2,404 research outputs found

    Coordinating County Highway Engineering and Maintenance Operations

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    Factors Necessary in Developing a Functional Shop and Home Mechanics Course For Junior High Girls

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    The primary purpose of the investigation was to develop a functional shop and home mechanics course for junior high school girls. A secondary purpose was the determining of the grade level in which to present the course to junior high school girls. A questionnaire was used to gather data from seventy-two former girl students who had taken shop for at least one year during the school years 1952 through 1963. Fifty-two girls returned the questionnaire which was a response of 71.1 per cent. Eighty-five activities were included in the survey. This questionnaire was developed from a review of the literature in the industrial arts field. A review of the literature was used to establish the most opportune time for presenting the course. Criteria used to determine course content were: 1. Jobs which were checked by over 60 per cent of the former girl students should be in the course content. 2. Jobs which were selected by at least 40 per cent but by less than 60 per cent, of the former students, should be used as supplementary material at a later time. 3. Jobs chosen by less than 40 per cent of the former students should be dropped from the course list. On the basis of the data obtained, forty-two activities were selected for shop and home mechanics course material. The items chosen were in the following numerical rank: Upholstery, with three items; plumbing, with four items; finishing, seven activities; electricity, with four items; miscellaneous, with nine items; automobiles, seven items; and woodworking with seven activities. It was apparent from the replies received, that the former students considered shop an important part of the school curriculum. The respondents who were older seemed to prefer a more practical course of work. The younger members did not want the course curriculum to become too practical as they wished art and hobby crafts to be emphasized also. Nearly 60 per cent of the respondents thought the shop course should be a required course for at least one year. From a review of the literature and partial data from the respondents, it appeared that the shop course should be given during the eighth grade. Nearly 80 per cent of the respondents were in favor of giving grades for all shop work completed. Woodworking ranked last in order of popularity so it would seem that this phase should be emphasized less than other areas. A review of the literature seems to indicate a definite trend toward girls being more actively involved in the industrial arts program. School administrators are becoming more concerned with providing some type of industrial arts experience for junior high girls

    Q&A: The novel coronavirus outbreak causing COVID-19.

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    10.1186/s12916-020-01533-wBMC Medicine1815

    An Experimental Study Of The Teaching Of Certain Critical Thinking Skills to Ninth Grade Pupils

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    The purpose of this study was to collect data from the controlled experiment that would add to the existing information concerning the improvement of the critical thinking skills of ninth grade pupils. The specific purposes of the study were: (1) to determine whether planned instruction in fact and opinion differentiation makes a statistically significant difference in a ninth-grader\u27s general critical thinking ability; and (2) to determine the relation between a ninth-grader\u27s gain in critical thinking ability and his level of intelligence, reading ability, socio-economic status, and his sex

    Simple go/no-go test for subcritical damage in body armor panels

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    The development of a simple test for subcritical damage in body armor panels using pressure‐sensitive dye‐indicator film has been performed and demonstrated effective. Measurements have shown that static indicator levels are accurately reproduced in dynamic loading events. Impacts from hard blunt impactors instrumented with an accelerometer and embedded force transducer were studied. Reliable correlations between the indicator film and instrumented impact force are shown for a range of impact energies. Force and acceleration waveforms with corresponding indicator film results are presented for impact events onto damaged and undamaged panels. We find that panel damage can occur at impact levels far below the National Institute of Justice acceptance test standard

    Nonlinear elastic behavior of sub-critically damaged body armor panel

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    A simple go/no-go test for body armor panels using pressure-sensitive, dye-indicator film (PSF) has been shown to be statistically effective in revealing subcritical damage to body armor panels. Previous measurements have shown that static indicator levels are accurately reproduced in dynamic loading events. Further impact tests on armor worn by a human resuscitation dummy using instrumented masses with an attached accelerometer and embedded force transducer have been performed and analyzed. New impact tests have shown a reliable correlation between PSF indication (as digitized images) and impact force for a wide range of impactor energies and masses. Numerical evaluation of digital PSF images is presented and correlated with impact parameters. Relationships between impactor mass and energy, and corresponding measured force are shown. We will also report on comparisons between ballistic testing performed on panels damaged under various impact conditions and tests performed on undamaged panels

    The sexual health needs of looked after young people; findings from qualitative interviews led through public health and health psychology.

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    Background - Looked after young people (LAYP) have poorer sexual health outcomes than their peers. However, research seldom examines the health needs of, or intervenes with, this group. The aim of the current study was to identify LAYP's perceived sexual health needs and explore sources of sexual health information, knowledge levels, concerns and service preferences. Methods - Looked after young people within Fife, Scotland, were recruited through their workers and carers to participate in qualitative semi-structured interviews. Those aged 12–19 years were targeted for recruitment. National Health Services ethics approval was granted. Thematic analysis was conducted using NVivo. Results - Interviews were conducted with 10 LAYP. Key themes included gaps in knowledge, and gaps between knowledge and behaviour. Being ‘looked after’ may have negative consequences on knowledge, sources of support and safer sex. A flexible, one-to-one service, aimed at several lifestyle issues, not solely sexual health, was preferred by respondents. Conclusion - Looked after young people require support to bridge the gap between knowledge and behaviour and several theories relevant to the findings have been identified. Participants desired more support around a range of health issues, which may come from school, workers and carers, as well as health professionals. Further research examining effective interventions with this group is crucial to improve outcomes

    Temperature distribution in a hollow cyclindrical manometer column

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    The longitudinal temperature distribution is determined for a finite hollow cylindrical manometer column with heat sources at the lower end and along the axis of the column. A nonlinear relation for the heat loss from the Inconel column to the atmosphere was determined empirically and used in the theoretical calculation of the temperature distribution. The theoretical solution involved the solution of two sets of equations containing double infinite series. These equations were solved on the IBM 7074 computer

    Melioidosis: refining management of a tropical time bomb

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    10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62143-1The Lancet3839919762-764LANC