24 research outputs found


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    Agriculture was greatly affected by the transitional shocks of economic and social systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). B&H is evaluated as the country that, to this point, does not have a very fast reform in this domain. There are several reasons for this. First of all, B&H is still in the process of reconstruction after the wars and even today a high share of potentials and efforts have been directed toward these purposes. On the other hand, B&H has a very complex organizational structure in the political sense with numerous political entities. Each entity has its own administrative structure and policies concerning economic policy and within its agricultural and rural policies. Recent analyses show that more than one third of the support set aside for agriculture and rural areas in B&H has been linked with the support of production and only a little more than 10% for the purposes of rural development. These trends are not in accordance with the current trends present in EU countries where support for production has been abandoned for the support of the multifunctional rural development purposes, increased income as well as the quality of life within rural segments of the population


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    Uticaj države na poljoprivredno tržište se ogleda kroz intervencije na tržištu poljoprivrednih proizvoda i održavanje ravnoteže između ponude i potražnje. Osim toga, regulisanjem tržišta postiže se trajnije povoljniji privredni položaj jedne vrlo važne grane privrede. Podiže se razmjerni dohodak poljoprivrednog stanovništva, odnosno na taj način donekle popravljaja se položaj poljoprivrede, koja stalno zaostaje za drugim granama privrede. Država može uticati na tržište direktno preko cijena i indirektno preko ponude i potražnje. Kod direktnog uticaja cijene se mogu kontrolisati, bilo da država zamrzne cijene ili da odredi najvišu ili najnižu cijenu. Kod maksimiziranih cijena proizvodi mogu imati niže cijene, dok se zamrznute i fiksirane cijene ne mogu pomicati. Drugi način direktnog uticaja jeste propisivanje ili ukidanje raznih vrsta poreza, povećanje ili smanjivanje carine, ili pak odobravanje regresa, premija i poticaja poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Kod indirektnog posrednog državnog uticaja preko ponude i potražnje država utiče na ponudu i usklađuje uvoz i izvoz, usklađuje ponudu i potražnju preko rezervi, kredita za obrtna sredstva potrebnih za povećanje proizvodnje, ili čak planira i utvrđuje pojedine proizvodnje

    Influence of Supporting Agrarian Policy Measures onto Increase of Cattle Production in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina has a deficit of most agricultural products, and that is why it is compelled to import significant quantities of food. In order to increase the degree of self sufficiency, particularly for those products that have good potentials for production growth, creators of agrarian policy try to apply different agrarian policy measures for stimulation of agricultural production growth. One production with good potential is cattle production, i.e. production of milk and meat, for which Bosnia and Herzegovina has significant development potentials, and for whose advancement there have been provided different supporting measures. This paper presents the possible application of the cost-benefit analysis in evaluation of efficiency for some supporting agrarian policy measures adopted in order to improve the cattle production in Bosnia and Herzegovina . The cost-benefit analysis was completed for the six year period, taking into account the productive period of bought heifer. The analysis includes economic and financial parameters (inflows and outflows), which annual amounts were discounted to the present values by utilization of the average social discount rate, in order to put all annual amounts at the same trend of calculation and to account for opportunity capital costs as well

    Influence of Supporting Agrarian Policy Measures onto Increase of Cattle Production in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina has a deficit of most agricultural products, and that is why it is compelled to import significant quantities of food. In order to increase the degree of self sufficiency, particularly for those products that have good potentials for production growth, creators of agrarian policy try to apply different agrarian policy measures for stimulation of agricultural production growth. One production with good potential is cattle production, i.e. production of milk and meat, for which Bosnia and Herzegovina has significant development potentials, and for whose advancement there have been provided different supporting measures. This paper presents the possible application of the cost-benefit analysis in evaluation of efficiency for some supporting agrarian policy measures adopted in order to improve the cattle production in Bosnia and Herzegovina . The cost-benefit analysis was completed for the six year period, taking into account the productive period of bought heifer. The analysis includes economic and financial parameters (inflows and outflows), which annual amounts were discounted to the present values by utilization of the average social discount rate, in order to put all annual amounts at the same trend of calculation and to account for opportunity capital costs as well


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    Agricultural products are bought for personal consumption or for further production. Fruit and vegetables are an important sector of agricultural production in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as they ensure population food suffi ciency as well as income for rural farms. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the market supply chain of fruit and vegetables is short, which means that the products are sold near the production site or at local markets. Longer market chains are largely not represented because the producers remain passive and have no contractual relationship with wholesalers and retailers. Th e main objective of the paper is to identify and analyze the production and sales sectors of fruit and vegetables in B&H, as well as to improve the market supply chain through the proposed application of modern management methods. Th e data in this research were collected through a survey of agricultural producers (primary sources of information) as well as by conducting an analysis of secondary data sources (scientifi c and professional literature, data of offi cial statistics). Th e following research methods were used: survey method, descriptive method, methods of analysis and synthesis, method of comparison. As a challenge in managing and establishing a more effi cient market chain, the question arises of how to include small producers into the modern market chain.Poljoprivredni proizvodi se kupuju za osobne potrošnje ili kao sredstvo za daljnju proizvodnju. Voće i povrće su važan sektor poljoprivredne proizvodnje Bosne i Hercegovine, jer opskrbljuje stanovništvo dostatnom hranom a ruralna gospodarstava zaradom. U Bosni i Hercegovini je opskrbni lanac tržišta voća i povrća kratak što znači da se proizvodi prodaju u blizini mjesta proizvodnje ili na lokalnim tržištima. Duži lanci opskrbe na tržištu nisu u tolikoj mjeri zastupljeni zbog pasivnosti proizvođača i nepostojanja ugovorne suradnju sa trgovcima na veliko i malo. Osnovni cilj ovoga rada je identificiranje i analiza proizvodnje i prodaje voća i povrća u BiH, te prijedlog primjene suvremenih menadžerskih metoda u cilju poboljšanja njihova lanca opskrbe. Podaci za ovo istraživanje prikupljeni su pomoću anketnog upitnika upućenog poljoprivrednim proizvođačima (primarnih izvora informacija), kao i analizom sekundarnih izvora podataka (znanstvene i stručne literature, podaci službene statistike). Pri istraživanju koristile su se slijedeće metode: metoda anketiranja, metoda analize i sinteze, metoda deskripcije i metoda uspoređivanja. Kao izazov u upravljanju i uspostave učinkovitijeg tržišnog lanca, postavlja se pitanje kako uključiti male proizvođače u suvremene tržišne lance

    Model investiranja u poljoprivredno zemljište kao element razvojnog programa

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    Investments represent basic source and mean for creation and increase of national wealth in each country, then for undisturbed development of reproduction process as well as for implementation of development goals. Structural adjustment of economy, particular economic branches and economic subjects, beside other relevant factors, to a great extent depend upon adequate size and structure of available investment capital. Agrarian economy of transition countries is facing with the capital lack problem for investment needs as well as structural adjustment toward requirements necessary as an imperative during preparation period for European integrations. In the situation when available investment capital is lacking, while the needs for the capital are significant, it is very important to direct properly existing financial resources into those purposes and projects where it could be achieved the highest investment economic effectiveness. Having in mind segmentation of land property both in Serbia and in surrounding countries, a need for investments into the land purchase appears as one of priority investment purposes. In this paper it is presented the microeconomic model of capital investments into agricultural land as one of possible methodological approaches in adequate and correct decision making process on investments into agricultural land purchase. .Investicije predstavljaju osnovni izvor i sredstvo za stvaranje i povećanje nacionalnog bogatstva svake zemlje, za nesmetano odvijanje procesa reprodukcije kao i za realizaciju razvojnih ciljeva. Strukturno prilagođavanje privrede, pojedinih privrednih grana i privrednih subjekata, pored drugih relevantnih faktora, u značajnoj meri zavisi i od adekvatnog obima i strukture raspoloživog investicionog kapitala. Agrarna privreda zemalja u tranziciji suočava se sa problemom nedostatka kapitala za potrebe investicionih ulaganja i strukturno prilagođavanje zahtevima koji se nameću kao imperativ tokom pripreme ovih zemalja za evropske integracije. U situaciji kada je raspoloživ kapital za investiciona ulaganja oskudan, a potrebe za njim značajne, veoma je važno pravilno usmeriti postojeća sredstva u one namene i projekte u kojima će se postići najveća ekonomska efektivnost ulaganja. S obzirom na usitnjenost zemljišnog poseda kako u Srbiji tako i u zemljama u okruženju, kao jedna od prioritetnih investicionih namena se nameće i potreba ulaganja u kupovinu zemljišta. U ovom radu je prikazan mikroekonomski model investiranja kapitala u poljoprivredno zemljište kao jedan od mogućih metodoloških prilaza adekvatnom i pravilnom donošenju odluka o investiranju u kupovinu poljoprivrednog zemljišta.

