364 research outputs found

    Two sides of entrepreneurship in the province of Huelva at the end of nineteenth century

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    El presente estudio indaga en una característica esencial de la Huelva empresarial de finales del siglo XIX: la convivencia y competencia entre el capital local y el extranjero, particularmente en el ámbito de la industria. A través del análisis de dos sujetos que representan cada uno de los sectores mencionados, pretendemos establecer las similitudes y diferencias que presentan en sus comportamientos económicos y sociales.This work investigates an essential feature of Huelva’s business during the late nineteenth century: the coexistence and competition between local and foreign capital, particularly in the field of industry. Through the analysis of two businessmen who representing each of these sectors, we intend to establish the similarities and differences of their economic and social behaviors

    Escándalos electorales en Perú en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: respuestas parlamentarias ante el fraude

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    El 17 de abril de 1861 se promulgó en Perú una ley de elecciones que pretendía garantizar la libertad del sufragio y la limpieza electoral a través de diversas disposiciones. No obstante, el análisis de los comicios celebrados en los años inmediatamente posteriores pone de manifiesto la repetición de ciertos comportamientos percibidos como escandalosos y, por tanto, la incapacidad de la legislación para frenar el fraude electoral. En este contexto, en este artículo se analiza la percepción del fraude electoral a través del debate suscitado en la opinión pública, así como las reacciones de los legisladores frente a dicho fenómeno y las posibles soluciones planteadas al respecto. Para ello se utilizan principalmente las denuncias vertidas en la prensa y los debates desarrollados en el Congreso durante la década de 1860. Por último, se propone una reflexión en torno al uso político del fraude electoral en el Perú decimonónico y su vinculación con la ampliación o restricción de la participación política en el sistema liberal

    Ciudadanos, electores, representantes: discursos de inclusión y exclusión políticas en Perú y Ecuador (1860-1870).

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    Este trabajo ofrece un análisis de la construcción de la ciudadanía y la representación política en Perú y en Ecuador durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, concretamente en torno a la década de 1860. Se inscribe, por tanto, en un período de consolidación de los regímenes liberales en América Latina y de mayor estabilidad política, lo que facilita el acercamiento a las estrategias legislativas y a las estructuras institucionales que dieron sustento a la vida parlamentaria. En este sentido, se presenta un análisis de historia política o, más bien, de historia de lo político, una noción más amplia del concepto que alberga componentes culturales. De modo que, desde el punto de vista metodológico, esta tesis se adhiere a la historia cultural de la política. La configuración y funcionamiento del Parlamento se sitúa como el punto de referencia fundamental en esta tesis, en la que resulta crucial el análisis del discurso, especialmente del discurso parlamentario. Los representantes parlamentarios fueron los encargados de elaborar, debatir y promulgar todo tipo de textos legislativos, que sentarían las bases del juego político. A su vez, fueron los responsables de diseñar el sistema electoral, del que saldrían electos los propios parlamentarios. En este proceso resultaba fundamental el desarrollo de los debates parlamentarios, especialmente aquellos que configuraban los contornos de la inclusión y la exclusión política. A partir de aquí, las élites políticas e intelectuales peruanas y ecuatorianas definieron diferentes categorías políticas, que dan título a esta tesis: ciudadanos, electores y representantes. Para acceder a cada una de estas categorías los propios parlamentarios tuvieron que delimitar una serie de requisitos, en los que entraban en juego aspectos como el territorio, el género o la raza, todos ellos elementos que se cruzan en esta investigación. Además, este trabajo inserta los casos de estudio señalados en un contexto geográfico más amplio, utilizando para ello una metodología comparativa y un enfoque transnacional que permite alcanzar varios niveles espaciales: el ámbito andino, el contexto iberoamericano y el espacio atlántico. La circulación de personas, ideas y modelos políticos influiría enormemente en la configuración de los sistemas representativos peruano y ecuatoriano objetos de este estudio. Así, esta investigación se interesa por los procesos de transferencias culturales, a la vez que por la especificidad de cada comunidad, apostando por traspasar las fronteras nacionales y fomentar el análisis transnacional.This doctoral thesis offers an analysis of the construction of citizenship and political representation in Peru and Ecuador during the second half of the nineteenth century, specifically around the 1860s. Therefore, it fits into a period of consolidation of the liberal regimes in Latin America. This moment of greater political stability facilitates the approach to the legislative strategies and the institutional structures that gave support to parliamentary life. In this sense, it is presented an analysis of history of politics or, rather, the history of the political, a broader notion of the concept that contains cultural components. So, from the methodological point of view, this thesis adheres to the cultural history of politics. The configuration and functioning of Parliament is situated as the fundamental point of reference in this work, in which the analysis of discourse, especially parliamentary discourse, is crucial. The parliamentary representatives were in charge of elaborating, debating and enacting all kinds of legislative texts, which would lay the foundations of the political game. At the same time, they were responsible for designing the electoral system, in which the own parliamentarians would be elected. In this process, the development of parliamentary debates was fundamental, especially those that shaped the contours of political inclusion and exclusion. From this point, the Peruvian and Ecuadorian political and intellectual elites defined different political categories, which appear in the title of this thesis: citizens, electors and representatives. To access each of these categories, the parliamentarians had to delimit a series of requirements, related to some aspects that are intersected in this research, such as territory, gender or race. In addition, this work inserts the case studies above in a broader geographical context, using a comparative methodology and a transnational approach that allows reaching several spatial levels: the Andean area, the Ibero-American context and the Atlantic space. The circulation of people, ideas and political models would greatly influence the configuration of the Peruvian and Ecuadorian representative systems. Thus, this research is interested in the processes of cultural transfers, as well as in the specificity of each community, opting for transcending national borders and promoting transnational analysis

