548 research outputs found

    Noncommutative Supersymmetric Gauge Anomaly

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    We extend the general method of hep-th/0009192 to compute the consistent gauge anomaly for noncommutative 4d SSYM coupled to chiral matter. The choice of the minimal homotopy path allows us to obtain a simple and compact result. We perform the reduction to components in the WZ gauge proving that our result contains, as lowest component, the bosonic chiral anomaly for noncommutative YM theories recently obtained in literature.Comment: 14 pages, plain Latex, no figure

    F(4) Supergravity and 5D Superconformal Field Theories

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    We give a short account of the recently constructed N=2 D=6 matter coupled supergravity based on the F(4) exceptional supergroup and of its 5D superconformal theory correspondent.We give a short account of the recently constructed N=2 D=6 matter coupled supergravity based on the F(4) exceptional supergroup and of its 5D superconformal theory correspondent

    The Relationship Between Cretan Hieroglyphic and Linear A: A Palaeographic and Structural Approach

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    This work has two specific objectives : 1. The reconstruction of a palaeographic model that describes the relationship between the Cretan Hieroglyphic script and Linear A ; 2. The structural analysis of the sign distribution of the two scripts and the distribution of their sign sequences (or sign groups). The two sets of analysis aim to establish via rigorous, solid parameters the degree of relation between the two scripts, by reconstructing through an evolutionary dimension the development of each sign and by establishing its positional distribution in each script corpus. The conclusions indicate that, despite sharing a nucleus of signs, the two scripts show notable divergences : a percentage of Linear A signs is not shared by the Cretan Hierolgyphic, which implies innovation strategies from a common template. In addition, the analysis of the two writing systems shows that no sign sequences are shared, in addition to different positional distributions. This evidence indicates that Linear A was the result of substantial adaptation strategies of the Cretan Hieroglyphic model

    On the construction of variant supergravities in D=11, D=10

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    We construct with a geometric procedure the supersymmetry transformation laws and Lagrangian for all the ``variant'' D=11 and D=10 Type IIA supergravities. We identify into our classification the D=11 and D=10 Type IIA ``variant'' theories first introduced by Hull performing T-duality transformation on both spacelike and timelike circles. We find in addition a set of D=10 Type IIA ``variant'' supergravities that can not be obtained trivially from eleven dimensions compactifying on a circle.Comment: 21 pages, Late

    Domain Wall/Cosmology correspondence in (AdS/dS)_6 x S^4 geometries

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    We investigate the ten dimensional origin of six dimensional F_4 variant supergravity with supersymmetric de Sitter background. We address first the issue of spontaneous compactification, showing that it consists of a warped compactification on a four sphere of a variant massive type IIA supergravity. Moreover we illustrate how the known D4-D8 brane solution, whose near horizon geometry yields AdS_6 x S^4, is accordingly modified to a system including Euclidean branes. Finally, we discuss the relation between this latter solution and the D4-D8 brane system, showing how it represents a generalisation of the DW/Cosmology correspondence.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    D=6, N=2, F(4)-Supergravity with supersymmetric de Sitter Background

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    We show that there exists a supersymmetric de Sitter background for the D=6, N=2, F(4) supergravity preserving the compact R-symmetry and gauging with respect to the conventional Anti de Sitter version of the theory. We construct the gauged matter coupled F(4) de Sitter supergravity explicitly and show that it contains ghosts in the vector sector.Comment: 19 pages, Late

    The mathematical values of fraction signs in the Linear A script: A computational, statistical and typological approach

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    Minoan Linear A is still an undeciphered script mainly used for administrative purposes on Bronze Age Crete. One of its most enigmatic features is the precise mathematical values of its system of numerical fractions. The aim of this article is to address this issue through a multi-stranded methodology that comprises palaeographical examination and statistical, computational, and typological approaches. Taking on from previous analyses, which suggested hypothetical values for some fractions, we extended our probe into assessing values for some problematic ones. The results achieved, based, on the one hand, on a close palaeographical analysis and, on the other, on computational, statistical, and typological strategies, show a remarkable convergence and point towards a systematic assignment of mathematical values for the Linear A fraction signs. This contribution sets the agenda for a combinatorial, novel, and unbiased approach that may help advance our comprehension of some standing issues related to ancient undeciphered writing systems
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