    Utjecaj CEFTA sporazuma na vanjskotrgovinsku razmjenu poljoprivrednih proizvoda u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Agrarna politika u Bosni i Hercegovini mora se uklapati u opće globalne procese liberalizacije trgovine koji se odvijaju u dva osnovna smjera: višestrana liberalizacija i dvostrani ugovori o liberalizaciji. Osnovni okvir za višestranu liberalizaciju je Svjetska trgovinska organizacija (WTO). Od početka 90-ih godina dvadesetog stoljeća posebno se intenzivno odvijaju procesi regionalnih liberalizacija trgovine na svim kontinentima. Poljoprivreda ima i nadalje posebno mjesto u tim procesima s obzirom na najčešće ograničene domete u liberelizaciji poljoprivrednim proizvodima, za razliku od nepoljoprivrednih, gdje se u pravilu ukidaju sve carinske barijere. U prosincu 2006. godine u Bukureštu je potpisan sporazum o izmjeni i pristupanju centralnoevropskom sporazumu o slobodnoj trgovini (CEFTA) i Bosna i Hercegovina je potpisnica tog sporazuma. Sporazum je podlijegao ratifikaciji, prihvatanju ili odobrenju sukladno sa zahtjevima predviđenim domaćim zakonodavstvom. Instrumenti ratifikacije, prihvatanja ili odobrenja su deponovani kod Depozitara. Sporazum je stupio na snagu u drugoj polovici 2007. godine. Prema tome, osnovni cilj ovog rada je sagledati i anlaizirati učinke CEFTA sporazuma na vanjskotrgovinsku razmjenu Bosne i Hercegovine s članicama CEFTA sporazuma


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    The analysis of foreign trade in global trading of today requires the usage of macro-analytical activities which are based on contemporary and classical evaluation methods, trading measurements and macroeconomic indicators of economic stability and growth. This paper starts from the idea and the need to evaluate the influence of foreign trade between Bosnia and Herzegovina using the gravity model. The aim of this paper has been set based on this idea and is reflected in the advantages and disadvantages of using the gravity model in evaluating foreign trade between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The gravity method in foreign trade evaluates the potentials between some countries taking into consideration real trade value. It also takes into account the potential and costs of trading, as well as the distance of the analysed market. This paper starts accordingly from the assumption that the usage of the gravity model can evaluate the potential of import and export between two countries and in this way make assumptions about how to increase competitiveness among trading companies. The paper presents the potential for import and export from Bosnia and Herzegovina based on the results of the research. Sources of the data used in this paper are primarily the statistical publications of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, as well as data available on the internet.Analiza vanjske trgovine u današnjoj globalnoj trgovini zahtijeva upotrebu makro analitičkih aktivnosti utemeljenih na suvremenim i klasičnim metodama procjene, mjerenju trgovine i makroekonomskim pokazateljima gospodarske stabilnosti i rasta. Ovaj rad polazi od ideje i potrebe za procjenom utjecaja vanjske trgovine Bosne i Hercegovine upotrebom modela gravitacije. Cilj rada temelji se na ovoj ideji i reflektira se u prednostima i nedostacima korištenja modela gravitacije prilikom procjene vanjske trgovine između Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore. Model gravitacije u vanjskoj trgovini procjenjuje potencijal među određenim zemljama uzimajući u obzir stvarnu vrijednost trgovanja. Također uzima u obzir potencijal i troškove trgovanja, kao i udaljenost analiziranog tržišta. Ovaj rad polazi od pretpostavke da upotreba modela gravitacije može procijeniti potencijal uvoza i izvoza između dvije zemlje te je na taj način moguće dati pretpostavke o načinima povećanja konkurentnosti među trgovačkim društvima. Rad predstavlja potencijal za uvoz u i izvoz iz Bosne i Hercegovine na temelju rezultata istraživanja. Izvori podataka koji su korišteni u ovom radu prvenstveno su statističke publikacije Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore, kao i podaci dostupni na internetu

    Višekriterijski pristup ocjene modela mliječnih farmi u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Cattle breeding is a very important part of agricultural production in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and milk production has a vital place in cattle breeding production. From an economic point of view, milk production is interesting as it is a daily production which presupposes faster marketing, which accelerates capital movement in agriculture, which in turn enhances liquidity. This research uses analyses of the existing state in milk production. The collected data are processed and cost calculation has been designed which enables the analysis of economic indicators of 4 dairy farm production models in B&H. Based on the collected data on features and values of dairy farm production models in B&H an analysis of expert evaluation was conducted as input data for DEXi method. The aim of this paper is to ascertain the basic indicators of business success of 4 dairy farm production models in B&H. Production-ecological, economic and socio-political features of the mentioned dairy farm models were analyzed. Based on the used criteria a rate of dairy farm production models using DEXi method was conducted. The results of the research in this paper using DEXi method show that the best model for dairy farm is model number four, which includes 45 milk cows.Govedarstvo je vrlo značajna grana poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Bosni i Hercegovini, a proizvodnja mlijeka zauzima značajno mjesto u govedarskoj proizvodnji. Ekonomski gledano proizvodnja mlijeka je zanimljiva jer je to svakodnevna proizvodnja što praktično stvara pretpostavke bržeg plasmana na tržište, ubrzava obrt kapitala na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu i pospješuje njegovu likvidnost. U istraživanju je korištena analiza postojećeg stanja u proizvodnji mlijeka. Prikupljeni su podaci o proizvodnji i izrađena je obračunska kalkulacija troškova proizvodnje koja omogućava analizu ekonomskih pokazatelja četiri proizvodna modela mliječnih farmi u Bosni i Hercegovini. Prema obilježjima i ekonomskim vrijednostima modela mliječnih farmi u Bosni i Hercegovini obavljena je ekspertna ocjena ulaznih podataka za DEXi metodu. Cilj rada je ustanoviti osnovne pokazatelje uspješnosti poslovanja četiri proizvodna modela mliječnih farmi u Bosni i Hercegovini. Analizirana su proizvodno-ekološka, ekonomska i socijalno-politička obilježja navedenih modela. Na osnovu odabranih kriterija obavljena je ocjena proizvodnih modela primjenom DEXi metode. Rezultati istraživanja u ovom radu primjenom DEXi metode pokazuju da je najbolji model za mliječne farme model četiri koji uključuje 45 mliječnih krava

    Application of multi-criteria decision making for the selection of apple varieties for the Northwestern region of B&H

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    The selection of the appropriate apple varieties is one of the most important decisions in orchards establishing. The paper gives the methodology for estimating the most suitable varieties of apples when establishing orchards according to modern market demands. This methodology is based on the DEX method for hierarchy-based multi-criteria decision making. The model developed in this paper was applied on four apple varieties, whereby an expert evaluation was used. The experts included in evaluation are from the Fruit Federation of Integral Fruit Production in Laktaši, where panel research was used. Fruit varieties that were observed are: Top Red, Idared, Gala and Golden Delicious because they are the most commonly planted in the orchards at the area of Northwest B&H. The basic advantage of this model is simple application. With visual characteristics of the DEXi program tool and graph radar it is easier to see the good and bad sides of the technological and economic features of the each analyzed apple varieties. The results of the model shows that the Top Red variety is “best” suited for establishing a new orchard, while Idared is rated as "good". The other two varieties used in this model are rated as "medium". For the final selection of apple varieties, it is necessary to carry out an analysis on a single micro-location where all the characteristics of the area should be taken into account