711 research outputs found

    A framework to understand human action

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    This paper consists in an analysis of two explanatory models of human behaviour which play a prominent role in the contemporary literature on human action. The first model - the causalist - aims at explaining action in terms of causes and general laws. The second model - the intentionalist - explains human action in terms of intentions and practical syllogism. The difficulties of both models are presented and in the last part of the essay we propose one alternative model, based on the notion of retroduction

    Didactic speech synthesizer – acoustic module, formants model

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    Text-to-speech synthesis is lhe main subjecl treated in this work. II will be presented the conslilution of a generic lext-to-speech system conversion, explained lhe functions 01 the various modules and described lhe developmenl lechniques using lhe formants model. The development of a didactic forman! synthesiser under Matlab environmenl will also be described. This didactic synthesiser is inlended for a didactic understanding of lhe formant modelaI speech producllon

    Didactic speech synthesizer – acoustic module, formants model

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    Text-to-speech synthesis is lhe main subjecl treated in this work. II will be presented the conslilution of a generic lext-to-speech system conversion, explained lhe functions 01 the various modules and described lhe developmenl lechniques using lhe formants model. The development of a didactic forman! synthesiser under Matlab environmenl will also be described. This didactic synthesiser is inlended for a didactic understanding of lhe formant modelaI speech producllon

    A new approach to modelling and forecasting monthly overnights in the Northern Region of Portugal

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    The need to analyze the main factors determining the evolution of demand within the tourism sector, which is the driving force of the whole tourism activity, and the importance that forecasting has in this domain, may be justified by the fact that the tourism sector plays a significant role in the economy of Portugal and its regions because of the large number of people employed directly and indirectly, and also because of its ability to bring in currency that reflects in different sector of economic activity. Although tourism is less developed in the North of Portugal than in other regions of the country, it is essential to comprehend this phenomenon in order to empower local economic agents to carry out strategic measures to maximize profits from newly emerging situations. The objective of the present research is to quantify national and international tourism flows by developing (mathematical) models and applying them to sensitivity studies in order to predict demand. This work provides a deeper understanding of the tourism sector in Northern Portugal and contributes to already existing econometric studies by using the Artificial Neural Networks methodology. This work's focus is on the treatment, analysis, and modelling of time series representing “Monthly Guest Nights in Hotels” in Northern Portugal recorded between January 1987 and December 2003. This was achieved through a study of the reference time series whose past values were known and whose objective was to obtain a model that better predicts the behaviour of the time series under study. The model used 6 neurons in the hidden layer with the logistic activation function and was trained using the Resilient Backpropagation algorithm (a variation of backpropagation algorithm). Each time series forecast depended on 12 preceding values. The obtained model yielded acceptable goodness of fit and statistical properties and is therefore adequate for the modelling and prediction of the reference time series

    Prediction tourism demand using artificial neural networks

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    The aim of this research is to quantify the tourism demand using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model. The methodology was focused in the treatment, analysis and modulation of the tourism time series: “Monthly Guest Nights in Hotels” in Northern Portugal recorded between January 1987 and December 2006, since it is one of the variables that better explain the effective tourism demand. The model used 4 neurons in the hidden layer with the logistic activation function and was trained using the Resilient Backpropagation algorithm. Each time series forecast depended on 12 preceding values. The developed model yielded acceptable goodness of fit and statistical properties and therefore it is adequate for the modulation and prediction of the reference time series

    New approach of the ann methodology for forecasting time series: use of time index

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    In previous publications, the authors reported their work with the artificial neural networks (ANN) methodologies for the forecast of guest nights in hotels time series. The ANN methodology has made predictions more accurate than other methodologies [1, 5]. However, as a consequence of the tourism demand increase in the last years these time series registered an unusual increase in its values. Considering that the ANN methodology uses the past to predict the future in a statistically way, it became very difficult for the ANN to predict numbers never seen before in the past. The authors report in this paper a new approach of the ANN methodology using the time in its input instead of the previous 12 registered observations, as usually used. The authors intend to capture the time variation of the series along the years, and use this parameter as the input. The paper presents a comparison between the classic usage of the ANN methodology with a new modulation using the years and month in the input. The new modulation consists in four variations of the input of the ANN: A - just month; B - year and month; C - a combination of A and classic model and D - a combination of B and classic model. The models B and D improved the forecasting performance over the classic model, with a mean relative error of 5.98% and 5.79% in the test set, against the 6.36% for the classic model

