324 research outputs found

    Agent oriented fault detection, isolation and recovery and aspect-oriented plug-and-play tracking mechanism

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    Fault detection, isolation, and recovery are some of the most critical activities in which astronauts and flight controllers participate. Recent systems to perform the FDIR activity lack portability and extensibility, and do not provide any explanation of the system's activity. In this research, we explore the use of an agent-oriented paradigm and Java technology for better performance of FDIR activity. Also, we have explored the use of explanation in agent-oriented systems, and designed a system-activity tracking mecha-nism that helps the user to understand the agents' behavior. We have explored different ways to generalize this mechanism for arbitrary agent systems to use. Furthermore, we studied mechanisms to automatically add the tracking mechanism to an existing agent system. By using AspectJ, an aspect-oriented tool, a plug-and-playable tracking system has been built that can add the capability to track the activity of the system to any JACK agent system easily. Our experience can help further research on using aspect-oriented tools with agent-oriented paradigms together to obtain better performance

    An Online Sparse Streaming Feature Selection Algorithm

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    Online streaming feature selection (OSFS), which conducts feature selection in an online manner, plays an important role in dealing with high-dimensional data. In many real applications such as intelligent healthcare platform, streaming feature always has some missing data, which raises a crucial challenge in conducting OSFS, i.e., how to establish the uncertain relationship between sparse streaming features and labels. Unfortunately, existing OSFS algorithms never consider such uncertain relationship. To fill this gap, we in this paper propose an online sparse streaming feature selection with uncertainty (OS2FSU) algorithm. OS2FSU consists of two main parts: 1) latent factor analysis is utilized to pre-estimate the missing data in sparse streaming features before con-ducting feature selection, and 2) fuzzy logic and neighborhood rough set are employed to alleviate the uncertainty between estimated streaming features and labels during conducting feature selection. In the experiments, OS2FSU is compared with five state-of-the-art OSFS algorithms on six real datasets. The results demonstrate that OS2FSU outperforms its competitors when missing data are encountered in OSFS

    R.: Active algorithm selection

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    Abstract Most previous studies on active learning focused on the problem of model selection, i.e., how to identify the optimal classification model from a family of predefined models using a small, carefully selected training set. In this paper, we address the problem of active algorithm selection. The goal of this problem is to efficiently identify the optimal learning algorithm for a given dataset from a set of algorithms using a small training set. In this study, we present a general framework for active algorithm selection by extending the idea of the Hedge algorithm. It employs the worst case analysis to identify the example that can effectively increase the weighted loss function defined in the Hedge algorithm. We further extend the framework by incorporating the correlation information among unlabeled examples to accurately estimate the change in the weighted loss function, and Maximum Entropy Discrimination to automatically determine the combination weights used by the Hedge algorithm. Our empirical study with the datasets of WCCI 2006 performance prediction challenge shows promising performance of the proposed framework for active algorithm selection

    DiffDub: Person-generic Visual Dubbing Using Inpainting Renderer with Diffusion Auto-encoder

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    Generating high-quality and person-generic visual dubbing remains a challenge. Recent innovation has seen the advent of a two-stage paradigm, decoupling the rendering and lip synchronization process facilitated by intermediate representation as a conduit. Still, previous methodologies rely on rough landmarks or are confined to a single speaker, thus limiting their performance. In this paper, we propose DiffDub: Diffusion-based dubbing. We first craft the Diffusion auto-encoder by an inpainting renderer incorporating a mask to delineate editable zones and unaltered regions. This allows for seamless filling of the lower-face region while preserving the remaining parts. Throughout our experiments, we encountered several challenges. Primarily, the semantic encoder lacks robustness, constricting its ability to capture high-level features. Besides, the modeling ignored facial positioning, causing mouth or nose jitters across frames. To tackle these issues, we employ versatile strategies, including data augmentation and supplementary eye guidance. Moreover, we encapsulated a conformer-based reference encoder and motion generator fortified by a cross-attention mechanism. This enables our model to learn person-specific textures with varying references and reduces reliance on paired audio-visual data. Our rigorous experiments comprehensively highlight that our ground-breaking approach outpaces existing methods with considerable margins and delivers seamless, intelligible videos in person-generic and multilingual scenarios.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted to ICASSP 202

    Knowledge Transfer from Pre-trained Language Models to Cif-based Speech Recognizers via Hierarchical Distillation

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    Large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs) have shown great potential in natural language processing tasks. Leveraging the capabilities of PLMs to enhance automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems has also emerged as a promising research direction. However, previous works may be limited by the inflexible structures of PLMs and the insufficient utilization of PLMs. To alleviate these problems, we propose the hierarchical knowledge distillation (HKD) on the continuous integrate-and-fire (CIF) based ASR models. To transfer knowledge from PLMs to the ASR models, HKD employs cross-modal knowledge distillation with contrastive loss at the acoustic level and knowledge distillation with regression loss at the linguistic level. Compared with the original CIF-based model, our method achieves 15% and 9% relative error rate reduction on the AISHELL-1 and LibriSpeech datasets, respectively.Comment: Accepted by INTERSPEECH 202

    DMRM: A Dual-channel Multi-hop Reasoning Model for Visual Dialog

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    Visual Dialog is a vision-language task that requires an AI agent to engage in a conversation with humans grounded in an image. It remains a challenging task since it requires the agent to fully understand a given question before making an appropriate response not only from the textual dialog history, but also from the visually-grounded information. While previous models typically leverage single-hop reasoning or single-channel reasoning to deal with this complex multimodal reasoning task, which is intuitively insufficient. In this paper, we thus propose a novel and more powerful Dual-channel Multi-hop Reasoning Model for Visual Dialog, named DMRM. DMRM synchronously captures information from the dialog history and the image to enrich the semantic representation of the question by exploiting dual-channel reasoning. Specifically, DMRM maintains a dual channel to obtain the question- and history-aware image features and the question- and image-aware dialog history features by a mulit-hop reasoning process in each channel. Additionally, we also design an effective multimodal attention to further enhance the decoder to generate more accurate responses. Experimental results on the VisDial v0.9 and v1.0 datasets demonstrate that the proposed model is effective and outperforms compared models by a significant margin.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 202

    VILAS: Exploring the Effects of Vision and Language Context in Automatic Speech Recognition

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    Enhancing automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance by leveraging additional multimodal information has shown promising results in previous studies. However, most of these works have primarily focused on utilizing visual cues derived from human lip motions. In fact, context-dependent visual and linguistic cues can also benefit in many scenarios. In this paper, we first propose ViLaS (Vision and Language into Automatic Speech Recognition), a novel multimodal ASR model based on the continuous integrate-and-fire (CIF) mechanism, which can integrate visual and textual context simultaneously or separately, to facilitate speech recognition. Next, we introduce an effective training strategy that improves performance in modal-incomplete test scenarios. Then, to explore the effects of integrating vision and language, we create VSDial, a multimodal ASR dataset with multimodal context cues in both Chinese and English versions. Finally, empirical results are reported on the public Flickr8K and self-constructed VSDial datasets. We explore various cross-modal fusion schemes, analyze fine-grained crossmodal alignment on VSDial, and provide insights into the effects of integrating multimodal information on speech recognition.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 202
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