160 research outputs found

    Instrumentation to study myofibril mechanics from static to artificial simulations of cardiac cycle

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    Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Many causes of heart muscle diseases and skeletal muscle diseases are inherited and caused by mutations in genes of sarcomere proteins which play either a structural or contractile role in the muscle cell. Tissue samples from human hearts with mutations can be obtained but often samples are only a few milligrams and it is necessary to freeze them for storage and transportation. Myofibrils are the fundamental contractile components of the muscle cell and retain all structural elements and contractile proteins performing in contractile event; moreover viable myofibrils can be obtained from frozen tissue. • We are describing a versatile technique for measuring the contractility and its Ca2+ regulation in single myofibrils. The control of myofibril length, incubation medium and data acquisition is carried out using a digital acquisition board via computer software. Using computer control it is possible not only to measure contractile and mechanical parameters but also simulate complex protocols such as a cardiac cycle to vary length and medium independently. • This single myofibril force assay is well suited for physiological measurements. The system can be adapted to measure tension amplitude, rates of contraction and relaxation, Ca2+ dependence of these parameters in dose-response measurements, length-dependent activation, stretch response, myofibril elasticity and response to simulated cardiac cycle length changes. Our approach provides an all-round quantitative way to measure myofibrils performance and to observe the effect of mutations or posttranslational modifications. The technique has been demonstrated by the study of contraction in heart with hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy mutations in sarcomere proteins.British Heart Foundation (RG/11/20/29266)

    The dilated cardiomyopathy-causing mutation ACTC E361G in cardiac muscle myofibrils specifically abolishes modulation of Ca2+ regulation by phosphorylation of Troponin I

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    Phosphorylation of troponin I by protein kinase A (PKA) reduces Ca2þ sensitivity and increases the rate of Ca2þ release from troponin C and the rate of relaxation in cardiac muscle. In vitro experiments indicate that mutations that cause dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) uncouple this modulation, but this has not been demonstrated in an intact contractile system. Using a Ca2þ-jump protocol, we measured the effect of the DCM-causing mutation ACTC E361G on the equilibrium and kinetic parameters of Ca2þ regulation of contractility in single transgenic mouse heart myofibrils. We used propranolol treatment of mice to reduce the level of troponin I and myosin binding protein C (MyBP-C) phosphorylation in their hearts before isolating the myo- fibrils. In nontransgenic mouse myofibrils, the Ca2þ sensitivity of force was increased, the fast relaxation phase rate constant, kREL, was reduced, and the length of the slow linear phase, tLIN, was increased when the troponin I phosphorylation level was reduced from 1.02 to 0.3 molPi/TnI (EC50 P/unp ¼ 1.8 5 0.2, p < 0.001). Native myofibrils from ACTC E361G transgenic mice had a 2.4-fold higher Ca2þ sensitivity than nontransgenic mouse myofibrils. Strikingly, the Ca2þ sensitivity and relaxation parameters of ACTC E361G myofibrils did not depend on the troponin I phosphorylation level (EC50 P/unp ¼ 0.88 5 0.17, p ¼ 0.39). Nevertheless, modulation of the Ca2þ sensitivity of ACTC E361G myofibrils by sarcomere length or EMD57033 was indistinguishable from that of nontransgenic myofibrils. Overall, EC50 measured in different conditions varied over a 7-fold range. The time course of relaxation, as defined by tLIN and kREL, was correlated with EC50 but varied by just 2.7- and 3.3-fold, respectively. Our results confirm that troponin I phosphorylation specifically alters the Ca2þ sensitivity of isometric tension and the time course of relaxation in cardiac muscle myofibrils. Moreover, the DCM-causing mutation ACTC E361G blunts this phosphorylation-dependent response without affecting other parameters of contraction, including length-dependent activation and the response to EMD57033

