4,261 research outputs found

    High functional diversity is related to high nitrogen availability in a deciduous forest - evidence from a functional trait approach

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    The current study tested the assumption that floristic and functional diversity patterns are negatively related to soil nitrogen content. We analyzed 20 plots with soil N-contents ranging from 0.63% to 1.06% in a deciduous forest near Munich (Germany). To describe species adaptation strategies to different nitrogen availabilities, we used a plant functional type (PFT) approach. Each identified PFT represents one realized adaptation strategy to the current environment. These were correlated, next to plant species richness and evenness, to soil nitrogen contents. We found that N-efficient species were typical for low soil nitrogen contents, while N-requiring species occur at high N-contents. In contrast to our initial hypotheses, floristic and functional diversity measures (number of PFTs) were positively related to nitrogen content in the soil. Every functional group has its own adaptation to the prevailing environmental conditions; in consequence, these functional groups can co-exist but do not out-compete one another. The increased number of functional groups at high N-contents leads to increased species richness. Hence, for explaining diversity patterns we need to consider species groups representing different adaptations to the current environmental conditions. Such co-existing ecological strategies may even overcome the importance of competition in their effect on biodiversity

    Nontraumatic Dental Condition-related Visits to Emergency Departments on Weekdays, Weekends and Night Hours: Findings from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey

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    Objective: To determine whether the rates of nontraumatic dental condition (NTDC)-related emergency department (ED) visits are higher during the typical working hours of dental offices and lower during night hours, as well as the associated factors. Methods: We analyzed data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey for 1997 through 2007 using multivariate binary and polytomous logistic regression adjusted for survey design to determine the effect of predictors on specified outcome variables. Results: Overall, 4,726 observations representing 16.4 million NTDC-related ED visits were identified. Significant differences in rates of NTDC-related ED visits were observed with 40%–50% higher rates during non-working hours and 20% higher rates on weekends than the overall average rate of 170 visits per hour. Compared with 19–33 year olds, subjects [relative rate ratio (RRR) = 1.6 to 1.8], whereas those aged 73 and older had lower relative rates during nonworking hours (RRR = 0.4; overall P = 0.0005). Compared with those having private insurance, Medicaid and self-pay patients had significantly lower relative rates of NTDC visits during nonworking and night hours (RRR = 0.6 to 0.7, overall P \u3c 0.0003). Patients with a dental reason for visit were overrepresented during the night hours (RRR = 1.3; overall P = 0.04). Conclusion: NTDC-related visits to ED occurred at a higher rate during non-working hours and on weekends and were significantly associated with age, patient-stated reason for visit and payer type


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    Information Systems (IS) phenomena have become increasingly volatile, complex and fast changing. Capturing their essence is an increasingly daunting task. Data science have emerged in awe to predict future outcomes. Decision-making thus becomes faster while data become bigger. Yet, in the wake of this promising path, many of these predictions lack accuracy due to the unpredictability of complex phenomena. That is why researchers promote the importance of thick qualitative data analysis as a way of seeking explanations of the generativity underlying complex phenomena. This approach is (in comparison) slow, but can answer why events occurred. Thus, we argue that sound accounts of complex IS-phenomena must come from a combinatory approach of fast predictions with slower accounts. Predictions apply laws theorized as causal mechanisms. When these outcomes do not arise, we suggest applying explanatory accounts that apply a different form of causality - generative mechanisms. Generative mechanisms can explain unpredictable outcomes, but can only be inferred through longitudinal qualitative studies. This paper opens up a research agenda for combinatory approaches of fast mechanistic predictions from big data and slower generative explanations from thick data. This combination will help capturing the essence of complex socio-technical phenomena in our capricious digitalized world

