29 research outputs found

    Internal Migration. Challenges and Perspectives for the Research Infrastructure

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    Research on internal migration covers a wide range of issues with regard to the reasons, distance and direction of moves as well as the process of decision-making. Given the rich field of relevant research objectives and the substantial developments in migration theory it is apparent that the availability of a broad set of data including detailed information on various aspects of life is one of the key factors for ongoing progress in the analysis of internal migration development. Available official aggregated data are useful for descriptive structural analyses. But they are very limited in explaining causal relations. The same holds for cross-sectional data. Some of the described longitudinal data sets consist of retrospective collected event history data that are not suitable for collecting essential information about attitudes and psychological states of the respondents over time. Several prospective longitudinal survey data do not represent essential aspects of internal migration. Data should at least include information on the place of residence (on the smallest possible spatial level), typologies about the characteristics of the place of residence, change of residence, reasons of a move, intentions to move, the dwelling and the neighbourhood as well as on commuting.internal migration, regional migration, migration theory, official data, cross-sectional data, longitudinal data.

    Internal migration: challenges and perspectives for the research infrastructure

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    "Research on internal migration covers a wide range of issues with regard to the reasons, distance and direction of moves as well as the process of decision-making. Given the rich field of relevant research objectives and the substantial developments in migration theory it is apparent that the availability of a broad set of data including detailed information on various aspects of life is one of the key factors for ongoing progress in the analysis of internal migration development. Available official aggregated data are useful for descriptive structural analyses. But they are very limited in explaining causal relations. The same holds for cross-sectional data. Some of the described longitudinal data sets consist of retrospective collected event history data that are not suitable for collecting essential information about attitudes and psychological states of the respondents over time. Several prospective longitudinal survey data do not represent essential aspects of internal migration. Data should at least include information on the place of residence (on the smallest possible spatial level), typologies about the characteristics of the place of residence, change of residence, reasons of a move, intentions to move, the dwelling and the neighbourhood as well as on commuting." (author's abstract

    Neighbourhood-based social integration. The importance of the local context for different forms of resource transfer

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    Due to their lack of financial resources, poor residents of deprived neighbourhoods are very much reliant on support and assistance from their personal networks. Studies refer to the key importance of neighbourhood contacts transcending social boundaries to promote upward social mobility. Based on a mix of quantitative and qualitative findings, this paper looks at the importance of social mix within a person’s neighbourhood and immediate surroundings for transferring different kinds of resources. The results show that even residents of deprived neighbourhoods can call on a well-developed support network to deal with everyday problems. The contribution also shows that network contacts to people endowed with more resources are no guarantee for the upward social mobility of the less well endowed. Indeed, it would seem that ‘getting-ahead’ resources are also accessible via their homogeneous networks. Much more to the point, the immediate surroundings turn out to be an important spatial context for contacts and resource transfers, especially for families with children.Peer reviewe

    Marginale Gruppen auf dem Wohnungsmarkt: das Beispiel Bremen

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    "In diesem Arbeitspapier geht es um die rĂ€umliche Verteilung sozial benachteiligter Gruppen. Dabei werden unter anderem Wechselwirkungen zwischen Sozial- und Wohnungspolitik aufgezeigt und sowohl Quer- wie LĂ€ngsschnittanalysen angewendet. Die Frage nach dem Ausmaß rĂ€umlicher Segregation in Bremen wird in zwei Schritten bearbeitet: ZunĂ€chst wird die Lage benachteiligter Gruppen auf dem Wohnungsmarkt in Bremen - etwa Anteil an den Sozialwohnungen, verfĂŒgbare WohnflĂ€che, rĂ€umliche Verteilung im Stadtgebiet - auf der Grundlage aggregierter Querschnittsdaten untersucht. Dann wird die VerdrĂ€ngungsthese anhand individueller LĂ€ngsschnittdaten ĂŒberprĂŒft.

