19 research outputs found

    Prevalence of HBV and HCV among blood donors in Kosovo

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    Hepatitis is disease of the liver caused by the infectious and non-infectious agents

    Hepatitis B and C in dialysis units in Kosova

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are important causes of morbidity and mortality of hemodialysis (HD) patients. This study aimed to investigate the epidemiological and clinical features of HCV and HBV infections in six different HD units in Kosova.</p> <p>Five hundred and eighty-three end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients on maintenance HD from six HD centers in Kosova (358 female, 225 male, mean age 54,8 years (16–66) were included in this study. Data from databank of the National Blood Bank in Prishtina, as well as the data from the databank of the Transfusion Centers in Regional hospitals in Prizren, Peja, Gjilan, Mitrovica and Gjakova were taken in this study. Clinical data such as age, sex, HBsAg and anti-HCV antibody and primary causes of ESKD were examined.</p> <p>Serological markers for HBV and HCV were determined with immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The T-test and x<sup>2 </sup>test were used to analyze the significance of the results. Among our HD patients HBsAg and anti-HCV antibody prevalence rate was 12%, respectively 43%. Chronic nephritis was a more frequent cause of ESKD among our HD patients. With unknown etiology were 23, 5% from them.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HBV and HCV prevalence in our HD patients is still high. These data emphasize the need for stricter adherence to infection control, barrier precaution and preventive behaviors with all patients.</p

    Facial cellulitis caused by Candida guilliermondi in an immunocompetent patient: a rare case report

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    Background: Candida cellulitis is a rare disease, primarily reported in immunocompromised patients. Atypical Candida spp. infections are increasing, largely due to the growing number of immunocompromised patients. This case report describes a 52-year-old immunocompetent patient with facial cellulitis caused by Candida guilliermondi. Candida guilliermondi has not previously been reported as a cause of facial cellulitis in either immunocompromised or immunocompetent patients. Case presentation: A 52-year-old, otherwise healthy, male patient presented with facial cellulitis that did not respond to intravenous antibiotics. Culture of the drained pus revealed Candida guilliermondi. The patient was successfully treated with intravenous fluconazole. Conclusion: This case highlights the possibility of atypical Candida spp. causing deep facial infections in immunocompetent patients. Candida guilliermondi has not been previously reported as a cause of facial cellulitis in either immunocompromised or immunocompetent patients. Healthcare providers should consider atypical Candida spp. infections in the differential diagnosis of deep facial infections in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients

    Anaphylaxis caused by taking pantoprazole: case series

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    Introduction: Pantoprazole is one of the most widely used proton pump inhibitors, but anaphylaxis occurs rarely during its use. The purpose of reporting these two cases is to show that pantoprazole is not a drug without problems; it can also cause anaphylactic reactions. Cases description: A 42-year-old woman presented to the emergency department due to dyspeptic complaints. Immediately at the end of the infusion of pantoprazole, there started to be numbness of the tongue, itching all over the body, and difficulty in breathing. Half an hour after taking a pantoprazole 40 mg capsule, a 58-year-old woman started to experience redness of the face, thickening of the tongue, itching, bloating, and dizziness. Arterial pressure was 80/60 mmHg, pulse 150/minute, while saturation had dropped to 88%. In both cases, fluids, adrenaline, antihistamines, methylprednisolone, and calcium were immediately started. After the improvement of their general conditions, both patients were discharged home. Discussion: The first case relates to anaphylaxis after the intravenous administration of pantoprazole, and the second case relates to the appearance of anaphylaxis after its oral administration. Conclusion: Health workers need to be informed about the possibility of anaphylaxis in patients taking both oral and parenteral pantoprazole

    Trends in prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection among Albanian blood donors, 1999-2009

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatitis B virus (HBV) was among the first virus known to be transmitted by blood and blood productions. The objective of this study is to determine the trend of hepatitis B virus in blood donors.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>In this study 79274 blood donors were retrospectively evaluated for HBsAg. The donors were selected using personal questionnaire, physical examination and testing blood before donation. Blood banks records are used as source of information. The blood donors samples were analyzed for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) by commercial available kits ELISA method, third generation (from Abbott laboratory, Germany). A sample was considered as HBsAg positive when found twice repeatedly reactive. Reactive samples were not confirmed with addition tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the evaluation data, we found out that from 79274 of the total healthy blood donors, 15983 were voluntary donors, 52876 were family replacement donors and 10424 commercial blood donors. The prevalence of HBsAg in blood donors was 7.9%. It was increased steadily from 5.9% in 1999 to 9.1% in 2006 and decreased in 7.9% in 2009. According to blood donors status the HBsAg prevalence was 10.5% in commercial blood donors, 8.1% in voluntary donors and 8.6% in family replacement donors. The prevalence of anti-HBc in blood donors was 59.1%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of HBsAg was lower in voluntary non remunerate blood donors than commercial donors and family replacement blood donors. In FDs the prevalence was higher than VDs but lower than CDs. So, it is important to encourage the voluntary blood donors to become regularly blood donors.</p