    Regulatory light chains in cardiac development and disease

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    Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). The role of regulatory light chains (RLCs) in cardiac muscle function has been elucidated progressively over the past decade. The RLCs are among the earliest expressed markers during car-diogenesis and persist through adulthood. Failing hearts have shown reduced RLC phosphoryla-tion levels and that restoring baseline levels of RLC phosphorylation is necessary for generating optimal force of muscle contraction. The signalling mechanisms triggering changes in RLC phos-phorylation levels during disease progression remain elusive. Uncovering this information may provide insights for better management of heart failure patients. Given the cardiac chamber-specific expression of RLC isoforms, ventricular RLCs have facilitated the identification of mature ventricular cardiomyocytes, opening up possibilities of regenerative medicine. This review consolidates the standing of RLCs in cardiac development and disease and highlights knowledge gaps and potential therapeutic advancements in targeting RLCs.Singapore Ministry of Education Academic Research Funds (MOE2016-T2-1-106 and 2018-T1001-030).; K.M. funded by Nanyang Technological University research scholarship

    Phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain of myosin in striated muscle: methodological perspectives

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    Copyright © The Author(s) 2016. Phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain (RLC) of myosin modulates cellular functions such as muscle contraction, mitosis, and cytokinesis. Phosphorylation defects are implicated in a number of diseases. Here we focus on striated muscle where changes in RLC phosphorylation relate to diseases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and muscular dystrophy, or age-related changes. RLC phosphorylation in smooth muscle and non-muscle cells are covered briefly where relevant. There is much scientific interest in controlling the phosphorylation levels of RLC in vivo and in vitro in order to understand its physiological function in striated muscles. A summary of available and emerging in vivo and in vitro methods is presented. The physiological role of RLC phosphorylation and novel pathways are discussed to highlight the differences between muscle types and to gain insights into disease processes.Ministry of Education of Singapore (Moe Tier 2 2012-T2-2-105) and start-up grant

    Functional and Molecular Characterisation of Heart Failure Progression in Mice and the Role of Myosin Regulatory Light Chains in the Recovery of Cardiac Muscle Function

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    Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Heart failure (HF) as a result of myocardial infarction (MI) is a major cause of fatality worldwide. However, the cause of cardiac dysfunction succeeding MI has not been elucidated at a sarcomeric level. Thus, studying the alterations within the sarcomere is necessary to gain insights on the fundamental mechansims leading to HF and potentially uncover appropriate therapeutic targets. Since existing research portrays regulatory light chains (RLC) to be mediators of cardiac muscle contraction in both human and animal models, its role was further explored In this study, a detailed characterisation of the physiological changes (i.e., isometric force, calcium sensitivity and sarcomeric protein phosphorylation) was assessed in an MI mouse model, between 2D (2 days) and 28D post-MI, and the changes were related to the phosphorylation status of RLCs. MI mouse models were created via complete ligation of left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. Left ventricular (LV) papillary muscles were isolated and permeabilised for isometric force and Ca2+ sensitivity measurement, while the LV myocardium was used to assay sarcomeric proteins’ (RLC, troponin I (TnI) and myosin binding protein-C (MyBP-C)) phosphorylation levels and enzyme (myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), zipper interacting protein kinase (ZIPK) and myosin phosphatase target subunit 2 (MYPT2)) expression levels. Finally, the potential for improving the contractility of diseased cardiac papillary fibres via the enhancement of RLC phosphorylation levels was investigated by employing RLC exchange methods, in vitro. RLC phosphorylation and isometric force potentiation were enhanced in the compensatory phase and decreased in the decompensatory phase of HF failure progression, respectively. There was no significant time-lag between the changes in RLC phosphorylation and isometric force during HF progression, suggesting that changes in RLC phosphorylation immediately affect force generation. Additionally, the in vitro increase in RLC phosphorylation levels in 14D post-MI muscle segments (decompensatory stage) enhanced its force of isometric contraction, substantiating its potential in HF treatment. Longitudinal observation unveils potential mechanisms involving MyBP-C and key enzymes regulating RLC phosphorylation, such as MLCK and MYPT2 (subunit of MLCP), during HF progression. This study primarily demonstrates that RLC phosphorylation is a key sarcomeric protein modification modulating cardiac function. This substantiates the possibility of using RLCs and their associated enzymes to treat HF.Singapore Ministry of Education under its Academic Research Fund Tier 2 (Project No. MOE2016-T2-1-106)