    Two sides of entrepeneurship in the province of Huelva at the end of nineteenth century

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    El presente estudio indaga en una característica esencial de la Huelva empresarial de finales del siglo XIX: la convivencia y competencia entre el capital local y el extranjero, particularmente en el ámbito de la industria. A través del análisis de dos sujetos que representan cada uno de los sectores mencionados, pretendemos establecer las similitudes y diferencias que presentan en sus comportamientos económicos y sociales.This work investigates an essential feature of Huelva’s business during the late nineteenth century: the coexistence and competition between local and foreign capital, particularly in the field of industry. Through the analysis of two businessmen who representing each of these sectors, we intend to establish the similarities and differences of their economic and social behavior

    Dos caras del empresariado de la provincia de Huelva a finales del siglo XIX

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    El presente estudio indaga en una característica esencial de la Huelva empresarial de finales del siglo XIX: la convivencia y competencia entre el capital local y el extranjero, particularmente en el ámbito de la industria. A través del análisis de dos sujetos que representan cada uno de los sectores mencionados, pretendemos establecer las similitudes y diferencias que presentan en sus comportamientos económicos y sociales

    3D printing and electrospinning of composite hydrogels for cartilage and bone tissue engineering

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    Injuries of bone and cartilage constitute important health issues costing the National Health Service billions of pounds annually, in the UK only. Moreover, these damages can become cause of disability and loss of function for the patients with associated social costs and diminished quality of life. The biomechanical properties of these two tissues are massively different from each other and they are not uniform within the same tissue due to the specific anatomic location and function. In this perspective, tissue engineering (TE) has emerged as a promising approach to address the complexities associated with bone and cartilage regeneration. Tissue engineering aims at developing temporary three-dimensional multicomponent constructs to promote the natural healing process. Biomaterials, such as hydrogels, are currently extensively studied for their ability to reproduce both the ideal 3D extracellular environment for tissue growth and to have adequate mechanical properties for load bearing. This review will focus on the use of two manufacturing techniques, namely electrospinning and 3D printing, that present promise in the fabrication of complex composite gels for cartilage and bone tissue engineering applications

    «Salve, tierra bendita de Huelva». El vuelo del Plus Ultra y su relevancia en los lugares colombinos

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    20 páginas.Capítulo incluido en el libro: Actas de las Jornadas de Historia sobre el Descubrimiento de América. Tomo IV: Jornadas XI, XII, XIII y XIV, 2015, 2016, 2017 y 2018. Eduardo García Cruzado (Coordinación). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2019. ISBN 978-84-7993-346-3. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/3954

    Centre of rotation of the human subtalar joint using weight-bearing clinical computed tomography

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    Accurate in vivo quantification of subtalar joint kinematics can provide important information for the clinical evaluation of subtalar joint function; the analysis of outcome of surgical procedures of the hindfoot; and the design of a replacement subtalar joint prosthesis. The objective of the current study was to explore the potential of full weight-bearing clinical computed tomography (CT) to evaluate the helical axis and centre of rotation of the subtalar joint during inversion and eversion motion. A subject specific methodology was proposed for the definition of the subtalar joint motion combining three-dimensional (3D) weight-bearing imaging at different joint positions with digital volume correlation (DVC). The computed subtalar joint helical axis parameters showed consistency across all healthy subjects and in line with previous data under simulated loads. A sphere fitting approach was introduced for the computation of subtalar joint centre of rotation, which allows to demonstrate that this centre of rotation is located in the middle facet of the subtalar joint. Some translation along the helical axis was also observed, reflecting the elasticity of the soft-tissue restraints. This study showed a novel technique for non-invasive quantitative analysis of bone-to-bone motion under full weight-bearing of the hindfoot. Identifying different joint kinematics in patients with ligamentous laxity and instability, or in the presence of stiffness and arthritis, could help clinicians to define optimal patient-specific treatments

