18 research outputs found

    Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga Tn.K Khususnya Pada Ny.P Dengan Hipertensi Di Desa Pedusan Pucangan Kartosuro RT 03/ RW 03 Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas 1 Kartasura Sukoharjo

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    Latarbelakang :hipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sering terjadi di masyarakat, beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit hipertensi yaitu gaya hidup, umur, pendidikan dan keturunan. Seiring berjalannya waktu penderita hipertensi semakin banyak maka dari itu harus segera ditindak lanjuti agar tidak menjadi masalah kesehatan yang berlanjut. Tujuan :guna memperoleh gambaran dan pengalaman yang nyata dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan hipertensi, membuat analisa data, diagnosa, intervensi, dan membuat evaluasi pada pasien dengan hipertensi. Hasil : setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan selama 3x 90 menit dalalm 3x kunjungan didapatkan tiga diagnose keperawatan yaitu gangguan rasa nyaman berhubungan dengan ketidak mampuan keluarga merawat anggota keluarga yang menderita hipertensi, resiko terjadi komplikasi berhubungan dengan ketidak mampuan keluarga mengabil keputusan terkait diit hipertensi. Kesimpulan :masalah keperawatan pasien mengenai kurang pengetahuan tentang hipertensi, , resiko komplikasi penyakit hipertensi, sudah teratasi

    Rancang Bangun E-Commerce dan SMS Gateway Menggunakan Codeigniter Studi Kasus Orange Solo Camera

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    Orange Solo Camera merupakan sebuah toko yang menjual produk dalam bidang photography. Permasalahan dirasakan dalam hal pemasaran dan pengelolaan data penjualan. Kurangnya media untuk memasarkan produknya menjadi salah satu faktor kendala berkembangnya penjualan. Pengelolaan data yang masih manual juga menjadi penghambat. Penjualan melalui forum jual beli di internet juga sudah dilakukan tapi masih dirasakan belum efektif. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat sistem baru yang diaplikasikan dalam bentuk website E-Commerce dan SMS gateway.Aplikasi yang dibuat diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalah yang dihadapi pemilik toko. Pemodelan sistem yang dibuat menggunakan waterfall meliputi analisis, perancangan, implementasi, pengujian dan pemeliharan. UML (Unified Modeling Language) digunakan untuk memodelkan perangkat lunak yang dibuat dan framework untuk membangun aplikasinya menggunakan codeigniter. Hasil dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan telah dibuat sistem baru yang diaplikasikan dalam bentuk website E-Commerce dan SMS gateway.Aplikasi E-Commerce yang telah dibangun memiliki fasilitas untuk mengelola produk, pemesanan, metode pembayaran melalui transfer bank, jasa pengiriman barang menggunakan JNE serta laporan hasil penjualan. Aplikasi SMS Gateway yang dikembangakan untuk mengirimkan SMS massal dan autoreplay yang dapat digunakan pemilik toko untuk memberikan layanan tambahan kepada calon pembeli dan pembeli guna mendapatkan informasi

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Perubahan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Dalam Deteksi Dini Kekambuhan Gangguan Jiwa Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gatak Sukoharjo

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    ABSTRACT Mental disoreders have become a very serious epidemic to threaten global public health. Globally recurrence rates of mental patients reached 50% to 92%. Riskesdas year recurrence rates of mental disorders in 2013 of 1,7% of 1000 population. Sukoharjo district health office in 2013 2778cases patients with mental disorders ranked higest in Sukoharjo district. Previously public health never provide health education to patients with mental disorders. This research aims to influence Health Education Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Change In Early Detection Of Recurrence Of Mental Disorders Public Health Gatak Sukoharjo. This type of research used in this research is quasi experiment with preest-posttest one group design. The population in this study is the who family treat patient with mental disorders who live in Gatak village with a population of 98families. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling, in order to obtain 30 who family treat patient with mental disorders in Sukoharjo district Public Health Gatak as samples. Sampling in this research is purposive sampling, sample size in this study is 30 people. Analysis technique in this study using univariate and bivariate analysis using Wilcoxon signed ranks test previously conducted test data normality with Shapiro wilk. The results showed that knowledge mean pretest increased by 63,33 into 72,67. And the results showed that the pretest attitudes increased with result mean 60,20 be 67,67. Based on survey results revealed that the obtained probability value (p-value) of 0,000 at the knowledge that concluded there is an average difference is significant between pretest and posttest knowledge. As well as the values obtained probability (p-value) of 0,000 at the attitude that concluded there is an average difference between the attitudes of significant pretest and posttest attitude. Keywords : knowledge, attitude, health education, early detection, recurrenc

