109 research outputs found

    Il ruolo dell’evergetismo aristocratico nella costruzione degli edifici di culto cristiani nell’hinterland di Roma

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    Studio delle committenze laiche degli edifici di culto cristiani del Lazio, con particolare riguardo al territorio rurale. L'evergetismo aristocratico si impone come fondamentale nella costruzione di una rete di chiese con cura di anime, sia nelle città che nelle campagn

    Il comprensorio della catacomba di San Callisto tra la via Appia e la via Ardeatina (Roma) alla luce delle indagini geofisiche estensive

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    The paper presents and discusses results from the integration of various methods of geophysical prospection on the plateau between the Via Appia and the Via Ardeatina on the ancient suburb of Rome. The use of large-scale magnetometry, georadar and electromagnetic survey in an area of particularly dense archaeological remains is a highly effective methodology for revealing important information on previously unknown archaeological features. Of particular interest in this case is the comparison between geophysical data and the results of previous excavations, and newly-targeted test investigations that suggest the survival of the documented but previously undiscovered basilica of Pope Damasus as well as unknown catacomb tunnels at San Callisto and elsewhere on the plateau

    a multi scalar approach to long term dynamics spatial relations and economic networks of roman secondary settlements in italy and the ombrone valley system southern tuscany towards a model

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    In Roman landscapes, the particular sites defined as secondary settlements (also known as vici/villages, minor centres, agglomerations secondaires and/or stationes/mansiones) have played an 'intermediary' role between the cities and other rural structures (villae/farms), linked to medium- and long-distance economic and commercial trajectories. The aim of this paper is to apply a multi-scalar approach to model their long-term spatial relationships and connectivity with the Mediterranean exchange network. On the macro-scale, we have analysed a sample of 219 reviewed sites to understand the diachronic trends and spatial dynamics of attraction/proximity to significant elements of the landscape such as towns, roads, rivers and coastline. The Ombrone Valley (Tuscany, Italy) represents a micro-scale case study of a complex system, in which the imported pottery (amphorae, African Red Slip ware, ingobbiata di rosso) found in the vicus/mansio of Santa Cristina in Caio, the Roman villa of La Befa and the town of Siena (Saena Iulia) provided diagnostic 'macroeconomic' perspectives. The results show how the secondary settlements occupied a nodal position in the Roman landscape in terms of resilience (long period of occupation until the Early Middle Ages) and spatial organization with a close relationship to natural and anthropic infrastructures and trade functions linked to Mediterranean routes

    Potenziamenti funzionali dei santuari martiriali di Roma e del Lazio nella tarda antichità e nell’altomedioevo. L’inquadramento nelle strutture della cura animarum.

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    Indagine sulla funzione di cura d'anime dei santuari martiriali del suburbio romano e del territorio del Lazio

    La “cristianizzazione”; Aletrium; Anagnia; Ferentinum; S. Maria Maggiore, chiesa; Verulae.

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    Schede di sintesi sulla topoprafia cristiana di alcune città del Lazio meridionale. Analisi di alcuni edifici di culto menzionati da epigrafi o da fonti letterarie

    Archeologia medievale e archeologia cristiana : due discipline a confronto

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    Discorso inaugurale

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