5,285 research outputs found

    Terapêutica Substitutiva da Função Renal no Doente Crítico - Que Modalidade Escolher?

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    A lesão renal aguda é uma complicação comum nas unidades de cuidados intensivos. A mortalidade do doente crítico que requer diálise é extremamente elevada, apesar dos avanços significativos dos cuidados prestados a estes doentes. Há várias décadas que se discute o tipo de modalidade dialítica a oferecer a estes doentes (continua ou intermitente) e os principais fatores que pesam na decisão clínica são os meios e a experiência do centro, bem como a condição clínica do doente. Vários estudos tentaram estabelecer a melhor abordagem ao doente crítico com lesão renal aguda e necessidade dialítica, em termos de sobrevida do doente e recuperação renal. Nesta revisão tentarei resumir as evidências disponíveis sobre este tema

    Mineral and Bone Disease in Renal Transplantation

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    Chronic kidney disease – mineral and bone disorders (CKD‑MBD) tends to improve or to change phenotypically in the post‑transplant period. Mineral and bone disorders post‑transplantation (MBD‑PT) seem to be associated with high fracture risk and cardiovascular morbidity, and so it is necessary to be aware of its presence to minimize the MBD‑PT impact. In this article we summarize the features of MBD‑PT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of a Shortage of Imiglucerase on Three Patients with Type I Gaucher Disease

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    Background: Children with Gaucher disease type I (GD1) are usually treated with enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) at a dose of 30-60U/Kg/2W. Recently, due to an acute shortage supply of imiglucerase, a reduced dose or a reduced infusion frequency was recommended. Objective: To evaluate the effects of a reduced infusion frequency of imiglucerase over 15 months of follow-up. Patients and Methods: Three patients (1M:2F) were treated with ERT since a median age of 7 years (range 5-12). Only one had bone crisis and Erlenmeyer deformations. Median duration of treatment before dose reduction was 3 years (range 1-8). ERT resulted in total regression of symptoms, normalization of hematological parameters and progressive improvement of chitotriosidase in all patients. In August 2009 infusion schedule was changed from a media 45U/Kg every two weeks to every four weeks. Results: All patients remained asymptomatic and with no major change on hematological parameters except for the patient with bone crisis who presented subnormal platelet count. All patients showed an upward trend in chitotriosidase values. Comments: Although a longer follow-up is needed, is probable that even children completely stabilized can probably not be kept on lower doses even though the reduction of frequency of the infusions represent a lower social burden

    Early Infantil Krabbe Disease with Unusual Survival

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    Introduction: Globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease) is caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal galactocerebrosidase that results in progressive demyelination. The sole treatment is hematopoietic cell transplantation, which is only effective if performed before the onset of signs. In the absence of treatment, most children with early infantile Krabbe disease die within 2 years. Case Report: Female patient, first child of non-consanguineous parents, apparently normal till the fifth month of age when she presented with irritability, stiffness with clenched fists, developmental delay and feeding difficulties that progressed rapidly to failure to thrive, apathy, psychomotor regression, few spontaneous movements and spastic tetraparesis. Cerebral MRI showed extensive cerebral white matter abnormalities, relatively sparing the U-fibers, with a pattern of radiating stripes. Galactocerebrosidase activity in leukocytes and fibroblasts and molecular studies confirmed the diagnosis of Krabbe disease. After the rapid and regressive initial phase, she showed no further clinical progression of the disorder and although she did not grow she even showed regression of irritability and had a stable evolution and good visual contact until death over the age of 5 years. Comments: Our case shows that patients may have a stabilized form of disease and that a longer survival than described in the literature without transplant is possible in some patients

    Symmetrical Peripheral Gangrene

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    Cytomegalovirus Nephropathy in the Transplant Patient

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    Calcifilaxia: Revisão da Literatura a Propósito de 2 Casos Clínicos

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    Calciphylaxis is a rare and devastating obliterative vasculopathy, leading to ischemia and subcutaneous necrosis. In most cases it affects patients with renal disease and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. We present two case reports followed recently in our department, and a literature review on this topic. Case one refers to an 80 -year -old Caucasian woman with chronic kidney disease stage 5 and primary hyperparathyroidism with secondary brown tumour and calciphylaxis. Case two refers to a 59 -year -old Caucasian woman admitted with severe nephrotic syndrome associated with amyloidosis, that developed a catastrophic picture of calciphylaxis, ending in the patient’s death. There is a critical need to understand the pathogenesis of calciphylaxis. Its comprehension is the only way to improve the survival of these patients, and may help to elucidate the pathophysiology of vascular calcification in general. Educating physicians in the prevention and early detection of calciphylaxis is crucial. Only by increasing the knowledge about risk factors, pathophysiology, response to treatment and outcome, will we be able to improve prophylaxis and therapy of patients with calciphylaxis, decreasing the high mortality of this entity

    Bone Mineral Disease After Kidney Transplantation

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    Chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD) after kidney transplantation is a mix of pre-existing disorders and new alterations. The final consequences are reflected fundamentally as abnormal mineral metabolism (hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia) and bone alterations [high or low bone turnover disease (as fibrous osteitis or adynamic bone disease), an eventual compromise of bone mineralization, decrease bone mineral density and bone fractures]. The major cause of post-transplantation hypercalcemia is the persistence of severe secondary hyperparathyroidism, and treatment options include calcimimetics or parathyroidectomy. On turn, hypophosphatemia is caused by both the persistence of high blood levels of PTH and/or high blood levels of FGF23, with its correction being very difficult to achieve. The most frequent bone morphology alteration is low bone turnover disease, while high-turnover osteopathy decreases in frequency after transplantation. Although the pathogenic mechanisms of these abnormalities have not been fully clarified, the available evidence suggests that there are a number of factors that play a very important role, such as immunosuppressive treatment, persistently high levels of PTH, vitamin D deficiency and hypophosphatemia. Fracture risk is four-fold higher in transplanted patients compared to general population. The most relevant risk factors for fracture in the kidney transplant population are diabetes mellitus, female sex, advanced age (especially > 65 years), dialysis vintage, high PTH levels and low phosphate levels, osteoporosis, pre-transplant stress fracture and high doses or prolonged steroids therapy. Treatment alternatives for CKD-MBD after transplantation include minimization of corticosteroids, use of calcium and vitamin D supplements, antiresorptives (bisphosphonates or Denosumab) and osteoformers (synthetic parathyroid hormone). As both mineral metabolism and bone disorders lead to increased morbidity and mortality, the presence of these changes after transplantation has to be prevented (if possible), minimized, diagnosed, and treated as soon as possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Role of Bone Biopsy in the Management of CKD-MBD

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    A bone biopsy is still considered the gold standard for diagnosis of renal osteodystrophy. It allows to measure both static and dynamic parameters of bone remodeling and is the only method able to evaluate mineralization and allows analysis of both cortical and trabecular bone. Although bone volume can be measured indirectly by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, mineralization defects, bone metal deposits, cellular number/activity, and even turnover abnormalities are difficult to determine by techniques other than qualitative bone histomorphometry. In this review, we evaluate the role of bone biopsy in the clinical practice.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio