4 research outputs found
Potensi Tanaman Genjer (Limnocharis Flava) Untuk Mengurangi Kadar Logam Berat (Pb Dan Cu) Serta Radionuklida Dengan Metode Fitoremediasi
Genjer merupakan salah satu tanaman yang sering dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Tanaman ini merupakan tanaman gulma yang hidup diperairan rawa. Sekarang ini pencemaran air banyak terjadi dimana-mana, baik disebabkan oleh logam berat maupun radionuklida. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk memulihkan lingkungan tercemar yaitu menggunakan metode fitoremediasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa efektifkah tanaman genjer dalam menyerap limbah logam berat dan radionuklida. Pengujian konsentrasi logam berat dilakukan menggunakan alat AAS (Atomic Adsorption Spectrofotometer ), serta persentase unsur dalam tanaman diukur menggunakan XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence), dan kandungan radionuklida diukur menggunakan detektor Geiger Muller. Limbah yang digunakan untuk penelitian adalah limbah buatan, dimana untuk uji logam digunakan campuran air sumur dengan Pb(NO3)2 dan CuSO4.5(H2O) dengan konsentrasi 5 ppm, sedangkan limbah buatan uji radionuklida digunakan pupuk NPK Phonska mutiara. Dari hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa tanaman genjer mampu mengakumulasi logam berat dan radionuklida. Presentase massa unsur pada tanaman genjer yaitu unsur kalium sebesar 41,7%. Dari hasil pengukuran ini diasumsikan bahwa radionuklida yang berada ditanaman adalah radionuklida kalium-40 dan besar aktivitas yang didapatkan yaitu sebesar 1,117 nCi
ABSTRAKAnak usia sekolah merupakan usia yang rentan menderita penyakit infeksi tertular seperti diare, kecacingan dan gangguan pencernaan lainnya. Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan jajanan di sekolah serta lingkungan sekolah yang kotor sebagai salah satu faktor penyebab sehingga perlu kesadaran bersama dalam menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di lingkungan sekolah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik terhadap perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di sekolah sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan. Metode yang dilakukan dalm bentuk ceramah melalui penyuluhan kesehatan dengan sasaran 39 orang peserta didik SLTP Negeri 10 Kota Ternate yang berada di kecamatan Pulau Hiri. Tahapan yang dilakukan berupa persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi menggunakan pre-post test Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis uji t dependen adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan (p=0,018), sehingga menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penyuluhan dalam peningkatan pengetahuan peserta didik tentang perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Saran yang dapat direkomendasikan perlunya dukungan kebijakan penerapan dan praktik perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat oleh seluruh komponen sekolah atau masyarakat sekolah mulai dari kepala sekolah, guru, peserta didik, staf sekolah lainnya untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat. Kata kunci: peserta didik; PHBS; sekolah ABSTRACTSchool-age children are an age that is vulnerable to contracting infectious diseases such as diarrhea, worms, and other digestive disorders. The habit of consuming snacks at school is one of the causal factors, so that there is a need for joint awareness in implementing clean and healthy living behaviors in the school environment. The purpose of this service activity is to increase students' understanding of clean and healthy living behavior in schools as an effort to prevent disease in improving health status. The method is carried out in the form of lectures through health counseling with a target of 39 studentsi SLTP Negeri 10 Kota Ternate who are on Hiri Island. The steps taken are in the form of preparation, implementation and evaluation using the pre-post test. The results obtained from the dependent t test analysis were an increase in knowledge (p = 0.018), thus indicating the existence of effect counseling to increase students' knowledge about clean and healthy living behaviors. Suggestions that can be recommended are the need for policy support implementation and practice of clean and healthy living behavior by all components of the school starting from students, teachers, other school staff to create a healthy environment. Keywords: learners; PHBS; schoo
Relationship Between Knowledge About Breast Cancer with the Implementation of Breast Self Examination (Bse) / Self-breast Examination (Bse)
Introduction: breast cancer is the second most frequent cancer among worldwide and the leading form of cancer among women. Its incidence having increased significantly over recent decades. Early detection and effective treatment are the most important factors that can reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with breast cancer. One of the methods of early detection is bse. Midwifery students have responsibility not only for improvement knowledge and care of women about prevention breast cancer, in particular with bse, but also improvement of own health. Bse as a health behaviour is influenced of many factors, for example is knowledge. The purpose: to know correlation between knowledge of breast cancer and bse of midwifery student on medicine faculty airlangga university. Methodology: this study was analitical method by cross-sectional in its design to see correlation between knowledge of breast cancer as independent variable and bse as a dependent variable. Populations in this study were midwifery students which are consisted of 100 people. Sample was taken by probability sampling with amount 88 respondents. The instrument for collecting data was questioner. Data analysis was used coefficient correlation spearman rank. Results: those were 25% respondents who had lack knowledge about breast cancer remainder had enough (43,18%) and knowledgeable (31,82%). Beside that, most of respondents had performed bse (48%) but only 7,95% who had performed bse regularly. This study showed that be found moderate correlation and significant between knowledge of breast cancer and bse of midwifery students (p-value=0.003; α=0.05) with coefficient correlation spearman rank was 0.26.Conclusion: knowledge about breast cancer has contribution approximately 28,57% to perform bse. There is hoped that midwifery students can perform bse regularly and always improve about knowledge of breast cancer so they can educate other women about this important preventive procedure. Besides that it is also expected to be conducted a furthermore research about factors that influence to base