    Soziale Integration im Quartier

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    SOZIALE INTEGRATION IM QUARTIER Soziale Integration im Quartier / Farwick, Andreas (Rights reserved) ( -

    Soziale Integration im Quartier: Förderung von Netzwerken und Begegnungen in zwei benachteiligten SozialrÀumen Dortmunds

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    Angesichts der zunehmenden sozialrĂ€umlichen Polarisierung in vielen StĂ€dten stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit von Armut geprĂ€gte Gebiete eine zusĂ€tzlich benachteiligende Wirkung auf die soziale Lage ihrer Bewohner_innen haben. Basierend auf einem Zusammenspiel quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden wird im Rahmen des vorliegenden Forschungsvorhabens in zwei unterschiedlichen Quartieren in der Stadt Dortmund analysiert, inwieweit Haushalte in sozial benachteiligten Quartieren Zugang zu UnterstĂŒtzungsleistungen durch soziale Kontakte erhalten und welchen Einfluss die soziale Zusammensetzung der unmittelbaren Wohnumgebung auf den Zugang zu Ressourcen hat. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auch einkommensarme Bewohner_innen benachteiligter Quartiere auf ein recht gut ausgeprĂ€gtes UnterstĂŒtzungsnetzwerk fĂŒr die Alltagsorganisation zurĂŒckgreifen können. Es wird jedoch deutlich, dass Netzwerkkontakte zu ressourcenstĂ€rkeren Haushalten nicht automatisch die soziale AufwĂ€rtsmobilitĂ€t ressourcenschwacher Bewohner_innen befördern. Das Quartier bzw. die unmittelbare Wohnumgebung stellt sich als wichtiger rĂ€umlicher Kontext fĂŒr Kontakte und Ressourcentransfer heraus. Hier werden durch lose Kontakte auch ĂŒber alltagspraktische UnterstĂŒtzungen hinaus wichtige Ressourcen vermittelt.In light of the increasing socio-spatial polarisation in many cities the question arises to what extent living in disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods has an additional negative effect on the residents‘ social status. Based on mixed methods approach, the research project seeks to analyse to what extent poor households in socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods have access to support networks. The project looks at the importance of social mix within a person's neighbourhood and his/her immediate surroundings for transferring different kinds of resources. The results show that even poor residents of deprived neighbourhoods can call on a welldeveloped support network for dealing with everyday problems. However, the analysis also illustrates that network contacts to people endowed with more resources are no guaranteed way of promoting the upward social mobility of those less well endowed. Much more to the point, their immediate surroundings turn out to be an important spatial context for contacts and resource transfers, in which also loose contacts can provide resources going beyond just 'getting-by’ resources

    Variable Expression of the Disialoganglioside GD2 in Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes

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    Simple Summary GD2 is an antigen that is tumor-specific and can be used as a target for specific immunotherapies. Since the knowledge about GD2 in breast cancer is limited, we analyzed the frequency of GD2 expression in breast cancer using two different staining methods and the impact of GD2 expression on the survival of breast cancer patients. GD2 expression was found in more than 50% of breast cancer cases, with the highest frequency in hormone receptor-positive tumors. GD2 expression was not significantly associated with patient outcome. Unlike previous studies with smaller sample sizes that lacked correlation with clinical data, this study includes a larger cohort and associations with survival data and shows that GD2 is expressed on human breast cancer cells, providing a potential target for immunotherapies (e.g., anti-GD2 antibodies or GD2 CAR T cells), that are currently undergoing clinical testing. Abstract The disialoganglioside GD2 is a tumor-associated antigen that may allow for the application of targeted immunotherapies (anti-GD2 antibodies, GD2 CAR T cells) in patients with neuroblastoma and other solid tumors. We retrospectively investigated GD2 expression in a breast cancer cohort, using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF) on tissue microarrays (TMAs), and its impact on survival. GD2 expression on IHC (n = 568) and IF (n = 503) was investigated in relation to subtypes and patient outcome. Overall, 50.2% of the 568 IHC-assessed samples and 69.8% of the 503 IF-assessed samples were GD2-positive. The highest proportion of GD2-positive tumors was observed in luminal tumors. Significantly fewer GD2-positive cases were detected in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) compared with other subtypes. The proportion of GD2-expressing tumors were significantly lower in HER2-positive breast cancer in comparison with luminal tumors on IF staining (but not IHC). GD2 expression of IHC or IF was not significantly associated with disease-free or overall survival, in either the overall cohort or in individual subtypes. However, GD2 expression can be seen in more than 50% of breast cancer cases, with the highest frequency in hormone receptor-positive tumors. With this high expression frequency, patients with GD2-positive advanced breast cancer of all subtypes may benefit from GD2-targeting immunotherapies, which are currently subject to clinical testing

