3 research outputs found

    Penjadwalan Pengiriman Produk Minuman Kemasan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Shipping Operation Diagram Pada PT.XYZ

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    Companies in serving consumers must comply with the requested orders such as timeliness in delivery and product quality is very important. PT. XYZ has problems in scheduling deliveries to avoid delays. Delays in product delivery will cause consumers to feel disadvantaged and will experience a buildup of goods in the storage area, this can happen because the delivery schedule has not been well structured. The purpose of this study is expected to be an initial solution in handling product delivery cases so that there are no delays in the delivery process. The method used in this research to overcome problems in scheduling is the Shipping Operation Diagram method in determining the arrival pattern of goods transport vehicles arrive at a predetermined time, calculating the length of time delays in delivery, and improving information tools so that the delivery schedule is on time. Based on the results obtained, deliveries will be made from 08.00 to 16.00, with a break time of only one hour from 12.00 – 13.00. The truck carrying capacity is 2261. There are 4 shipments of products to each destination for 1 day. Subsequent deliveries will be made at 08.30 the next day. The expected results using the Shipping Operation Diagram method can be used to adjust the arrival time of goods transport vehicles and arrange so that there is no buildup in the storage area.Perusahaan dalam melayani konsumen harus sesuai berdasarkan pesanan yang diminta seperti ketepatan waktu dalam pengiriman dan kualitas produk sangatlah penting. PT. XYZ mengalami permasalahan dalam penjadwalan pengiriman untuk menghindari adanya keterlambatan. Keterlambatan dalam pengiriman produk akan menyebabkan konsumen merasa dirugikan serta akan mengalami penumpukan barang didalam area penyimpanan, hal itu bisa terjadi dikarenakan jadwal pengiriman belum tersusun dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini diharapkan bisa menjadi solusi awal dalam menangani kasus pengiriman produk agar tidak terjadinya keterlambatan dalam proses pengiriman. Metode yang digunakan dalam penilitian ini untuk mengatasi permasalan dalam penjadwalan yaitu metode Shipping Operation Diagram dalam menentukan pola kedatangan kendaraan angkutan barang untuk tiba pada waktu yang telah ditentukan, menghitung lama waktu keterlambatan dalam pengiriman, dan memperbaiki alat informasi agar jadwal pengiriman tepat waktu. Berdasarkan hasil yang telah diperoleh pengiriman akan dilakukan pada pukul 08.00 hingga pukul 16.00, dengan break time hanya satu jam pada pukul 12.00 – 13.00. Kapasitas angkut truknya sebanyak 2261. Pengiriman produk ke masing-masing tujuan selama 1 hari terdapat 4 kali pengiriman. Pengiriman selanjutnya dilakukan pada pukul 08.30 keesokan harinya. Hasil yang diharapkan dengan menggunakan metode Shipping Operation Diagram bisa dijadikan untuk mengatur waktu kedatangan kendaraan angkutan barang dan mengatur agar tidak terjadi penumpukan didalam area penyimpanan

    Travelling Salesman Problem Analysis with Complete Enumeration Method, Branch & Bound and Greedy Heuristic

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    PT XYZ as the best and largest Bed Sheet Set company in Indonesia with products such as Bed Covers, Bed Sheets, Pillowcases, Bolsters and Blankets. The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a problem faced in finding the best route to visit shops that sell products from PT BIG. A visit to the shop is carried out on the condition that each city can only be visited once except the city of origin. The algorithms applied in this TSP problem include the Complete Enumeration, Branch & Bound and Greedy Heuristic methods

    Determination of Transport Routes Using the Saving Matrix Method at PT XYZ

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    PT XYZ is a company engaged in manufacturing that produces electronic components and installation services for these components. In this study, the company will send components and help install them in nine locations in Sumatra. The analysis of determining distribution routes uses the saving matrix method. The results of the analysis using the saving matrix method show that the original distribution distance of 9926 kilometers can be reduced to 2937.7 kilometers, which means that the distance can be shortened and more efficient by 70% or around 6988.3 kilometers. The original cost was Rp. 54,386 .000 down to Rp. 16,716,000 Thus there is a distribution channel savings of Rp. 37,670,000 or about 69.2%