1,449 research outputs found

    The early role of nitric oxide in evolution

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    Nitric oxide (NO), which today serves many different purposes in regulating complex cellular functions, must have played a crucial role in the early stages of the evolution of life. The formation of NO may have been a critical defence mechanism for primitive microorganisms at a time when life faced the problem of rising atmospheric levels of ozone (03) formed upon photolysis of oxygen (Oz), which occurred shortly after the development of respiration in cyanobacteria. The production of NO by organisms would have allowed neutralization of toxic 03 by chemical reaction outside the cell, thus acting as a protective mechanism against oxidative destruction, allowing evolutionary advantage. Later, NO production might have allowed the control of reactive OZ species within cells before the development of specific electron-accepting enzymes. The pathway of NO formation was then consequently developed further to serve other useful functions. Although mammalian cells produce NO from L-arginine, the origin of this ability might have arisen from the essential process of either nitrification or denitrification in prokaryotic cells

    On the chemical biology of the nitrite/sulfide interaction

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    The authors are grateful to the Susanne-Bunnenberg-Stiftung of the Düsseldorf Heart Center (to MK), the COST action BM1005 (European Network on Gasotransmitters), and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton (to MF) for financial support.Sulfide (H2S/HS−) has been demonstrated to exert an astounding breadth of biological effects, some of which resemble those of nitric oxide (NO). While the chemistry, biochemistry and potential pathophysiology of the cross-talk between sulfide and NO have received considerable attention lately, a comparable assessment of the potential biological implications of an interaction between nitrite and sulfide is lacking. This is surprising inasmuch as nitrite is not only a known bioactive oxidation product of NO, but also efficiently converted to S-nitrosothiols in vivo; the latter have been shown to rapidly react with sulfide in vitro, leading to formation of S/N-hybrid species including thionitrite (SNO−) and nitrosopersulfide (SSNO−). Moreover, nitrite is used as a potent remedy against sulfide poisoning in the clinic. The chemistry of interaction between nitrite and sulfide or related bioactive metabolites including polysulfides and elemental sulfur has been extensively studied in the past, yet much of this information appears to have been forgotten. In this review, we focus on the potential chemical biology of the interaction between nitrite and sulfide or sulfane sulfur molecules, calling attention to the fundamental chemical properties and reactivities of either species and discuss their possible contribution to the biology, pharmacology and toxicology of both nitrite and sulfide.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Perioperative Oxidative Stress: The Unseen Enemy.

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential for cellular signaling and physiological function. An imbalance between ROS production and antioxidant protection results in a state of oxidative stress (OS), which is associated with perturbations in reduction/oxidation (redox) regulation, cellular dysfunction, organ failure, and disease. The pathophysiology of OS is closely interlinked with inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and, in the case of surgery, ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI). Perioperative OS is a complex response that involves patient, surgical, and anesthetic factors. The magnitude of tissue injury inflicted by the surgery affects the degree of OS, and both duration and nature of the anesthetic procedure applied can modify this. Moreover, the interindividual susceptibility to the impact of OS is likely to be highly variable and potentially linked to underlying comorbidities. The pathological link between OS and postoperative complications remains unclear, in part due to the complexities of measuring ROS- and OS-mediated damage. Exogenous antioxidant use and exercise have been shown to modulate OS and may have potential as countermeasures to improve postoperative recovery. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of OS, redox signaling, and regulation can provide an opportunity for patient-specific phenotyping and development of targeted interventions to reduce the disruption that surgery can cause to our physiology. Anesthesiologists are in a unique position to deliver countermeasures to OS and improve physiological resilience. To shy away from a process so fundamental to the welfare of these patients would be foolhardy and negligent, thus calling for an improved understanding of this complex facet of human biology

    Is sunlight good for our heart?

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    Humans evolved being exposed for about half of the day to the light of the sun. Nowadays, exposure to sunlight is actively discouraged for fear of skin cancer, and contemporary lifestyles are associated with long hours spent under artificial light indoors. Besides an increasing appreciation for the adverse effects of these life-style-related behavioural changes on our chronobiology, the balance between the beneficial and harmful effects of sunlight on human health is the subject of considerable debate, in both the scientific and popular press, and the latter is of major public health significance. While there is incontrovertible evidence that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in the form of sunlight is a significant predisposing factor for non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers in pale skinned people,1 a growing body of data suggest general health benefits brought about by sunlight.2 These are believed to be mediated either by melatonin or vitamin D. Melatonin is produced from serotonin by the pineal gland located in the centre of the brain during periods of darkness, and its release is suppressed as a function of the visible light intensity sensed through ocular photoreceptors. Vitamin D is formed by ultraviolet B (UVB)-mediated photolysis of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin. Both melatonin and vitamin D are pleiotropic hormones that exert a multitude of cellular effects by interacting with membrane and nuclear receptors, and receptor-independent actions. People with more heavily pigmented skin require higher doses of UVB to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D, and this may have been an evolutionary driver to the variation of human skin colour with latitude and intensity of solar irradiation. Our degree of exposure to sunlight is easily modified by behavioural factors such as the use of clothing, sunglasses, and sun-blocking creams, and time spent outdoors. Balancing the carcinogenic risks with the requirement for vitamin D has led to advice on moderating sun exposure, while supplementing food with vitamin D. Guidance on such behaviour is part of the public health campaigns in most countries with Caucasian populations. Following these suggestions, we may, however, be missing out on other health benefits provided by natural sunlight that are less obvious and unrelated to the above classical mediators

