2,182 research outputs found

    Vigilancia de las arbovirosis en España

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    Concepto de Vigilancia Epidemiológica ¿Porqué Vigilar las arbovirosis ¿Quién las vigila? ¿Cómo? Protocolos RENAVE Hitos en vigilancia de arbovirosis. Resultados vigilancia dengue, fiebre de chikungunya y enfermedad por virus ZikaN

    Plan Nacional de Prevención, Vigilancia y Control de las enfermedades transmitidas por Aedes y Culex

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    Incluye pdf de la presentación y vídeo del seminario.Las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, suponen un 17% de las enfermedades infecciosas y causan más de 700.000 muertes/año, principalmente el paludismo con más de 600.000, dengue 40.000 y otras como chikungunya, Zika , fiebre amarilla y garrapatas. Todas ellas están muy ligadas a la actividad humana (demografía, viajes, comercio, industrialización, usos del suelo) y el medio ambiente (climatología, cambio climático). Su origen o reservorio es zoonótico y muchas de ellas son prevenibles.N

    Evaluation of brain functional connectivity from electroencephalographic signals under different emotional states

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    The identification of the emotional states corresponding to the four quadrants of the valence/arousal space has been widely analyzed in the scientific literature by means of multiple techniques. Nevertheless, most of these methods were based on the assessment of each brain region separately, without considering the possible interactions among different areas. In order to study these interconnections, this study computes for the first time the functional connectivity metric called cross-sample entropy for the analysis of the brain synchronization in four groups of emotions from electroencephalographic signals. Outcomes reported a strong synchronization in the interconnections among central, parietal and occipital areas, while the interactions between left frontal and temporal structures with the rest of brain regions presented the lowest coordination. These differences were statistically significant for the four groups of emotions. All emotions were simultaneously classified with a 95.43% of accuracy, overcoming the results reported in previous studies. Moreover, the differences between high and low levels of valence and arousal, taking into account the state of the counterpart dimension, also provided notable findings about the degree of synchronization in the brain within different emotional conditions and the possible implications of these outcomes from a psychophysiological point of view.- This publication is part of the R&D Projects Nos. PID2020-115220RB-C21, EQC2019-006063P, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, and 2018/11744, funded by "ERDF A way to make Europe". This work was partially supported by Biomedical Research Networking Centre in Mental Health (CIBERSAM) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Beatriz Garcia-Martinez holds FPU16/03740 scholarship from Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Formacion Profesional

    Estimating human leishmaniasis burden in Spain using the capture-recapture method, 2016-2017

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    Leishmaniasis is endemic and a mandatory reporting disease in Spain since 1982. However, between 1996 and 2014, surveillance on public health was decentralized and only some autonomous regions monitored the disease. The aim of this study is to estimate the incidence of leishmaniasis and to evaluate the extent of underreporting in Spain. A capture-recapture (CRC) study was conducted to calculate the incidence of human leishmaniasis using reports from the National Surveillance Network (RENAVE) and the Hospital Discharge Records of the National Health System (CMBD) for 2016 and 2017. During the study period, 802 cases were reported to RENAVE and there were 1,149 incident hospitalizations related to leishmaniasis. The estimated incidence rates through the CRC study were 0.79 per 100,000 inhabitants for visceral leishmaniasis (VL), 0.88 (cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL)) and 0.12 (mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL)) in 2016 and 0.86 (VL), 1.04 (CL) and 0.12 (MCL) in 2017. An underreporting of 14.7-20.2% for VL and 50.4-55.1% for CL was found. The CRC method has helped us to assess the sensitivity and representativeness of leishmaniasis surveillance in Spain, being a useful tool to assess whether the generalization of leishmaniasis surveillance throughout the Spanish territory achieves a reduction in underreporting.S

    La leishmaniasis en España: evolución de los casos notificados a la Red Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica desde 2005 a 2017 y resultados de la vigilancia de 2014 a 2017