    Phenotypic characterization of X-linked hypophosphatemia in pediatric Spanish population

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    Deformitats òssies; Retard en el creixement; Hipofosfatèmia hereditàriaDeformidades óseas; Retraso en el crecimiento; Hipofosfatemia hereditariaBone deformities; Growth retardation; Inherited hypophosphatemiaBackground X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is a hereditary rare disease caused by loss-of-function mutations in PHEX gene leading tohypophosphatemia and high renal loss of phosphate. Rickets and growth retardation are the major manifestations of XLH in children, but there is a broad phenotypic variability. Few publications have reported large series of patients. Current data on the clinical spectrum of the disease, the correlation with the underlying gene mutations, and the long-term outcome of patients on conventional treatment are needed, particularly because of the recent availability of new specific medications to treat XLH. Results The RenalTube database was used to retrospectively analyze 48 Spanish patients (15 men) from 39 different families, ranging from 3 months to 8 years and 2 months of age at the time of diagnosis (median age of 2.0 years), and with XLH confirmed by genetic analysis. Bone deformities, radiological signs of active rickets and growth retardation were the most common findings at diagnosis. Mean (± SEM) height was − 1.89 ± 0.19 SDS and 55% (22/40) of patients had height SDS below—2. All cases had hypophosphatemia, serum phosphate being − 2.81 ± 0.11 SDS. Clinical manifestations and severity of the disease were similar in both genders. No genotype—phenotype correlation was found. Conventional treatment did not attenuate growth retardation after a median follow up of 7.42 years (IQR = 11.26; n = 26 patients) and failed to normalize serum concentrations of phosphate. Eleven patients had mild hyperparathyroidism and 8 patients nephrocalcinosis. Conclusions This study shows that growth retardation and rickets were the most prevalent clinical manifestations at diagnosis in a large series of Spanish pediatric patients with XLH confirmed by mutations in the PHEX gene. Traditional treatment with phosphate and vitamin D supplements did not improve height or corrected hypophosphatemia and was associated with a risk of hyperparathyroidism and nephrocalcinosis. The severity of the disease was similar in males and females.This research has been partially funded by Kyowa Kirin Farmacéutica S.L.U., project PI17/01745 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Acción Estratégica en Salud 2017-2020 and FEDER funds, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS), Fundación Nutrición y Crecimiento (FUNDNYC), Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias (ISPA) and Fundación para la Investigación y la Innovación Biosanitaria del Principado de Asturias (FINBA)

    Reflective practice applications: "Guided weekly refection papers" excented from Alcalá University (Spain) to the Montfort University (UK)

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    Edulearn16: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, 4th-6th of july, 2016-Barcelona, SpainKnowledge has to be developed firmly based on reflections and thoughts as much as evidence. Being conscious of this principle, our innovation teaching group from the University of Alcalá has developed a reflective pedagogical approach called Guided Weekly Reflection Papers (GWRP) and implemented it since 2007. In this approach students hand in to the lecturer their “weekly work”, in which they schematically express the most important ideas related with the topic presented during the classes, and their reflections and comments on those aspects which they found especially difficult or interesting. Moreover students have to apply the concepts developed during the week to solve some questions or problems proposed by the lecturers to find solutions to real life situations and to explore beyond the walls of the classroom to discover where in the world around them they can find application of the material presented by the lectures.This innovative pedagogical approach has deeply contributed to the development of the student learning process and consequently been reflected in our teaching practice. The outcomes of the GWRP activity do not depend upon how much students have been studying but upon the level of comprehension of the knowledge we have shared with them. Therefore this strategy is very useful to prove the efficiency and quality of our teaching practice which leads us to continuously improve our way of teaching. Over several years, we have shown our results both in internal meetings in our University and in International Conferences, our colleagues have been caught up by our enthusiasm, which promotes their involvement in our model. Thus, different academics and organizations have adopted our reflective pedagogic strategy. The most recent incorporation of this approach has been implemented by selected academic staff at De Montfort University (DMU), Leicester (United Kingdom). This versatile methodology is being tested in a new university educational environment using a student cohort with a different set of characteristics and academic context compared to previous cohorts. This communication will describe the adaptation of the GWRP to teaching in the Clinical Biochemistry module delivered as part of two different Bachelor degrees taught at DMU: Biomedical Science and Medical Science and the response of students enrolled in this programmes at DMU. The results of the GWRP implemented in new subjects by the teachers of the innovation group at the University of Alcalá (UAH) will be also analysed