    Low-density series expansions for directed percolation I: A new efficient algorithm with applications to the square lattice

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    A new algorithm for the derivation of low-density series for percolation on directed lattices is introduced and applied to the square lattice bond and site problems. Numerical evidence shows that the computational complexity grows exponentially, but with a growth factor \lambda < \protect{\sqrt[8]{2}}, which is much smaller than the growth factor \lambda = \protect{\sqrt[4]{2}} of the previous best algorithm. For bond (site) percolation on the directed square lattice the series has been extended to order 171 (158). Analysis of the series yields sharper estimates of the critical points and exponents.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures (3 of them > 1Mb

    Getting the most from venous occlusion plethysmography: proposed methods for the analysis of data with a rest/exercise protocol

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    In this methodological manuscript, we suggest a more detailed approach to processing venous occlusion plethysmography data, one which could provide additional physiological information. Six parameters are described, all of which are easily derived from a simple and reproducible experimental rest/exercise venous occlusion plethysmography protoco

    Nitrosopersulfide (SSNO(-)) targets the Keap-1/Nrf2 redox system.

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    Nitric oxide (NO), hydrogen sulfide and polysulfides have been proposed to contribute to redox signaling by activating the Keap-1/Nrf2 stress response system. Nitrosopersulfide (SSNO(-)) recently emerged as a bioactive product of the chemical interaction of NO or nitrosothiols with sulfide; upon decomposition it generates polysulfides and free NO, triggering the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase, inducing blood vessel relaxation in vitro and lowering blood pressure in vivo. Whether SSNO(-) itself interacts with the Keap-1/Nrf2 system is unknown. We therefore sought to investigate the ability of SSNO(-) to activate Nrf2-dependent processes in human vascular endothelial cells, and to compare the pharmacological effects of SSNO(-) with those of its precursors NO and sulfide at multiple levels of target engagement. We here demonstrate that SSNO(-) strongly increases Nrf2 nuclear levels, Nrf2-binding activity and transactivation activity, thereby increasing mRNA expression of Hmox-1, the gene encoding for heme oxygenase 1, without adversely affecting cell viability. Under all conditions, SSNO(-) appeared to be more potent than its parent compounds, NO and sulfide. SSNO(-)-induced Nrf2 transactivation activity was abrogated by either NO scavenging with cPTIO or inhibition of thiol sulfuration by high concentrations of cysteine, implying a role for both persulfides/polysulfides and NO in SSNO(-) mediated Nrf2 activation. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that the Keap-1/Nrf2 redox system is a biological target of SSNO(-), enriching the portfolio of bioactivity of this vasoactive molecule to also engage in the regulation of redox signaling processes. The latter suggests a possible role as messenger and/or mediator in cellular sensing and adaptations processes

    UVA irradiation of human skin vasodilates arterial vasculature and lowers blood pressure independently of nitric oxide synthase

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    The incidence of hypertension and cardiovascular disease correlates with latitude and rises in winter. The molecular basis for this remains obscure. As nitric oxide (NO) metabolites are abundant in human skin we hypothesised that exposure to UVA may mobilise NO bioactivity into the circulation to exert beneficial cardiovascular effects independently of vitamin D. In 24 healthy volunteers irradiation of the skin with 2 Standard Erythemal Doses of UVA lowered BP, with concomitant decreases in circulating nitrate and rises in nitrite concentrations. Unexpectedly, acute dietary intervention aimed at modulating systemic nitrate availability had no effect on UV-induced hemodynamic changes, indicating that cardiovascular effects were not mediated via direct utilization of circulating nitrate. UVA irradiation of the forearm caused increased blood flow independently of NO-synthase activity, suggesting involvement of pre-formed cutaneous NO stores. Confocal fluorescence microscopy studies of human skin pre-labelled with the NO-imaging probe DAF2-DA revealed that UVA-induced NO release occurs in a NOS-independent, dose-dependent fashion, with the majority of the light-sensitive NO pool in the upper epidermis. Collectively, our data provide mechanistic insights into an important function of the skin in modulating systemic NO bioavailability which may account for the latitudinal and seasonal variations of BP and cardiovascular disease.Journal of Investigative Dermatology accepted article preview online, 20 January 2014