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    [ES] La leishmaniasis es una enfermedad endémica en España. Es de declaración obligatoria en todo el territorio desde 2015 a través de la Red Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica (RENAVE). Los objetivos son conocer su distribución temporal y espacial, describir la epidemiología de los casos autóctonos y conocer la calidad de las notificaciones. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en el que se analizó la distribución temporal de casos y las tasas de las comunidades autónomas (CCAA) con notificación estable (2005 a 2017). Además, a partir de los casos autóctonos notificados entre 2014 y 2017 se realizó un estudio descriptivo que incluyó la distribución temporal y espacial (casos y tasas). La calidad se midió según la exhaustividad en la cumplimentación de las variables. Entre 2005 y 2017 hubo 8 CCAA con notificación estable (media 141 casos/año, tasa de período 0,62 casos/100.000 hab.). Hubo picos en 2011 y 2012 debidos principalmente a la Comunidad de Madrid. Excluyendo los casos de la C. de Madrid (TI Otras) la evolución observada fue más estable, con tendencia ascendente desde 2012. Entre 2014 y 2017 hubo 1359 casos autóctonos (media 340 casos/año; tasa 0,76) de 15 CCAA, con una tendencia ascendente. El mayor número correspondió a enero y junio. 5 CCAA acumularon el 89,9% de los casos del período: Comunidad Valenciana, Comunidad de Madrid, Cataluña, Baleares y Andalucía. Presentaron tasas superiores a la del período Baleares, Comunidad Valenciana, Comunidad de Madrid y Castilla La-Mancha. El 61,1% de los casos eran hombres y la edad mediana 48 años. Las tasas más elevadas se observan en los niños y niñas <1 año y de 1 a 4. El 51,6% fueron formas viscerales. La cumplimentación de las variables de riesgo fue muy escasa o nula. Del resto, las variables con mayor frecuencia de datos desconocidos fueron: municipio del caso (63,2%), defunción (57,9%), fecha de diagnóstico (52%), hospitalización (49,4%) y país de nacimiento (37,7%). La tendencia ascendente de notificación de leishmaniasis observada en los últimos años es probablemente multifactorial. La enfermedad se distribuye por todo el país durante todo el año, con regiones y épocas de mayor riesgo. El grupo de mayor riesgo son niños menores de 5 años. Existe amplio margen de mejora en la calidad de la información.[EN] Leishmaniasis is a disease endemic in Spain. Reporting is compulsory for every Autonomous Region (CCAA) through the National Surveillance Network since 2015. The objectives are to know its temporal and spatial distribution, to describe the epidemiology of autochthonous cases and to find out the quality of case reporting. A descriptive analysis was carried out. Temporal distribution of the cases and rates by CCAA were conducted considering regions with stable notification (2005 to 2017). Using autochthonous cases from 2014 to 2017, a descriptive analysis including temporal and spatial distribution (cases and rates) was also performed. Quality was measured according to the completeness in the completion of variables. From 2005 to 2017 there were 8 CCAA with stable reporting (mean 141 cases/year, period rate 0.62 cases/100.000 inhabitants). Peaks in 2011 and 2012 were mainly due to the Community of Madrid. Excluding these cases (TIOtras), a more stable trend was observed with an increase since 2012. Between 2014 and 2017 there were 1359 autochthonous cases (mean 340 cases/year; rate 0.76) from 15 CCAA, with an upward trend. The largest number corresponded to January and June. 89.9% of cases corresponded to 5 CCAA: Valencian Community, Madrid, Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Andalusia. Rates higher than the period one were observed in Balearics, Valencian Community, Madrid and Castilla La-Mancha. Men represented 61.1% of the cases. The median age was 48 years. The highest rates corresponded to children <1 year and from 1 to 4. 51.6% of cases were visceral diseases. The completion of risk variables was almost null. Among the other variables, those with highest missing values proportion were: municipality of the case (63.2%), death (57.9%), date of diagnosis (52%), hospitalization (49.4%) and country of birth (37.7%). The recent upward trend of leishmaniasis notification is probably multifactorial. The disease is distributed throughout the country along the year, with variable risk by regions and periods. The highest risk group are children under 5 years-old. There is a large scope for improvement in the quality of data.N