    The effects of sex therapy in the treatment of women with vaginismus and their partners

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    Introduction: Vaginism means not allowing the insertion of the penis, finger, vibrator or other objects into the vagina and in most cases, it is caused by psychological factors. Sex therapy applied in several sessions by the expert is the best way to overcome this situation. Purpose: To present the effects of sex therapy in cases diagnosed and treated with vaginismus. Methodology: The cases of treatment of women and their partners with this type of therapy in the Specialized Ordinance of Sexology Libido in Pristina, in the period 2020-2022, were analyzed. In total, 42 such cases were handled in this time period. The data were taken from the treatment protocol. Results: In this research, the effects of sex therapy in these cases were analyzed and it was found that in 37% of cases the treatment effect was achieved with 1-3 sessions, in 43% of cases 3-5 sessions were needed, while more than 5 sessions were applied in 20% of cases. In 26 cases, the application of only sex therapy, mainly the sensate focus therapy, was sufficient, while in 16 other cases, the application of CBT therapy was also necessary. In all cases, the partner was also involved. Conclusion: Vaginismus as a quite frequent phenomenon should be treated scientifically with sex therapy, which means focusing and treating by reducing the feeling of fear for the woman and instructing the partner in the way of approach and constant support for the woman

    Smoking habits among medical students: a survey at the University of Prishtina Faculty of Medicine

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    Background: Smoking is a common habit among the population in Kosovo. In the country, smoking occurs in public places, health and educational institutions despite being prohibited by law. Our objective was to describe smoking habits, knowledge and attitudes among medical students from all departments in the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Medicine. Methods: The present study followed the Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) standardized methodology including data processing procedures. A self-administered questionnaire used was derived from the GHPSS. A total of 600 students were invited in the study while 470 returned questionnaires and participated in the study. Descriptive statistics were used to present the data. The Fisher’s exact test was used to test the significance and a p-value&lt;0.05 was considered significant. Results: The prevalence rate of smoking among students was 16.9% (95% CI 13.2-20). Current smokers were 79 students, 28.2 % males, and 7.7 % females. The study showed that 55.5% of students smoke less than a pack of cigarettes per day. Almost half of them (47.6%) who smoke reported to have a smoker inside the family.&nbsp; This study also revealed that 74.7% of respondents smoke in the presence of non-smokers on daily bases. Conclusion: Despite threating their own health, smokers also cause noxiousness to the society and medical students should be role models for the others by not smoking. Even though the percentage doesn’t show a high rate of smokers in Medical University of Prishtina, still we need to pay attention to bad smoking habits and try..


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    Hyrje - Kujdesi shëndetësor seksual është po aq i rëndësishëm sa kujdesi për shëndetin fizik dhe mendor, megjithatë shumë infermierë nuk janë të përgatitur sa duhet për të adresuar këto nevoja. Përvojat e të mësuarit në edukimin bazik të infermierëve janë të pakta dhe mundësitë për të ndjekur kurse pas edukimit mund të jenë të pakta, përveç nëse roli i punës lidhet në mënyrë specifike me shërbimet e shëndetit seksual. Megjithatë, ekziston mundësia për t\u27iu qasur temave të shëndetit seksual në kujdesin shëndetësor, nëse infermierët ndihen të sigurt për ta bërë këtë. Qëllimi – Të sensibilizohet opinion shëndetësor për nevojën dhe rolin e infermierit në adresimin e drejtë, profesional dhe shkencor të nevojave të pacientëve në fushën e shëndetit seksual. Metodologjia – Shqyrtimi I literaturës relevante bashkëkohore të dedikuar për rolin dhe rëndësinë e infermierëve në adresimin e kësaj teme duke u përkujdesur që të shtojmë edhe komentet tona profesionale e të bazuar në kërkesat e klientëve të trajtuar në ordinancën Libido në Prishtinë. Rezultatet e pritura – Vetëdijesimi i infermierëve, bartësve të shkollimit profesional infermierik të sektorit publik dhe privat për rolin dhe rëndësinë e përfshirjes së çështjeve të shëndetit seksual në kurikulat mësimore si nevojë emergjente përmes së cilës infermierët do të marrin njohuri profesionale dhe gatishmëri për tu qasur drejtë e mirë në përmbushjen e rolit të tyre. Përfundime - Organizata Botërore e Shëndetit (OBSH) dhe organizmat tjerë relevant promovojnë infermierët si pararojë të ofrimit të kujdesit shëndetësor seksual por shumë infermierë ndihen pakëndshëm për tu përfshirë në këtë aspekt të kujdesit në konsultimet e tyre të përgjithshme

