670 research outputs found

    Analisis Wacana Ideologi Bahasa Perempuan

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    Women\u27s language must be considered as a discourse, meaning that it is a way to express or to articulate events, experiences, views, and certain facts of life. Women\u27s language always represents an attitude toward certain life view, precisely in the form of a description of a contribution of whole worldview to the idea of life which have been recognized and interpreted by women. In fact, women\u27s and men\u27s languages are different but other opinion states the reverse. Women\u27s language tends to use cooperative style of speech, while men\u27s language employs competitive style. Men and women may be separated by dichotomy between private and public, or production and reproduction. As a result, the separation leads to the different attitude of men and women toward speech.An ideology can be expressed through language in the form of discourse. Ideology may be given explicitly or implicitly, even with or without awareness of the ideology carrier. Such condition has been experienced by women during the revelation of their ideology. A medium to deliver ideology is discourse, but still may involve the consideration of vocabulary and grammar selections

    Mengapa Pengusaha Online Belum Memiliki Asuransi BPJS Kesehatan? Studi Kasus di Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    Why don't online shop workers enroll in BPJS health insurance? a case study from the City of YogyakartaPurposeThis study aimed to explore why an informal sector group has not decided to become a part of BPJS health by identifying knowledge or health insurance literacy.MethodThis research was a qualitative study with a phenomenology approach. Determination of informants was used by snowball sampling technique. Data collection was conducted with in-depth interviews with 15 people from an online entrepreneurs group who live around the city of Yogyakarta. Data were identified with inductive thematic analysis related to health insurance literacy to determine any relationship pattern of reĀ­search variables.ResultsThe majority of informants have knowledge health insurance as a health care program used to seek treatment when sick. Specifically, informants have difficulties in understanding and explaining the basic terms about BPJS health insurance such as membership type, premium, benefits package, services procedure, the way of registration. The main determinant is caused by personal factors of informants themselves who are not seeking information about BPJS health because busy with works, still young, unmarried, and get ill rarely. Another factor is informants more often rely on getting insurance information from friends or family, while information from the Government and BPJS organization itself is very rare.ConclusionLow health insurance literacy is the main cause why informants decide not to be participants in BPJS health insurance. So it's necessary to educate people about the BPJS health insurance both from the government, BPJS organization, and especially health providers in health facilities

    Improving The Students' Speaking Accuracy Through ā€œLse 9.0 Software Versionā€

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    The objective of the research was to find out the improvement students' speaking accuracy through Learn to Speak English 9.0 Software Version at SMK Negeri 1 Pattallassang Gowa. This research used classroom action research that consists two cycles. The research object was the first year electric students' of SMK Negeri 1 Pattallassang Gowa academic year 2011/2012. The object of this research consisted of 32 students. The researcher obtained the data by using the speaking test in the diagnostic test, the cycle I and Cycle II. The results of the student's speaking test in cycle I and cycle II had significantly different scores. There was a better improvement of gains by students at the end of action cycle II. The research findings indicated that use of Learn to Speak English 9.0 Software as teaching media could improve the students' speaking accuracy after evaluation in cycles I and II, the means scores in diagnostic test is 5.21 and then it became 5.95 in the cycle I and 7.10 in the cycle II. It can be stated that the students' speaking accuracy at the first year electric students' of SMK Negeri 1 Pattallassang Gowa was in poor level after the test in the diagnostic test with mean score 5.21 had improved to fairly good level after the test in the cycle II with mean score 7.10

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, OlahragaDan Kesehatan terhadap Pembinaan Karakter Siswa

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    Penelitian ini asli dari hasil pengamatan penelitian tentang masalah yang terjadi pada siswa SMP di Kecamatan Rao, nampak bahwa karakter siswa cenderung rendah. Masalah itu diduga disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk memperoleh informasi dan mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, olahraga, dan kesehatan pada pembentukan karakter siswa di Sekolah Menengah Distrik Rao. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Expost facto dan data diambil langsung melalui teknik kuesioner. Populasinya adalah semua siswa SMP Negeri Se Rao yang berjumlah 752 orang, sampel penelitian adalah 75 orang yang mengambilnya menggunakan teknik Propotional Stratufed random sampling. Alat yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah tes kuesioner, kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik uji t plastik. Sebelum uji t dilakukan, uji persyaratan analisis adalah uji normalitas. Untuk data penelitian siswa Se Se Rao Lo 0,0938 dengan Lt pada Ī± = 0,05 0,1023 dengan demikian Lo <dari Lt dapat disimpulkan bahwa data yang diperoleh berdistribusi normal. Hasil analisis uji hipotesis diperoleh th -6,1894> ttabel 1,6853 pada taraf signifikansi Ī± = 0,05 pada jumlah sampel sebesar 75. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga dan kesehatan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pengembangan karakter siswa SMP Negeri Rao. Berdasarkan analisis dan diskusi data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga dan kesehatan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pengembangan karakter siswa SMP di Kabupaten Ra

    The Application of Activity Based Costing Are: Elimination in the Calculation of Cost of Production PT Semen Tonasa (Persero), Pangkep Regency

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    Economic conditions should be viewed as the catalyst for developing the ability to intelligently manage resources so that the people of Indonesia can be out of the condition. Effective management and efficiency is reflected in good planning and good planning requires good information. In order to plan well the utilization of company resources to fold the duplicate spiders, company management requires system information revealed by clearly and precisely the facts relating to the activity. PT Semen Tonasa is a fabrication company doing business in the field of cement industry and produces two types of cement, cement or Portland cement type 1 can (OPC) and Portland cement (PPC) Pazzolan. The benefits that can be gained if the company implemented the system of Activity-Based Costing are: elimination is obtained more accurate information, among others, to improve the quality of decision making. In the ABC product only burdened costs of resources and activities that are used and does not burdened by the cost of the resources and activities. This method causes the cost per unit of a more stable and consistent with the purposes of the imposition of costs to the product result in activity

    Analisis Akar Penyebab Masalah dalam Meningkatkan Overall Equipment Effectiveness (Oee) Mesin Stripping Hipack III dan Unimach di PT Pfi

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    . Overall Equipment Efectiveness (OEE) is a calculation method used inTotal Productive Maintenance (TPM) to maximize the effectiveness of machinesin industrial facilities. OEE value is determined by availability rate, performancerate and quality rate. Low OEE of the Hipack III and UNIMACH strippingmachine at PT Promedrahardjo Pharmaceutical industry identified the loweffectiveness of the machine. The aim of research is to improve the effectivenessof the machine by increasing its OEE value. The analytical method used is theanalysis of six big losses, fishbone diagrams, and pareto diagram. The results ofthe research show that the six big losses dominant factors in the machine aredowntime and speedlosses. The focused improvements on minimazing it factorsincrease the OEE machines
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