12 research outputs found

    Study of Hydrogen Generation of Aluminum-Containing Compositions with Boric Acid

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    The results of investigations of the kinetics of hydrogen generation compositions with aluminum, chemical activators (hydrated sodium metasilicate, oxide and calcium hydroxide) boric acid. Aluminium and its alloys used for the manufacture of protective sheaths of fuel elements and control rod protection system management, pipelines, tanks, and various support structures in the active zone of atomic reactors RBMK, research water-cooled reactors. The aluminum is protected from direct contact with water and steam surface layer of metal oxide having a high corrosion resistance at high temperatures in powerful radiation fields. However, after removal or when the discontinuity of the oxide layer of activated metal efficiently decompose water to hydrogen. It is established that the hydrogen aluminum-containing compositions is dependent on the concentration of boric acid. The discovery of the involvement of boric acid in these reactions expands the ideas about regularities of chemical processes of formation of hydrogen flowing in the water coolant of VVER reactors with the participation of the corrective additives and impurities

    Вариантность термина как знака специальной сферы использования

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    This article is devoted to the problem of finding the equivalence of the meaning of words related to a language for special purposes. The material provides the views of various scientists on the problem of linguistic variation, reveals the concepts of variance / variability, and also proposes criteria for classifying language units for special purposes to terms-variants and terms-invariantsДанная статья посвящена проблеме поиска эквивалентности значения слов, относящихся к языку для специальных целей. В материале приводятся взгляды различных ученых на проблему языкового варьирования, раскрываются понятия вариантности/вариативности, а также предлагаются критерии отнесения единиц языка для специальных целей к терминам-вариантам и терминам-инвариантам

    Mechanisms of extraribosomal protein biosynthesis in eukaryotes

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    The appearance of newly synthesized proteins in the total protein fraction of a cell-free protein-synthesizing system not containing ribosomes and mRNA and enriched with polyenzyme complexes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and corresponding proteins is proved experimentally. For modeling of extraribosomal protein biosynthesis we proposed a molecularr polyenzyme mechanism of protein biosynthesis on a protein matrix

    Development of “active consumer” concept on energy market

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    The paper investigates a new approach to interaction of all participants on the energy market. An active consumer, as a participant of the energy market, has technical capabilities for optimization of their energy consumption, and determines whether “to produce” or “to buy” electrical energy on the market by themselves. The active consumer’s profile reflects their ability to optimize the electrical energy consumption schedule to improve the economic efficiency of consumption and reduce the cost of the electrical energy consumed. In the concept proposed in this paper, the active consumer is considered as a partner of the energy market entities. This brings about a change in the market regulators and participants’ behavior and their transition from the concept of cost management to the concept of interaction with consumers, involving them in the value chain. A significant difference in the cost of electrical energy for domestic and foreign industrial companies, due to the development of new technologies in the energy sector, leads to a change in the participants’ behavior. Within the framework of the active consumer concept, we propose a process model for the participants’ behavior in the energy market, which presents the economic benefits to all participants during a particular period of time. © 2018, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    Estimation of bond risks using minimax

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    The alarmist sentiment pertaining to extremely rare events in the financial markets – ‘the black swan events’ – place a particular focus on the issue of risk assessment, since most of the methods of classical statistics tend to underestimate their influence. The present paper aims to apply the new instruments of mathematical data analysis to obtain information on the quality of the regression model for indicators associated with corporate security investment. The authors suggest mathematical tools that can be applied to analyze heterogeneous noise phenomena using the following indicators – the absolute and the relative approximation errors arising from the deviations obtained through the Minimax model, and the indicators of bond price elasticity based on the problem of best uniform approximation of functions by polynomials of specified degree. According to computational experiments, the suggested methodology can be applied in practice, and mathematical apparatus should be developed to explore this dynamic process in detail, mainly for the bonds and other securities threatened by risks that cannot be efficiently assessed by employing conventional valuation techniques. © 2016, by ASERS® Publishing. All rights reserved

    Estimation of bond risks using minimax

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    The alarmist sentiment pertaining to extremely rare events in the financial markets – ‘the black swan events’ – place a particular focus on the issue of risk assessment, since most of the methods of classical statistics tend to underestimate their influence. The present paper aims to apply the new instruments of mathematical data analysis to obtain information on the quality of the regression model for indicators associated with corporate security investment. The authors suggest mathematical tools that can be applied to analyze heterogeneous noise phenomena using the following indicators – the absolute and the relative approximation errors arising from the deviations obtained through the Minimax model, and the indicators of bond price elasticity based on the problem of best uniform approximation of functions by polynomials of specified degree. According to computational experiments, the suggested methodology can be applied in practice, and mathematical apparatus should be developed to explore this dynamic process in detail, mainly for the bonds and other securities threatened by risks that cannot be efficiently assessed by employing conventional valuation techniques. © 2016, by ASERS® Publishing. All rights reserved

    Development of “active consumer” concept on energy market

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    The paper investigates a new approach to interaction of all participants on the energy market. An active consumer, as a participant of the energy market, has technical capabilities for optimization of their energy consumption, and determines whether “to produce” or “to buy” electrical energy on the market by themselves. The active consumer’s profile reflects their ability to optimize the electrical energy consumption schedule to improve the economic efficiency of consumption and reduce the cost of the electrical energy consumed. In the concept proposed in this paper, the active consumer is considered as a partner of the energy market entities. This brings about a change in the market regulators and participants’ behavior and their transition from the concept of cost management to the concept of interaction with consumers, involving them in the value chain. A significant difference in the cost of electrical energy for domestic and foreign industrial companies, due to the development of new technologies in the energy sector, leads to a change in the participants’ behavior. Within the framework of the active consumer concept, we propose a process model for the participants’ behavior in the energy market, which presents the economic benefits to all participants during a particular period of time. © 2018, Econjournals. All rights reserved