    Musik und Dichtung

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    Subject of this essay is the investigation of the relationship between music and poetry in the poetry of Pasternak. In the main part then the meaning of music in Pasternak's poetry is to be examined in a double sense - on technical-stylistic and on motivic level, where in the first area in addition to the formative means of poetry (such as metric, rhyming and stanza forms) and certain methods of special coupling be analyzed by sound and meaning. The second part of the main part, in addition to the "real" music history in Pasternak's poetry (such as the mention of composer names and musical instruments), includes the study of literary leitmotifs associated with music, such as birds, wind, water, sound and silenceThema dieser Abhandlung ist die Untersuchung der Bezüge zwischen Musik und Dichtung in der Lyrik Pasternaks. Im Hauptteil soll sodann die Bedeutung der Musik in Pasternaks Lyrik in doppeltem Sinne untersucht werden - auf verstechnisch-stilistischer und auf motivischer Ebene, wobei im ersten Bereich neben den Formmitteln der Lyrik (wie Metrik, Reim- und Strophenformen) auch bestimmte Verfahren der besonderen Koppelung von Laut und Bedeutung analysiert werden. Der zweite Bereich des Hauptteils umfaßt neben der "realen" Musikgeschichte in Pasternaks Lyrik (etwa der Erwähnung von Komponistennamen und Musikinstrumenten) vor allem die Untersuchung literarischer Leitmotive, die mit der Musik in Verbindung stehen, wie insbesondere Vögel, Wind, Wasser, Klang und Stille

    Rechtsvergleich zur Umsetzung von Artikel 4a der Richtlinie 89/655/EWG ins nationale Rechtssystem repräsentativ ausgewählter EU-Mitgliedstaaten

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    Zum Schutz der Gesundheit und der Sicherheit der Arbeitnehmer verlangt Artikel 4a der Richtlinie 89/655/EWG vom Arbeitgeber, dafür zu sorgen, dass bestimmte Arbeitsmittel durch eine befähigte Person geprüft werden. Die Richtlinie ist in Deutschland mit der Betriebssicherheitsverordung (BetrSichV) umgesetzt worden. Das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) beabsichtigt eine Weiterentwicklung der BetrSichV und des Regelwerkes der Technischen Regeln für Betriebssicherheit. Die Studie soll Erkenntnisse gewinnen zur Umsetzung des Artikel 4a der Richtlinie in anderen EU-Mitgliedstaaten. Die vorliegende Rechtsvergleichung stellt dar, wie in Dänemark, Frankreich, den Niederlanden und dem Vereinigten Königreich die Prüfungen nach Artikel 4a der Richtlinie unter Berücksichtigung des nationalen Rechtssystems umgesetzt wurden und legt dar, ob in diesen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Parallelen zu den zwingend vorgeschriebenen Prüfungen gemäß dem 3. Abschnitt der BetrSichV bestehen

    Does ecosystem diversity affect soil hydraulic properties?: investigation of biotic and abiotic factors on infiltration capacity in a grassland biodiversity experiment

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    The present thesis aims to evaluate the relationships between soil hydraulic properties and earthworms, plant community, soil structural parameters, soil texture, and soil moisture in the frame of a long-term grassland biodiversity experiment, the so called Jena Experiment. Hydraulic properties such as infiltration capacity play an important role in soil erosion, run-off and water availability to plants for the prediction and management of ecosystems. Global change has led to an increase in flood frequency events caused by heavy rainfalls. For sustainable soil management (reducing soil erosion and run-off) as well as for improving hydrological models, it is important to know which factors influence infiltration. Generally, soil texture considered one of the most important factors for explaining hydraulic properties, but other influences like bulk density or soil fauna have also been recognized. However, because infiltration is a complex process, a multitude of interrelated processes affects infiltration capacity, and therefore investigations yield controversial results regarding specific factors. In this thesis, I distinguish between abiotic soil factors (texture), which are constant in time, and biotic factors (soil fauna, ecosystem structure), which change dynamically depending on environmental factors. The majority of previous experiments has focused on one or two selected factors influencing hydraulic properties, and do not account for interaction. The aim of this thesis was to identify the most important drivers for the infiltration capacity in a grassland experiment (The Jena Experiment), while explicitly taking into account interaction
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