21 research outputs found

    Restructuring of the Romanian Railways. The impact on the financial structure

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    The restructuring process has defined the basis for developing a sustainable and modern railway system. Nevertheless, a long list of challenges has still to be addressed: difficulties to finance the maintenance of the assets and investment capabilities, improving the standard of infrastructure on the railway network, the development of the passenger’s services.railway infrastructure, reform, profitability, financial structure, ratio

    The particularities of the analysis of cost – profit in the railway system in Romania

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    The necessary investments for the modernization and rehabilitation of the infrastructure of the railway in our country, for the strategic adaptation of the railway transport, determines some particularities in the process of making the analysis of cost-profit, through some elements taken into consideration and the results obtained. This way, in this presentation, I tried to point you the complexity and diversity of the advantages of investments from the perspective of all the elements implied to the railway system in Romania.cost-profit analysis, railway system, residual value

    The improvement of the financial structure in the domain of administrating the railway infrastructure

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    The improvement of the financial structure is achieved based on the constrains determined by a series of internal hexogen factors of the activity of the company, controllable or not in one way or another, that can affect the way in which a company appeals to finances through proper or loaned funds.financial structure, railway infrastructure, railroad network

    Correlation between the use of derivatives products and the implementation of the monetary policy

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    In a developing and fluctuant world, derivatives help the investors to avoid risks and moreover to assume them when it is necesary. The trade of the derivatives contributes to the growth of liquidity of the assets’ market. For the banks, which traditionally avoid risks, this fact combined with low costs for communication and trading, lead to some potential risky investments. The materialization of monetary policy is based on the idea that the needs of the real economy are expressed through the bankimg system, and the changes of the monetary policy influence the evolution of the economy. In this way, the monetary authority has to promote a proper policy, which can lead to the achievement of its main objective – price stability. The use of derivatives made the central bank mission more difficult. The authorities have a difficult task in order to establish new methods, more powerful, for a better implementaton of the monetary policy. In a dynamic environment the equilibrium is not permanent; this is the reason why the central bank and the financial markets participants must prevent first, and then avoid the possible repairs.derivative, monetary policy, risk management, financial markets

    The technical and financial decline of the railway infrastructure in Romania

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    For Romania is essential to achieve development project of transport and to integrate the national transport system in technical and operational parameters at European level, because it is a consistent part with rout and rail network.financial decline, railway infrastructure, development project

    The investment - strategic decision for entreprise

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    The investment decision represents an important agent of the general policy, for the continuation and the increase of their activity. The necessity of achievement some important investments for national railway infrastructure is determined by the present situation of the railway transport system, insufficiently developed and an uncorrespondingly guality, this affecting the quality, the safety and travelling time from the departure point to the destination one, for persons and merchandise.investment decision, railway infrastructure, government policy, transportation system

    The strategic adaptation of the railway transporting enterprises

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    Miniaturized Integrated Platform for Electrical and Optical Monitoring of Cell Cultures

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    The following paper describes the design and functions of a miniaturized integrated platform for optical and electrical monitoring of cell cultures and the necessary steps in the fabrication and testing of a silicon microchip Micro ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)-based technology for cell data recording, monitoring and stimulation. The silicon microchip consists of a MEMS machined device containing a shank of 240 μm width, 3 mm long and 50 μm thick and an enlarged area of 5 mm × 5 mm hosting the pads for electrical connections. Ten platinum electrodes and five sensors are placed on the shank and are connected with the external electronics through the pads. The sensors aim to monitor the pH, the temperature and the impedance of the cell culture. The electrodes are bidirectional and can be used both for electrical potential recording and stimulation of cells. The fabrication steps are presented, along with the electrical and optical characterization of the system. The target of the research is to develop a new and reconfigurable platform according to the particular applications needs, as a tool for the biologist, chemists and medical doctors working is the field of cell culture monitoring in terms of growth, maintenance conditions, reaction to electrical or chemical stimulation (drugs, toxicants, <em>etc</em>.). HaCaT (Immortalised Human Keratinocyte) cell culture has been used for demonstration purposes in order to provide information on the platform electrical and optical functions.<strong></strong&gt