    The impact of pregnancy on the couple’s sex life

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    Pregnancy in most cases complicates the couple\u27s sexual life. Given the level of sexual education of the population as well as the approach of health personnel in terms of sexuality it is expected that any change in a woman\u27s life will inevitably have an impact on her sexuality. In the general population of the globe, 40-50% of women may have sexual dysfunction during their lifetime.The purpose of this research was to describe the possible changes in sexual behavior during pregnancy in couples and to give recommendations that will improve their sexual life. Methodology - For data collection we used the PSRI (Pregnancy Sexual Response Inventory) questionnaire, which was distributed via the Internet to pregnant women of different ages of pregnancy. The research was conducted in May-June 2020. The sample included 184 pregnant women. Results- Most pregnant women (55.4%) were 26-35 years old, in the third trimester were 45.7% of surveyed women, with university education were 64.1%, tobacco and alcohol consumers were less than 10% of them and planned pregnancies have stated 82.6%. The frequency of sexual activity decreased to 65.2% of pregnant women, sex life deteriorated to 45.1%, sexual desire decreased to 51.5% while difficulties in achieving orgasm were reported by 35.3% of women interviewed. As for the partner according to the assessment of the pregnant woman, 40.2% think that they do not have any problems in sexual functioning and 38% think that they have complaints. 86.4% of women interviewed think that their partner has no sexual difficulties.Conclusions - Based on our research, it turns out that most pregnant women have changes in their sex life as a result of pregnancy, and according to pregnant women, the impact of pregnancy on their partner is not very expressed


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    Hyrje - Infeksionet seksualisht të transmetueshme definohen si infeksione që kalojnë nga një person tek tjetri gjatë një akti seksual. Në të gjithë botën shumica e adultëve sëmuren nga së paku një sëmundje seksualisht të transmetueshme dhe shumë prej tyre mund të kenë komplikime. Llogaritet se brenda ditës në botë infeksionet seksualisht të transmetueshme infektojnë një milion persona. Qëllimi - Identifikimi i njohurive dhe qëndrimeve fillimisht e pastaj edhe i nevojave për përmirësimin e informimit duke matur ose vlerësuar pikëpamjet e të rinjve në aspekte të ndryshme për infeksionet seksualisht të transmetueshme. Metodologjia – Studimi është bërë në mësin e të rinjve të Ferizajt dhe ka përfshirë 253 nxënës të shkollave të mesme në Ferizaj, në vitin 2020. Për këtë hulumtim është përdorur pyetësori për matjen e njohurive dhe qëndrimet qe kanë të rinjtë për infeksionet seksualisht të transmetueshme. Ky pyetesor përmban 20 pyetje që matin njohuritë dhe qëndrimet e nxënësve për infeksionet seksualisht të transmetueshme dhe 3 pyetje me të dhënat demografike. Rezultatet - Rezultatet e studimit kanë dhënë përgjigje në pyetjen kërkimore si “a kanë njohuri të rinjtë për infeksionet seksualisht të transmetueshme”. Një numër i konsiderueshëm i tyre, pak më shumë se gjysma ( 55.3%) është shprehur se kanë mjaftueshëm informata, më pak informata kanë 41.5% kurse nuk kanë aspak informata 3.2%. Konkluzione - Nga rezultatet e arritura të këtij hulumtimi, është gjetur se të rinjtë, pjesa më e madhe e tyre, kanë informacione për infeksionet seksualisht të transmetueshme. Ata në shumicë deklarohen se do të donin që në shkollë të mësonin më shumë për infeksionet seksualisht të transmetueshme