    Dampak Pengelolaan Dana Desa Terhadap Peningkatan Pendidikan Desa

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkonfirmasi bagaimana pengelolaan uang desa mempengaruhi peningkatan pendidikan di Desa Sukomulyo di kecamatan Mojowarno, Kabupaten Jombang. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Sukomulyo, Kecamatan Mojowarno, Kabupaten Jombang. Prosedur penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan prosedur deskriptif. Objek penyelidikan adalah empat dusun di Desa Sukomulyo, Kecamatan Mojowarno. Metode pengumpulan informasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lapangan. Teknik analisis informasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian kualitatif meliputi transkrip wawancara, analisis reduksi informasi, dan analisis.interpretasi informasi Hasil riset menampilkan jika program dana desa di Desa Sukomulyo ialah kenaikan pembangunan infrastruktur, pengembangan serta revisi warga sanggup dikatakan sudah tercapai. Keterlibatan pemerintah desa dalam menunjang kenaikan kualitas pembelajaran di Desa Sukomulyo sudah dicoba baik dari segi akses pembelajaran fasilitas serta prasarana pembelajaran Keterlibatan pemerintah desa dalam mendukung kualitas pendidikan di Desa Sukomulyo dalam akses pembelajaran terwujud seluruhnya perihal ini dibuktikan dengan terselenggaranya serta dibangunnya fasilitas serta prasarana pembelajaran dengan menyelenggarakan PAUD, TK/TPA serta TBM yang menampilkan terdapatnya keterlibatan pemerintah desa. pemerintah desa dalam tingkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dari segi fasilitas serta prasarana sudah dilaksanakanThe purpose of this study is to identify how the influence of village fund management on education increases in Sukomulyo Village, Mojowarno District, Jombang Regency. The study was conducted in Sukomulyo Village, Mojowarno District, Jombang Regency. The study procedure used is a type of qualitative study using descriptive procedures. The subjects of this research are four villages belonging to the village of Sukomulyo, Mojowarno sub-district. The method of collecting information used in this research is the field. Information analysis methods used in qualitative research include interview transcripts, reduction of analytical information, and interpretation of information. The research results show that if the village fund program in Sukomulyo Village is an increase in infrastructure development, the development and revision of residents can be said to have been achieved. The involvement of the village government in supporting the improvement of the quality of learning in Sukomulyo Village has been tested both in terms of access to learning facilities and learning infrastructure. The involvement of the village government in supporting the quality of education in Sukomulyo Village in terms of access to learning is realized in full. PAUD, TK/TPA and TBM which show the involvement of the village government. village government in improving the quality of learning in terms of facilities and infrastructure has been implemented

    Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Kecepatan Spindle Pada Proses Bubut Material Baja, Aluminium Dan Kuningan Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Benda

