation. Yet, still relatively little is known about how urban forms could have a differential impact on terrestrial species and ecosystems. If some reviews have been conducted to examine the link between biodiversity and urban characteristics at an infra-city scale, none have explored the relationship between urban organization and biodiversity and tried to assess the capacity of various urban forms to maintain and possibly favour flora and fauna in the city. The resulting map will present the state of knowledge regarding possible relationships between urban forms and its features on the establishment and settlement of terrestrial and temperate biodiversity at infra-city scale in western cities. Methods: The systematic map will follow the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) Guidelines. We will collect the relevant peer-reviewed and grey literature in French and English language. The scientific literature will be retrieved with the use of a search string in two publication databases, one environmental and one social science database (Web Of Science Core Collection, and Cairn.info). We will also perform supplementary searches (search engines, call for literature, search for relevant reviews). All references will be screened for relevance using a three-stage process, according to a predefined set of eligibility criteria. Our study will concentrate on urban areas at the infra-city scale in cities of the temperate biogeographical zone. The subject population will include terrestrial species and ecosystems, except for archaea and bacteria. The exposure will consider all types of urban forms described by any urban descriptors or measures including heterogeneity, fragmentation, housing density, organisation of urban matrix, urban fabric) and all types of urban features (e.g. size, age of the buildings, materials, urban artefacts). All relevant outcomes will be considered (e.g. species richness, abundance, behaviour). We will provide an open-access database of the studies included in the map. Our results will also be presented narratively, together with tables and graphs summarising the key information coded from the retained articles (e.g. study characteristics, types and areas of research that has been undertaken, types of exposure, population concerned, etc.)