    Strong binding of myosin heads stretches and twists the actin helix

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    AbstractCalculation of the size of the power stroke of the myosin motor in contracting muscle requires knowledge of the compliance of the myofilaments. Current estimates of actin compliance vary significantly introducing uncertainty in the mechanical parameters of the motor. Using x-ray diffraction on small bundles of permeabilized fibers from rabbit muscle we show that strong binding of myosin heads changes directly the actin helix. The spacing of the 2.73-nm meridional x-ray reflection increased by 0.22% when relaxed fibers were put into low-tension rigor (<10kN/m2) demonstrating that strongly bound myosin heads elongate the actin filaments even in the absence of external tension. The pitch of the 5.9-nm actin layer line increased by ∼0.62% and that of the 5.1-nm layer line decreased by ∼0.26%, suggesting that the elongation is accompanied by a decrease in its helical angle (∼166°) by ∼0.8°. This effect explains the difference between actin compliance revealed from mechanical experiments with single fibers and from x-ray diffraction on whole muscles. Our measurement of actin compliance obtained by applying tension to fibers in rigor is consistent with the results of mechanical measurements

    Non-Linear Optical Microscopy Sheds Light on Cardiovascular Disease

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    Copyright © 2013 Caorsi et al. Many cardiac diseases have been associated with increased fibrosis and changes in the organization of fibrillar collagen. The degree of fibrosis is routinely analyzed with invasive histological and immunohistochemical methods, giving a limited and qualitative understanding of the tissue's morphological adaptation to disease. Our aim is to quantitatively evaluate the increase in fibrosis by three-dimensional imaging of the collagen network in the myocardium using the non-linear optical microscopy techniques Two-Photon Excitation microscopy (TPE) and Second Harmonic signal Generation (SHG). No sample staining is needed because numerous endogenous fluorophores are excited by a two-photon mechanism and highly non-centrosymmetric structures such as collagen generate strong second harmonic signals. We propose for the first time a 3D quantitative analysis to carefully evaluate the increased fibrosis in tissue from a rat model of heart failure post myocardial infarction. We show how to measure changes in fibrosis from the backward SHG (BSHG) alone, as only backward-propagating SHG is accessible for true in vivo applications. A 5-fold increase in collagen I fibrosis is detected in the remote surviving myocardium measured 20 weeks after infarction. The spatial distribution is also shown to change markedly, providing insight into the morphology of disease progression.Royal Society (Newton International fellowship to VC); Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [grant number BB/I019448/1] and the Wellcome Trust [grant numbers 091460/Z/10/Z, 092852/Z/10/Z]. ARL was supported by a British Heart Foundation Intermediate Research Fellowship (FS/11/67/28954) and the National Institute for Health Research-funded Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit at the Royal Brompton Hospital

    Why Muscle is an Efficient Shock Absorber

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    Copyright: © 2014 Ferenczi et al. Skeletal muscles power body movement by converting free energy of ATP hydrolysis into mechanical work. During the landing phase of running or jumping some activated skeletal muscles are subjected to stretch. Upon stretch they absorb body energy quickly and effectively thus protecting joints and bones from impact damage. This is achieved because during lengthening, skeletal muscle bears higher force and has higher instantaneous stiffness than during isometric contraction, and yet consumes very little ATP. We wish to understand how the actomyosin molecules change their structure and interaction to implement these physiologically useful mechanical and thermodynamical properties. We monitored changes in the low angle x-ray diffraction pattern of rabbit skeletal muscle fibers during ramp stretch compared to those during isometric contraction at physiological temperature using synchrotron radiation. The intensities of the off-meridional layer lines and fine interference structure of the meridional M3 myosin x-ray reflection were resolved. Mechanical and structural data show that upon stretch the fraction of actin-bound myosin heads is higher than during isometric contraction. On the other hand, the intensities of the actin layer lines are lower than during isometric contraction. Taken together, these results suggest that during stretch, a significant fraction of actin-bound heads is bound non-stereo-specifically, i.e. they are disordered azimuthally although stiff axially. As the strong or stereo-specific myosin binding to actin is necessary for actin activation of the myosin ATPase, this finding explains the low metabolic cost of energy absorption by muscle during the landing phase of locomotion.The work was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) grants 11-04-00908 to A.K.T. and 11-04-00750 to S.Y.B., by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences to S.Y.B., by the Medical Research Council (UK) G0501704 to M.A.F, by an EBSA Travel Fellowship to G.V.K., and by a Royal Society Travel award to N.A.K. and A.K.T