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    This study aims to determine the surface roughness of steel, aluminium, and brass according to ISO 1302 standards on spindle speed. As well as knowing the chemical composition according to ASTM E415 standards, ASTM E1251, ASTM E478 and knowing rockwell hardness according to ASTM E18 standards, this research method is the process of flat turning on steel, brass and aluminium with a length of 300 mm and 38 mm diameter, with variations in spindle speed 230 rpm, 320 rpm, 450 rpm, 720 rpm and 1000 rpm with a constant feed motion of 0.06 mm / turn and a cutting depth of 0.5 mm. The tools used in this study were Rekindo lathe type CDL6241, rockwell hardness testing machine Mitutoyo brand, 00203351 series arun metal scan spectrometer, and surface roughness tester TR200. Chemical composition testing results show that the material used is medium carbon steel, pure aluminum, and high alloy brass. Rockwell hardness test results show that steel has a hardness of 88.2 kgf/mm, brass at 67.1 kgf/mm, aluminum at 58.76 kgf/mm. Surface roughness test results showed that the value of surface roughness in steel, brass and alumnium values obtained the smallest roughness at a spindle speed of 1000 rpm while the largest surface roughness value was obtained at a spindle speed of 230 rpm

    Pembuatan Game Berbasis Kinect Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (Autis) Bertema Keluarga Besarku Untuk Tingkat Sekolah Dasar

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    Autism is one of the children with special needs (ABK), a birth defect and has the ability below average with compared to the normal children in general. Special schools (SLB) is an educational institution that handles the children with special needs, each SLB has a specific subject matter and teaching methods required special or different than the normal children learning methods in general. The purpose of this research is to create educational games based Kinect Xbox 360 that can assist in delivering the material, attract the children, and train the motor nerves of children, where the contents of the game by book of Autism Children Curriculum 2013 in SLB (Rumah Pintar Salatiga ), specifically for children with autism light level in Elementary School grade 2. This research is begins with visiting the Rumah Pintar SLB Salatiga and interviews by several teachers, and observed the process of teaching and learning in the SLB. The material in this game is Keluarga Besarku ,in the form of the introduction of the extended family like grandfather, grandmother, uncle and aunt which is there are game to learn to count, matching the images, compare the images, and choose the images. This game was made using the Unity 3D software, Kinect SDK, DragonBones Pro for making animation and Inscape Vector for image editing. Testing this game is done by demonstrating the game in the classroom and autism children who play the game, and during the testing was accompanied by several teachers. From the results of questionnaires that have been filled respondents stated that the game in accordance with the curriculum in special schools was the result of 79% answered agree, to see exciting game with the result 76% disagree, and be interactive with the results of 95% agreed

    Game Edukasi Menyusun Dan Mempelajari Jaring-Jaring Makanan Dalam Suatu Ekosistem Untuk Anak Kelas V SD Negeri Mlilir 01 Bandungan

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    Education in Indonesia, especially for elementary school children, is currently using the 2013 Curriculum, where each material has been grouped according to the theme of learning. The use of the 2013 Curriculum is effective and efficient but the teachers in delivering the materials to their students still use the old method. Especially when explaining the materials on learning food webs in an ecosystem, teachers must display some living beings with the whiteboard previously. It makes students quickly getting bored and lazy in paying attention to the teacher. Therefore, to handle with it, learning method using media educational game was created. Educational game arranging and learning food webs in an ecosystem made based on KTSP 2013 Curriculum SDN 01 Milir Bandungan. This study begins with an interview with class V teachers to find out what learning methods are used when delivering material about food webs in an ecosystem. The results of the interviews will be used to conceptualize educational games. The purpose of this study is to facilitate teachers in delivering learning materials so it is easy to understand, while the purpose for students is to increase interest in learning through media educational game. The making of the game using Software Construct 2. The result of this research is educational game that containing materials and games about learning food webs in the ecosystem. The concept and content of the materials in the game have been adjusted to the basic competencies of the 2013 Curriculum. This game can be played in desktop Windows-based with file extension (.njws) and smartphone mobile Android-based with file extension (.apk). Testing the application by showing the application to students and teachers in grade 5 to try the application directly then students and teachers fill out the questionnaire provided. Based on the results of the questionnaire it can be concluded that this application can facilitate the teacher in delivering material to his students more clearly and structured, and can facilitate students in understanding the learning material food webs in the ecosystem

    Pengenalan Landmark Icon Kota Di Indonesia Menggunakan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android

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    A landmark is a building that is characteristic of every region and city in Indonesia, which must be preserved and known by Indonesia's young generation. The lack of use of technology to preserve city icon landmarks makes the majority of Indonesians still do not know information about city landmarks in Indonesia. Especially during the Covid19 pandemic like now, many tourist attractions are closed and people can only be at home so that people cannot travel to these places. As a result, the community lacks entertainment, knowledge and insight about the iconic city landmarks in Indonesia, especially the history and location of these landmark buildings. Based on these problems, one way to introduce city landmarks in Indonesia to the public is by using Android-based Augmented reality (AR) technology. This technology allows users to see information, sound and 3D objects from 2D objects directly. So the researchers were inspired to make this application with the aim of being a medium for education and information on the exploration of city icon landmarks in Indonesia by utilizing Augmented reality technology as learning. The Augmented reality method used is Marker Based Tracking, so it takes the marker of each object to display the object in the Augmented reality application. In making this application, the researcher uses the method used, namely GDLC (Game Development Life Cycle), using Unity and Vuforia sdk software and using Android Studio so that the application can be run on the Android platform. The results of making this application are 3D objects from city icon landmarks in Indonesia, information about these landmarks along with their voice descriptions, videos about landmarks and quizzes about landmarks.The application is in accordance with the planned desig

    Detection of aflatoxin contamination in corn using the Simplified Gabor Wavelet algorithm

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    The quality of corn is essential to determine whether the corn is still suitable for consumption and what type of corn it is. Corn is one type of vegetable that is indispensable for the nutritional needs of the Indonesian people today and is a mixture of other essential ingredients. Corn is rich in fiber, which is good for improving digestion and overcoming constipation, controlling blood sugar levels, maintaining heart health, overcoming depression, maintaining eye health, and preventing diverticulitis. In this research, image recognition is used to determine and detect the content of aflatoxin, which is one type of abnormality or disorder in corn. This affects the quality of corn, whether corn is suitable for human consumption, and what impact aflatoxin has on the human body. on testing using parameters Non UV image, SGW Filter Image θ = 0, 90, 180 and 270, and The resulting SGW image with the number of orientations N = 4, θ = θ + pi/N, and θ = θ + 2*pi/N, The aflatoxin content in humans can cause carcinogenic or liver cancer and acute necrosis, cirrhosis, and carcinoma in the animal liver

    Peningkatan dan Pengendalian Kualitas Produk dengan Menggunakan Metode PDCA (Studi Kasus pada PT. “Xâ€)

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    PT. 'X' merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi lemari es lokal dan berorientasi ekspor. Permasalahan yang ditemukan adalah produk cacat lemari es yang di produksi pada tanggal 1 Agustus - 18 Agustus 2018 terdapat persentase cacat yang cukup tinggi sebesar 59.45% dari sampel total produksi yang dikumpulkan, sehingga produk harus diperbaiki lagi yang mengakibatkan biaya produksi menjadi tinggi. Cacat pada produksi lemari es adalah panel back penyok 15%, urethane foam bocor 68,2%, dan panel back keluar 16,8%. Metode penelitian menggunakan PDCA, tahap plan menentukan masalah dan cacat yang akan diperbaiki, tahap do menentukan usulan tindakan perbaikan yang harus dilakukan, tahap check adalah melakukan pemeriksaan sampel produksi setelah implementasi tindakan perbaikan dan tahap action melakukan evaluasi tindakan perbaikan. Berdasarkan kendali mutu menggunakan metode PDCA di PT. “X†diperoleh tindakan korektif seperti peningkatan kesadaran operator, peningkatan standar kerja, pengaturan lingkungan produksi, pemeliharaan perbaikan mesin u-bander, dan penggantian PU foam dengan A20. Data produksi pada 19 Agustus 2018 - 31 Agustus 2018 ditemukan jumlah cacat akibat urethane foam bocor, panel back penyok, dan panel back keluar sebanyak 219 unit dengan persentase 36,50%.  Oleh karena itu tindakan korektif yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini mampu meminimalisasi jumlah cacat sebesar 22,95%