20 research outputs found

    Incidence and determinants of new AIDS-defining illnesses after HAART initiation in a Senegalese cohort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although a dramatic decrease in AIDS progression has been observed after Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy (HAART) in both low- and high-resource settings, few data support that fact in low-resource settings.</p> <p>This study describes the incidence of AIDS-defining illnesses (ADI) after HAART initiation and analyzes their risk factors in a low-resource setting. A focus was put on CD4 cell counts and viral load measurements.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>404 HIV-1-infected Senegalese adult patients were enrolled in a prospective observational cohort and data censored as of April 2008. A Poisson regression was used to model the incidence of ADIs over two periods and to assess its association with baseline variables, current CD4, current viral load, CD4 response, and virological response.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ADI incidence declined from 20.5 ADIs per 100 person-years, 95% CI = [16.3;25.8] during the first year to 4.3, 95% CI = [2.3;8.1] during the fourth year but increased afterwards. Before 42 months, the decrease was greater in patients with clinical stage CDC-C at baseline and with a viral load remaining below 1000 cp/mL but was uniform across CD4 strata (p = 0.1). After 42 months, 293 patients were still at risk. The current CD4 and viral load were associated with ADI incidence (decrease of 21% per 50 CD4/mm<sup>3 </sup>and of 61% for patients with a viral load < 1000 cp/mL).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>During the first four years, a uniform decline of ADI incidence was observed even in patients with low CD4-cell counts at HAART initiation as long as the viral load remained undetectable. An increase was noted later in patients with immunologic and virological failures but also in patients with only virological failure.</p

    Reduced Quantitative Ultrasound Bone Mineral Density in HIV-Infected Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in Senegal

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    Background: Bone status in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral treatment (ART) is poorly documented in resource-limited settings. We compared bone mineral density between HIV-infected patients and control subjects from Dakar, Senegal. Methods: A total of 207 (134 women and 73 men) HIV-infected patients from an observational cohort in Dakar (ANRS 1215) and 207 age-and sex-matched controls from the general population were enrolled. Bone mineral density was assessed by quantitative ultrasound (QUS) at the calcaneus, an alternative to the reference method (i.e. dual X-absorptiometry), often not available in resource-limited countries. Results: Mean age was 47.0 (+/- 8.5) years. Patients had received ART for a median duration of 8.8 years; 45% received a protease inhibitor and 27% tenofovir; 84% had undetectable viral load. Patients had lower body mass index (BMI) than controls (23 versus 26 kg/m(2), P<0.001). In unadjusted analysis, QUS bone mineral density was lower in HIV-infected patients than in controls (difference: -0.36 standard deviation, 95% confidence interval (CI): -0.59;-0.12, P = 0.003). Adjusting for BMI, physical activity, smoking and calcium intake attenuated the difference (-0.27, CI: -0.53; -0.002, P = 0.05). Differences in BMI between patients and controls explained a third of the difference in QUS bone mineral density. Among patients, BMI was independently associated with QUS bone mineral density (P<0.001). An association between undetectable viral load and QUS bone density was also suggested (beta = 0.48, CI: 0.02; 0.93; P = 0.04). No association between protease inhibitor or tenofovir use and QUS bone mineral density was found. Conclusion: Senegalese HIV-infected patients had reduced QUS bone mineral density in comparison with control subjects, in part related to their lower BMI. Further investigation is needed to clarify the clinical significance of these observations

    Incidence and determinants of new AIDS-defining illnesses after HAART initiation in a Senegalese cohort

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    Background: Although a dramatic decrease in AIDS progression has been observed after Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy (HAART) in both low- and high-resource settings, few data support that fact in low-resource settings. This study describes the incidence of AIDS-defining illnesses (ADI) after HAART initiation and analyzes their risk factors in a low-resource setting. A focus was put on CD4 cell counts and viral load measurements.Methods: 404 HIV-1-infected Senegalese adult patients were enrolled in a prospective observational cohort and data censored as of April 2008. A Poisson regression was used to model the incidence of ADIs over two periods and to assess its association with baseline variables, current CD4, current viral load, CD4 response, and virological response.Results: ADI incidence declined from 20.5 ADIs per 100 person-years, 95% CI = [16.3;25.8] during the first year to 4.3, 95% CI = [2.3;8.1] during the fourth year but increased afterwards. Before 42 months, the decrease was greater in patients with clinical stage CDC-C at baseline and with a viral load remaining below 1000 cp/mL but was uniform across CD4 strata (p = 0.1). After 42 months, 293 patients were still at risk. The current CD4 and viral load were associated with ADI incidence (decrease of 21% per 50 CD4/mm(3) and of 61% for patients with a viral load < 1000 cp/mL).Conclusions: During the first four years, a uniform decline of ADI incidence was observed even in patients with low CD4-cell counts at HAART initiation as long as the viral load remained undetectable. An increase was noted later in patients with immunologic and virological failures but also in patients with only virological failure

    Insuffisance cardiaque sur cœur normal révélant une malformation artériole-veineuse complexe du membre inferieur chez un enfant: à propos d'une observation et revue de la littérature

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    Les malformations artérioveineuses (MAV) sont des anomalies vasculaires congénitales à haut débit très rares chez l'enfant. Leurs localisations atypiques et leurs manifestations cliniques variables rendent leur diagnostic et leur prise en charge souvent tardifs. Nous rapportons le cas d'un enfant pris en charge au Centre Hospitalier National d'Enfants Albert Royer de Dakar. Un garçon âgé de 9 ans nous a été adressé d'une structure sanitaire en milieu rural pour la prise en charge d'une insuffisance cardiaque. L'examen clinique à l'admission montrait une altération de l'état général, un syndrome d'insuffisance cardiaque globale et une volumineuse masse inguino-crurale droite, chaude, étendue à la paroi abdominale latérale droite (fosse iliaque et flanc droit), à limites mal définies. L'auscultation de cette masse objectivait un thrill et un souffle diffus. L'échographie cardiaque montrait une HTAP sévère avec retentissement important sur les cavités cardiaques, sans atteinte structurelle du cœur. Le diagnostic de MAV a étè confirmé par une échographie doppler de la masse complétée par un angioscanner. Ils mettaient en évidence des fistules artérioveineuses multiples au sein de la masse. Le diagnostic d'une MAV complexe de la racine de la cuisse droite au stade IV de Schöbinger a étè retenu. La prise en charge médicale a consisté au traitement de l'insuffisance cardiaque à base de furosémide, de spironolactone, et de captopril, en vue d'une stabilisation hémodynamique pour une éventuelle cure chirurgicale. Les malformations artérioveineuses des membres, en particulier de l'extrémité proximal du membre inférieur sont encore méconnues chez l'enfant, d'où les erreurs et retards diagnostiques fréquents. Leur évolution est imprévisible d'où la nécessité d'un diagnostic précoce et d'un suivi attentif impliquant une collaboration pluridisciplinaire entre pédiatres, chirurgiens et radiologues