    Big Mosquito Bytes. Ciencia ciudadana y Salud Pública

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    Comunicación presentada en las II Jornada del Centro Nacional de Epidemiología - 2021.Se expone la aplicación "Mosquito Alert" como proyecto de ciencia ciudadana. La ciencia ciudadana hace referencia a involucrar al público general en actividades de investigación científica. Está herramienta pretende tener una predicción en tiempo real de la interacción mosquito-humano

    Ectomycorrhizal status of a mature productive black truffle plantation

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    The truffle-plantation «Los Quejigares» was planted in 1971 by AROTZ-CATESA company. It is a 600 ha plot of Quercus ilexmycorrhizated with Tuber melanosporum at 1,250 m a.s.l. on calcareous soil. This plantation is the largest of the world and one of the eldest truffle-plantations of Spain and it is in full production. Knowledge of the mycorrhizal status of a mature black truffle plantation is significant for the improvement of truffle cultivation. Ectomycorrhizae were studied for knowing T. melanosporum persistence and diversity and abundance of other ectomycorrhizal types. Roots of 16 holmoaks were sampled, 12 trees produce truffle sporocarps and four did not. It was found a mean of about 35% of T. melanosporum ectomycorrhizae in the studied trees, being this significantly higher in the productive trees. Also, 105 more different ectomycorrhizal types were found. In spite of the high number of morphotypes found, it seems that they do not replace T. melanosporum, showing that there is a coexistence between species in the fungal community associated to the roots

    El papel de la movilidad geográfica en la expansión de Aedes albopictus y en la transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas

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    Ponencia sobre el papel de la movilidad geográfica en la expansión de Aedes albopictus y en la transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas. Se estudia la dispersión de Aedes albopictus basados en el análisis de datos de la invasión en la provincia de Girona durante 2009-2011; y la dispersión epidémica en redes desarrollando un marco teórico para la modelización de la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas.N

    Caracterización de ectomicorrizas en encinares productores de trufa negra del noreste de Soria

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    Black truffle sporocarp production is determined, amongst many other factors, by an optimum mycorrhization degree in the roots of the host-tree. This process is triggered in balance with other fungal species that does not inhibit its sporocarp production. So, there is an ectomycorrhizal fungal community associated with the black truffle sporocarp productive host-trees that runs as any other living beings community, producing a certain fungal biodiversity and establishing connections in dynamic balance that will evolve. The absence of black truffle sporocarps production in some host-trees will be determined by its ectomycorrhiza absence, or because between the fungal community there are one or more species that inhibit this process or displace it. With the aim of study those topics, the ectomycorrhizae present in 23 adult holmoak trees (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.) of seven Tuber melanosporum Vittad. productive areas in the North-West of Soria (inner Spain) are characterized and quantified. During the spring and the autumn of 1999 and 2000, black truffle productive and non-productive holmoaks were studied following the global method (Verlhac et al., 1990, La truffe guide pratique). Ectomycorrhizal types were characterized following the guidelines of Agerer (1999). Tuber melanosporum, T. aestivum Vittad., T. brumale Vittad., Cenococcum geophylum Fr., Pisolithus arrhizus (Scop.) Rauscher, Cantharellus tubaeformis (Bull.) Fr., Hebeloma cf. sinapizans (Fr.) Sacc., Tomentella galzinii Bourdot, AD type, Cortinarius sp., Hebeloma sp. and Scleroderma sp. and many others Telephorales, Tuberales and Boletales ectomycorrhizal types were found. Tuber melanosporum mycorrhizae are present both in productive and non-productive hosttrees, as it happens for T. aestivum, while T. brumale ectomycorrhizae are only present in nonproductive holmoaks. The rest of identified ectomycorrhizal types are present in productive and non-productive host-trees