100 research outputs found

    Exercise in children with solid tumors

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    Sin financiaciónNo data 2018UE

    Efecto del ejercicio físico en un modelo murino esclerodérmico de enfermedad injerto contra huésped crónica

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    Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas. Programa de Doctorado en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la SaludLa enfermedad injerto contra huésped (EICH) crónica tiene una elevada morbimortalidad. Se desconocen los efectos del ejercicio regular y de intensidad moderada sobre quién la padece. Esta cuestión es de potencial interés clínico pues la calidad de vida de los pacientes suele ser muy pobre, en parte por la reducción de su capacidad física a consecuencia tanto de la enfermedad de base, como del tratamiento inmunosupresor (generalmente, con ciclosporina A, CsA) al que se ven sometidos. El principal objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar el impacto de un programa de ejercicio físico de intensidad moderada (en tapiz rodante, 5 días a la semana y mimetizando las recomendaciones actuales de ejercicio para la salud) sobre la capacidad física, la supervivencia y la evolución clínica en un modelo murino de EICH crónica, aplicando el ejercicio sin (Estudio 1) o con CsA (Estudio 2), y analizando en este segundo caso además sus efectos sobre la autofagia miocárdica (Estudio 3). Para ello, estudiamos a un grupo de ejercicio solo (Estudio 1) o de ejercicio + CsA (Estudios 2 y 3), en comparación con un grupo control sin ejercicio y sin CsA (Estudio 1) o con un grupo control sin ejercicio pero con CsA (Estudios 2 y 3). En el Estudio 1, los resultados mostraron que, a pesar de ser bien tolerado, el programa de ejercicio físico per se (es decir, sin aplicar el tratamiento farmacológico típico para esta enfermedad), no influyó ni en la supervivencia ni en la evolución clínica de los ratones que lo realizaron. Por otra parte, si bien el estado de salud y la capacidad física de los ratones de ambos grupos (ejercicio y control) se deterioraron a lo largo del estudio, el grupo de ejercicio experimentó un menor declive en su capacidad física. En el Estudio 2, el programa de ejercicio combinado con CsA indujo mayores beneficios sobre variables importantes como la supervivencia, la evolución clínica de la enfermedad y la capacidad física que el mismo fármaco sin ejercicio. Además, lejos de poner en peligro la reconstitución inmune, la intervención de ejercicio físico tuvo un efecto beneficioso sobre la cinética de diferentes células inmunes y condujo a un perfil inflamatorio más favorable. Por último, en los pocos ratones que sobrevivieron a esta enfermedad tan agresiva y frecuentemente mortal, el ejercicio físico de intensidad moderada favoreció la inducción de autofagia miocárdica en comparación con los supervivientes que no recibieron la intervención de ejercicio (Estudio 3), sugiriendo que el aumento de autofagia miocárdica podría ser uno de los mecanismos bilógicos mediadores de los beneficios del ejercicio en pacientes crónicos en fases finales de su vida. [Resumen Teseo]UE

    Physical fitness and childhood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A call to action

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    Sin financiación5.483 JCR (2020) Q2, 50/162 Immunology1.609 SJR (2020) Q1, 21/129 HematologyNo data IDR 2020UE

    Exercise intensity, dose, and cardiovascular disease

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    Letter to the editor.Sin financiación44.405 JCR (2016) Q1, 3/155 Medicine, General and Internal7.278 SJR (2016) Q1, 23/2886 Medicine (miscellaneous)No data IDR 2016UE

    Reduced mortality in former elite endurance athletes

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    For centuries, the general consensus has been that vigorous, competitive exercise was harmful and shortened life expectancy. Recent data from prospective cohort studies conducted on marathon runners, professional cyclists, and Olympic athletes indicate, however, that regular intense endurance-exercise training has protective benefits against cardiovascular disease and premature death. There are still important questions to be answered, such as what is the optimal dose, in terms of both duration and intensity of training or competition, beyond which the health benefits of regular exercise stabilize or might even potentially disappear.2.662 JCR (2014) Q1, 13/81 Sport sciences; Q2, 34/83 PhysiologyUE

    ACTN3 R577X polymorphism in marathon athletes

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    The effect of ACTN3 has mainly been studied in elite athletes, bades on the hypothesis that its influence on muscle function would be most readily observable at the extremes of human performance. The main purpose of this study was to examine the association of ACTN3 with marathon performance across a wide range of competition levels.0.146 SJR (2014) Q4, 199/231 Health (social science), 131/169 Physical therapy, sports therapy and rehabilitation, 119/128 Sports sciencesUE

    Prescription of Physical Activity for Patients with Rectal Cancer during Neoadjuvant Therapy

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    Physical activity (PA) is an important health behaviour in any population and also in patients with cancer. In spite of evident benefits, prescription of exercise has not been added to general recommendations. Lack of prospective data about survival, rejection by oncologists to prescribe PA and discordant information from different physicians could explain it. Prescription of exercise through a set of recommendations, supervised training, as well as, reinforcement of these recommendations by all the physicians in charge of the patient could have an impact in the adherence to guidelines. Rectal cancer patients during neoadjuvant therapy make up an ideal setting to study this hypothesis in a multidisciplinary approach during a limited an reproducible period. We studied patients diagnosed with rectal cancer, candidates to neoadjuvant therapy. Basal evaluation includes BMI, accelerometry, medical and physical evaluation, validated quality of life and physicological distress scales. Six sessions of supervised exercise trainning during the neoadjuvant period will be performed. Reccomendations about amount and quality (aerobic and resistive) of PA will be done by a specialist. After neoadjuvant treatment a new evaluation consisting of accelerometry, BMI, two scales as well as medical and physical evaluation will be performed again. These variables will be adherence to physical exercise, change in physical activity evaluated by accelerometry, changes in aerobic capacity and muscular strenght , changes in quality of life, changes in physicological distress and changes in BMI.6.452 JCR (2010) Q1, 20/185 OncologyUE

    Effects of Exercise Training in Mice Models of Graft Versus Host Disease

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    NTRODUCTION: Chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) is a life-threatening complication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation that generates considerable morbidity and compromises the physical capacity of patients. We determined the effects of an exercise training program performed after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation on clinical and biological variables in a minor histocompatibility antigen-driven murine model of cGVHD treated with cyclosporine A. METHODS: Recipient BALB/C female mice (age 8 wk) received bone marrow cells and splenocytes from donor B10.D2 male mice and were randomly assigned to an exercise (n = 11) or control group (n = 12). For approximately 11 wk after transplant, the exercise group completed a moderate-intensity treadmill program. Variables assessed were clinical severity scores, survival, physical fitness, cytokine profile, immune cell reconstitution, molecular markers of muscle exercise adaptations, and histological scores in affected tissues. RESULTS: Exercise training increased survival (P = 0.011), diminished total clinical severity scores (P = 0.002), improved physical fitness (P = 0.030), and reduced blood IL-4 and tumor necrosis factor α levels (P = 0.03), while increasing circulating B220 (P = 0.008) and CD4 lymphocytes (P = 0.043). CONCLUSIONS: A moderate-intensity exercise program that mimics widely accepted public health recommendations for physical activity in human adults was well tolerated and positive effects on survival as well as on clinical and biological indicators of cGVHD.4.475 JCR (2012) Q1, 4/84 Sport sciencesUE