1,058 research outputs found

    The evolution of the employment in the European Union. A stochastic shift and share approach

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    The employment is a main economic variable whose evolution has shown different dynamics within the European Union. Recent papers have recovered the significance of the sectoral factors in the explanation of the regional growth. In this sense, shift and share analysis has been considered an extremely useful technique and a standardization procedure has been developed to decompose the regional growth into three components: the national effect, the industry-mix effect and the competitive effect. Although shift and share analysis has been widely used in the explanation of the differences of growth between regions, this method has been criticized since its classical formulation does not allow to test hypotheses. Therefore, stochastic models have been developed as an extension of classical shift and share analysis, allowing the implementation of inferential processes and forecasting tools. The aim of this paper is to analyze the recent evolution of the employment in the European Union, developing a stochastic shift and share model and testing the sources of regional and sectoral differences.

    The spatial shift-share analysis - new developments and some findings for the Spanish case

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    The main feature of shift-share analysis is, according to Dunn (1960), the computation of geographical shifts in economic activity. Nevertheless, the traditional shift-share approach does not include explicitly the interaction between the considered spatial units (countries, municipalities, regions, etc) since each of these units is considered to be independent with respect to the others. The consideration of the spatial dependence was suggested by some authors who recognized that the decomposed effects are not spatially independent. Nazara y Hewings (2002, 2004) take up this idea again and implement a new shift-share model based on the existence of spatial dependence between the geographic units by means of the definition of a spatial weight matrix. In this paper a comparative analysis of the different models is carried out. The obtained conclusions are also illustrated with some empirical applications related to municipalities.

    Weberson Fernandes Grizoste. A dimensão anti-épica de Virgilio e o indianismo de Gonçalves Dias. Coimbra, Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos (Universidade de Coimbra), 2011, 206 pp.

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    Fil: Fernández Robbio, Matías Sebastián . Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Reflections of the Second Sophistic in the Epigrams Attributed to Lucian of Samosata

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    La tradición textual nos ha legado un conjunto de sesenta y cuatro epigramas atribuidos a Luciano de Samósata. La mayoría de los estudios dedicados a los mismos se han enfocado en problemas textuales que obstaculizan la comprensión de los mismos en el conjunto de la obra del samosatense y contribuyen a su consideración como apócrifos o falsamente atribuidos. En este estudio dejamos de lado la discusión acerca de la autenticidad de los mismos y, en cambio, exploramos la posible recepción de ciertos recursos y topoi de la Segunda Sofística en este corpus atribuido a Luciano.The Lucianic corpus includes, among other works, sixty four epigrams which previous studies, by focusing on their textual problems, have considered as apocryphal or as non-Lucianic. This paper aims to trace the ‘Lucianic’ in these epigrams by detecting topoi and concepts of the Second Sophistic which are found elsewhere in Lucian’s works

    Borba, Siomara y Walter Kohan (orgs.). Filosofia, aprendizagem e experiência. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora, 2008, 360 p.

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    Fil: Fernández Robbio, Matías Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    On metric-invariant relativistic transformations under anisotropy in the context of special relativity

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    In a context of special relativity under anisotropy, Burde recently presented in this journal a new group of coordinate transformations obtained using Lie group techniques from the principles of relativity and correspondence, which show conformal metric invariance. As a consequence, this author argued that conformal invariance is a necessary condition of any anisotropic transformation satisfying those principles, and rejected the adequacy of any transformation obtained from the Lorentz transformation by a coordinate change, e.g. resynchronization such as the [Formula: see text]-Lorentz transformation. This paper argues against these assertions, and presents, as a counterexample, a relativistic generalization of the Tangherlini transformation obtained by the same Lie group method, that satisfies the previous requirements and enjoys the metric invariance property.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC-ED431C 2018/4

    Defining Scenarios through shift - share models. An Application to the regional employment

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    The analysis of different economic situations and risk factors is necessary in order to properly define forecasting scenarios. In this paper we focus on the shift-share model as a useful tool in the definition of economic scenarios, based on the different components that contribute to the change of a given economic magnitude (the so called national, sectoral and competitive effects). Although the most commonly used methodology is based on the “constant shift” and the “constant share” hypotheses, additional options can be considered based on the expected behaviour of the competitive effect, thus leading to more realistic scenarios. Once these new options are developed, this approach is applied to the definition of scenarios for the future evolution of the regional employment.

    The perceived quality, value and satisfaction of a sports club. The prospect of parents and adult athletes

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    Debido al interés por conocer la percepción de los servicios deportivos, este estudio tiene los objetivos de evaluar la calidad percibida, valor y satisfacción de los padres de deportistas y, deportistas adultos de un club deportivo de baloncesto y, examinar la relación entre dichas variables. La muestra se compuso de 112 usuarios (33 mujeres y 79 hombres) de un club deportivo de baloncesto, realizándose en primer lugar un análisis de los descriptivos, análisis factorial exploratorio, análisis de la varianza y finalmente un estudio de regresiones lineales. Los resultados arrojan un instrumento fiable y válido compuesto de cinco dimensiones (actividad, instalación, material, personal y comunicación), donde las dimensiones de actividad y personal fueron las mejor valoradas. Finalmente, tras el análisis de regresiones lineales, se encontró una relación significativa de la calidad percibida y el valor percibido, concretamente de las dimensiones actividad y personal. Además se estableció relación significativa entre el valor percibido y la satisfacción.Due to the interest in knowing the perception of sports services, this study has the objective to assess the perceived quality, value and satisfaction of sports club basketball parents and adult athletes, and to examine the relationship between these variables. Sample was composed by 112 users (33 women and 79 men) of a basketball sport club, being realized first an analysis descriptive, second an exploratory factorial analysis, an analysis of variance and finally linear regressions. Results show a reliable and valid instrument composed by five dimensions (activity, facilities, material, staff and communication) where the activity and staff dimensions were the best rated. At last before linear regressions’ study, a significant relationship was found between perceived quality and perceived value, especially in activity and personal dimensions. Also a relationship between perceived value and satisfaction was established