    Nova abordagem da metodologia de redes neuronais artificiais para a previsão de séries temporais de turismo: a data com índice. Aplicação à Região da Madeira

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    Em trabalhos anteriores os autores relataram os seus trabalhos com Redes Neuronais Artificiais (RNA) para realizarem a previsão da série temporal ‘Dormidas Mensais em Hotéis’ das regiões Norte, Centro e Portugal Continental. A metodologia de RNA tem provado fazer previsões com melhor precisão que outras metodologias. Como consequência do aumento da procura turística nos últimos anos, estas séries registaram uma tendência significativamente crescente. Como esta metodologia usa o passado no seu treino tem-se tornado cada vez mais difícil para este modelo prever valores futuros com uma dimensão nunca vista no passado. Os autores propõem neste trabalho uma nova abordagem usando o tempo como parâmetro de entrada em vez de usarem apenas os últimos 12 valores registados no ano anterior. Com este novo parâmetro na entrada pretendem capturar a variação temporal destas séries ao longo dos anos. Neste trabalho foi usada a série temporal da Região Autónoma da Madeira usando o mês e o ano como índices na entrada da RNA em diferentes combinações de acordo com modelos já experimentados com a série da região Norte. Os modelos confirmaram o benefício da utilização dos índices temporais reduzindo o valor do erro relativo médio e também do coeficiente de correlação

    Comportamento da procura turística: região Norte de Portugal

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    No presente artigo pretende-se avaliar o desempenho e a competitividade do destino turístico - Região Norte de Portugal, utilizando-se para tal o instrumento de análise proposto por Faulkner. Numa segunda fase e para se quantificar os fluxos turísticos vai desenvolver-se um modelo resultante da aplicação de Redes Neuronais Artificiais. A utilização desta metodologia centrou-se na análise e modelação da série temporal de turismo: Dormidas Mensais na Região Norte de Portugal, registadas no período de Janeiro de 1987 a Dezembro de 2004. O modelo obtido apresentou qualidades estatísticas e de ajustamento aceitáveis evidenciando ser adequado para a modelação e previsão da série de referência.The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance and the competitiveness of the tourism destination especially the northern region of Portugal, based on the Faulkner model. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is used to quantify the tourism demand. The methodology was focused in the analysis and modulation of the tourism time series: Monthly Nights Spent in Hotel Establishments in the North of Portugal, registered between January 1987 and December 2004. The developed model yielded acceptable goodness of fit and statistical properties and therefore it is adequate for the modulation and prediction of the reference time series

    Forecasting of a non-seasonal tourism time series with ANN

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    The paper present and discusses several alternative architectures of Artificial Neural Network models used to predict the time series of tourism demand for Cape Verde. This time series is particularly difficult to predict due to its non-seasonal characteristic usual in a similar time series for European Tourism destinations. The time index used as input and other input parameters variations improved the performance of the prediction over the test set to a relative error of 7.3% and a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.92.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Previsão da série temporal turismo com redes neuronais artificiais

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    O objectivo da investigação em curso consiste no desenvolvimento de modelos baseados em redes neuronais artificiais (RNA) e a sua aplicação de forma a prever a procura turística caracterizada na série temporal em estudo. A presente publicação contribui para os estudos económicos através da utilização destas redes. As RNA podem ser definidas como estruturas que compreendem a inter-conectividade adaptativa de elementos simples de processamento, com capacidade de computação paralela massiva para o processamento de dados de entrada que representam o conhecimento. As RNA têm a capacidade de aprender a partir de um conjunto de dados e experiências, de identificar padrões ou sequências e fazer generalizações para o futuro. A sua popularidade pode ser atribuída à sua capacidade única de simular uma grande variedade de dispositivos não lineares. Este trabalho foca-se no tratamento, análise e modelação da série temporal que representa o número mensal de dormidas em hotéis na região norte de Portugal, entre Janeiro de 1987 e Dezembro de 2006. Foram testados vários processamentos prévios desta série, diferentes arquitecturas das RNA e diferentes algoritmos de treino destas redes. Foi ainda testada alguma variação no que concerne ao conjunto de dados de entrada da rede. Na generalidade os resultados apresentados no processo de previsão pelos diversos modelos podem considerar-se a um nível razoavelmente próximo dos dados reais (objectivo). Segundo Lewis (1982) a generalidade dos modelos estudados consegue uma previsão com uma precisão elevada. Desta forma podem ser considerados adequados ao problema de previsão desta séria temporal como referência e de outras da mesma natureza