    Armut in der Stadt: Prozesse und Mechanismen der raeumlichen Konzentration von Sozialhilfeempfaengern

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    Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel W 809 (25) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Migrantenquartiere - Ressource oder Benachteiligung?

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    "Seit mehreren Jahrzehnten ist ein hohes Maß an Zuwanderung nach Deutschland zu verzeichnen. Die grĂ¶ĂŸten in Deutschland lebenden Migrantengruppen bilden die seit lĂ€ngerem ansĂ€ssigen Arbeitsmigrant(inn)en aus SĂŒdeuropa und der TĂŒrkei sowie die deutschstĂ€mmigen (SpĂ€t)Aussiedler(innen) aus den ehemaligen Ostblock-Staaten, die vor allem in den 1990er Jahren nach dem Zusammenbruch der kommunistischen Regierungen zugewandert sind. RĂ€umlich konzentrieren sich die Migrant(inn)en und ihre Nachkommen vorwiegend in den grĂ¶ĂŸeren StĂ€dten und hier - aufgrund ihres vergleichsweise geringen Einkommens - in den weniger attraktiven Arbeiterquartieren und den Siedlungen des sozialen Wohnungsbaus. Der Beitrag fragt nach den Ursachen und sozialen Folgen der rĂ€umlichen Konzentration der Zuwanderinnen und Zuwanderer in den Migrantenquartieren der StĂ€dte. Deutlich wird, dass diese Quartiere - ĂŒber die positiven Effekte der sozialen und psychischen Stabilisierung in der Anfangsphase der Eingliederung im Aufnahmeland hinaus - insbesondere aufgrund der mit der rĂ€umlichen Konzentration von Migrant(inn)en einhergehenden sozioökonomischen Segregation einkommensarmer Bevölkerungsgruppen deutlich negative Effekte auf den Eingliederungsprozess von Migrant(inn)en haben." (Autorenreferat)"For several decades Germany has registered high rates of immigration. Migrant labourers from Turkey and Southern Europe and their descendants who have long been residents in Germany form the largest group of persons with a migration history. The second largest group consists of ethnic Germans who mainly immigrated into Germany from the successor states of the former Soviet Union and from other East European states in the 1990s after the breakdown of communist regimes. The majority of those with migration backgrounds live in large cities and – because of their relatively low incomes - are concentrated particularly in less attractive working class neighbourhoods or in residential areas with a high percentage of social housing. The paper examines the reasons for and social consequences of the spatial concentration of migrant population in the urban migrant quarters. These quarters facilitate newly arrived migrants in adapting to the new environment by providing social networks. Migrants gain social and mental stability. But increasing length of the stay in these quarters has a distinctly negative effect on the migrants' integration process especially as a consequence of their spatial concentration in residential areas characterised by low income groups." (author's abstract

    Segregierte Armut und das Risiko sozialer Ausgrenzung: zum Einfluss der Nachbarschaft auf die Verstetigung von Sozialhilfebeduerftigkeit

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    Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, D-21400 Kiel W 809 (27) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman