9 research outputs found
Miejsce bibliotek w erze transformacji prasy
Journals of high, medium and low input consist significant part of library collection. They play also an important role in formation of society's culture. Press is not the basic source of knowledge and information, but as Polish Studies on Reading (PSR) indicates, for majority of readers, it the most valuable resource of content. Values such as professionalism, honesty, authority, reliability and intelligence are associated with the image of press. For many readers digital version of press becomes more attractive form of expression. More and more titles that traditionally were issued in paper form, now are digitalized. Report from PSR studies shows growth of interest in reading digital press. At the same time these studies show that their range of influence should grow. Report about diagnosis of reader’s behaviors in relation to press does not show optimist vision for sharing press in libraries. However, both analyst’s and librarians’ observations of publishing market give hope that for many years to come printed press will source of knowledge and social opinion. Libraries also have the ability to offer digital press that readers find interesting
Miejsce Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w życiu osób starszych
Aging of Polish society has become more and more noticeable in the recent years. That is why state institutions and community organizations take up actions aiming at raising the quality of elderly people’s lives. Widely understood activating of senior citizens prevents their loneliness and social isolation, as well as it allows them to stay independent for a longer time.
A scientific library, which collects books, magazines, newspapers, offers access to the internet and electronic sources has great potential to meet the needs of older people in terms of their intellectual development. However, are seniors interested in the research library collections? Not knowing the answer to this question, authors of the article have conducted surveys among the inhabitants of Lodz (163 people). They were asked whether and to what extent older people benefit from the Library of the University of Lodz, what motivates them and what discourages visits to the Library of Lodz. We have also studied reading interests of the elderly, access to the internet and participation in the activities offered by educational institutions. The results of the survey were discussed in the article
Od tradycyjnej formy drukowanej do biblioteki cyfrowej na przykładzie "Tygodnika Ilustrowanego" w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Artykuł został opublikowany w materiałach konferencyjnych: Stare i nowe w bibliotece. Współpraca czy konkurencja. Konferencja Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 3-5 VI 2009, ŁódźTraditional libraries always collect, catalogue, store and circulate printed holdings.
Nowadays the main functions of library, especially scientific library, change a little. This modern
institution also adopts media, such as: microforms, multimedia and digital media. It also look for
new manners of providing information, although its own collections must be the most important
source of knowledge.
The Library of the University of Łódź was found in 1945. It is one of the scientific libraries
in Poland that can connect traditional and modern methods of work. It numbers about 2 million
There is “Tygodnik Ilustrowany” among them. The way in which this periodical is collected,
stored and preparated shows the connection old, traditional methods with modern ones. “IT” was
microfilmed, digitalized and put on CD. The last stage is moving it to digital library
„Fiszka” – historia Komunikatu Zarządu Oddziału SBP w Łodzi za lata 1991-2008
Ludzie i książki: studia i szkice bibliologiczno-bibliograficzne: księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Profesor Hannie Tadeusiewicz; rozdzia
Seniors in the University of Lodz Library
W ostatnich latach daje się zauważyć szybko postępujący proces starzenia się polskiego społeczeństwa. W związku z czym głównym zadaniem polityki społecznej staje się nie tylko troska o dalsze wydłużanie życia, ale również podejmowanie takich działań, które będą sprzyjać pomyślnemu starzeniu się. Szeroko rozumiana aktywność osób starszych może zapobiegać ich osamotnieniu i izolacji społecznej, jak również pozwala utrzymać wysoką sprawność umysłową i fizyczną do późnej starości. Biblioteka naukowa, gromadząc książki, czasopisma, prasę codzienną, oferując dostęp do Internetu i źródeł elektronicznych ma ogromne możliwości zaspokojenia potrzeb osób starszych w zakresie rozwoju intelektualnego. Jednak czy rzeczywiście takie są oczekiwania seniorów? Nie znając odpowiedzi na to pytanie, autorki artykułu przeprowadziły badania sondażowe wśród mieszkańców Łodzi (163 osoby). Pytano czy i w jakim zakresie osoby starsze korzystają ze zbiorów Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, co je motywuje, a co zniechęca do odwiedzin Biblioteki UŁ. Badano też zainteresowania czytelnicze osób starszych, dostęp do Internetu i udział w zajęciach proponowanych przez instytucje kształcenia. Wyniki przeprowadzonej ankiety omówiono w artykule.Aging of the Polish society has become more and more noticeable in the recent years. That is why, state institutions and community organizations take up actions aiming at raising the quality of elderly people’s lives. Activating senior citizens prevents their loneliness and social isolation, as well as allows them to stay independent for a longer time. A scientific library, which collects books, magazines, newspapers, offers access to the internet and electronic resources, has great potential to meet the needs of older people in terms of their intellectual development. However, are seniors interested in the scientific library collections? Not knowing the answer to this question, the authors of the article have conducted surveys among the inhabitants of Lodz (163 people). The participants were asked whether and to what extent older people benefit from the University of Lodz Library, what motivates them and what discourages them from visiting the Library. We have also studied reading interests of the elderly, their access to the internet and participation in the activities offered by educational institutions. The results of the survey were discussed in the article.Teresa Górniak: [email protected] Felińska: [email protected] Teresa Górniak - Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiegomgr Renata Felińska - Biblioteka Uniwersytetu ŁódzkiegoAleksandrowicz R.: Biblioteka w życiu ludzi starszych. W: Oblicza kultury książki. Prace i studia z bibliologii i informacji naukowej. Wrocław 2005, s. 151-167.Bień B.: Sytuacja zdrowotna osób w podeszłym wieku. W: Geriatria z elementami gerontologii ogólnej. Gdańsk 2006, s. 42-46.Dzięgielewska M.: Aktywność społeczna i edukacja w fazie starości. W: Podstawy gerontologii społecznej. Warszawa 2006, s. 161-181.Gryglewska B.: Medycyna przeciwstarzeniowa. W: Geriatria z elementami gerontologii ogólnej. Gdańsk 2006, s. 47-52.Krzyszkowski J.: Usługi opiekuńcze dla ludzi starych w miejscu zamieszkania w krajach UE i w Polsce. W: Starość i starzenie się jako doświadczenie jednostki i zbiorowości ludzkich. Łódź 2006, s. 150-155.Leszczyńska-Rejchert A.: Człowiek starszy i jego wspomaganie – w stronę pedagogiki starości. Olsztyn 2005.Szarota Z.: Gerontologia społeczna i oświatowa. Zarys problematyki. Kraków 2004.Wizner B.: Promocja zdrowia i aktywności prozdrowotnej. W: Geriatria z elementami gerontologii ogólnej. Gdańsk 2006, s. 53-59.279-30
Znaczenie pracownika pierwszego kontaktu dla kształtowania wizerunku biblioteki na przykładzie Wypożyczalni Miejscowej Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Artykuł został opublikowany w materiałach konferencyjnych: Biblioteka jako "trzecie miejsce". Międzynarodowa Konferencja Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego,31.05-2.06.2011, ŁódźIn their daily work, employees of Lending Division of Łódź University Library implement marketing mix strategy. It comprises balanced combination of valuable products, that are Library's resources, with competitive prices and services; direct distribution, that provides convenience of service aquisition and finally with efficient and effective personal promotion that may be provided by librarians. The assessment of performance and quality of customer service, and, as a result of library's image, depend on their behavior in direct relations with the client. This first contact with library's employee may decide about long-term bonds of reader with Library and can make Library his "third place"
Analysis of tendency and trends of changes in the accumulation of e-books at the University Library of Lodz
Artykuł został opublikowany w materiałach konferencyjnych: Biblioteka w komórce? – przyszłość usług bibliotecznych, 4.06-6.06.2013, Łódź, PolskaAt the University Library ongoing updates and additions to its collections is
an important part of keeping didactics and scientifically researched work current and
up to date. E-books are the most efficient way of modernizing and speeding up the process
of acquiring books to the libraries' collections. This article discussed the advantages
of e books for its users and libraries. The tendency and trends of changes in
the accumulation of e-books at the University library were also analyzed. The article
stated the new role of e-books and reviewed the innovative method of collecting them.W bibliotece uczelni wyższej kluczowe znaczenie ma bieżące uzupełnianie zbiorów
w nowości, tak by w księgozbiorze znalazły się wydawnictwa ważne z punktu widzenia jej profilu, dydaktyki i prac naukowo-badawczych. Szansą na przyspieszenie i unowocześnienie sposobu pozyskiwania książek do zbiorów biblioteki są książki elektroniczne. W artykule omówiono zalety e-podręczników dla użytkowników i bibliotek. Przeanalizowano tendencje i kierunki zmian
w polityce gromadzenia książki elektronicznej w bibliotekach naukowych. Podjęto próbę nakreślenia nowych zadań i wskazano innowacyjne metody gromadzenia e-książek do zastosowania w praktyce bibliotecznej
The research of the effectiveness of library training for students in the University Library of Lodz in 1954-2010
The authors try to show the system of library courses for students in the Library of the University of Łódź. Since 1954 courses of library education have been arranged each academic year. The formula of those courses has changed few times. After the enlargement of the Library building and updating the circulation of collections, a new model of the courses has started. Article presents the historical view of the library education for students, the new formula of the courses and the results of a survey. In the survey students were asked what they think about the library education and the abilities they acquired during the course. Student’s answers could have influence the shape of the future courses
The research of the effectiveness of library training for students in the University Library of Lodz in 1954-2010
The authors try to show the system of library courses for students in the Library of
the University of Łódź. Since 1954 courses of library education have been arranged
each academic year. The formula of those courses has changed few times. After the
enlargement of the Library building and updating the circulation of collections, a new
model of the courses has started. Article presents the historical view of the library education
for students, the new formula of the courses and the results of a survey. In the
survey students were asked what they think about the library education and the abilities
they acquired during the course. Student’s answers could have influence the shape of
the future courses