2,650 research outputs found

    Tests of scalar-tensor gravity

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    The best motivated alternatives to general relativity are scalar-tensor theories, in which the gravitational interaction is mediated by one or several scalar fields together with the usual graviton. The analysis of their various experimental constraints allows us to understand better which features of the models have actually been tested, and to suggest new observations able to discriminate between them. This talk reviews three classes of constraints on such theories, which are qualitatively different from each other: (i) solar-system experiments; (ii) binary-pulsar tests and future detections of gravitational waves from inspiralling binaries; (iii) cosmological observations. While classes (i) and (ii) impose precise bounds respectively on the first and second derivatives of the matter-scalar coupling function, (iii) a priori allows us to reconstruct the full shapes of the functions of the scalar field defining the theory, but obviously with more uncertainties and/or more theoretical hypotheses needed. Simple arguments such as the absence of ghosts (to guarantee the stability of the field theory) nevertheless suffice to rule out a wide class of scalar-tensor models. Some of them can be probed only if one takes simultaneously into account solar-system and cosmological observations.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, invited talk at the workshop "Phi in the Sky: The Quest for Cosmological Scalar Fields", Porto, 8-10 July 200

    Binary-pulsar tests of strong-field gravity and gravitational radiation damping

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    This talk reviews the constraints imposed by binary-pulsar data on gravity theories, focusing on ``tensor-scalar'' ones which are the best motivated alternatives to general relativity. We recall that binary-pulsar tests are qualitatively different from solar-system experiments, because of nonperturbative strong-field effects which can occur in compact objects like neutron stars, and because one can observe the effect of gravitational radiation damping. Some theories which are strictly indistinguishable from general relativity in the solar system are ruled out by binary-pulsar observations. During the last months, several impressive new experimental data have been published. Today, the most constraining binary pulsar is no longer the celebrated (Hulse-Taylor) PSR B1913+16, but the neutron star-white dwarf system PSR J1141-6545. In particular, in a region of the ``theory space'', solar-system tests were known to give the tightest constraints; PSR J1141-6545 is now almost as powerful. We also comment on the possible scalar-field effects for the detection of gravitational waves with future interferometers. The presence of a scalar partner to the graviton might be detectable with the LISA space experiment, but we already know that it would have a negligible effect for LIGO and VIRGO, so that the general relativistic wave templates can be used securely for these ground interferometers.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX 2e, 7 postscript figures, contribution to 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 20-26 July 2003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazi

    Regularity of the stress-energy tensor for extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes

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    We calculate the expectation values of the stress-energy tensor for both a massless minimally-coupled and dilaton-coupled 2D field propagating on an extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole, showing its regularity on the horizon in contrast with previous claims in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; Talk given at QG05, Cala Gonone (Italy), September 200

    Field-theoretical formulations of MOND-like gravity

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    Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is a possible way to explain the flat galaxy rotation curves without invoking the existence of dark matter. It is however quite difficult to predict such a phenomenology in a consistent field theory, free of instabilities and admitting a well-posed Cauchy problem. We examine critically various proposals of the literature, and underline their successes and failures both from the experimental and the field-theoretical viewpoints. We exhibit new difficulties in both cases, and point out the hidden fine tuning of some models. On the other hand, we show that several published no-go theorems are based on hypotheses which may be unnecessary, so that the space of possible models is a priori larger. We examine a new route to reproduce the MOND physics, in which the field equations are particularly simple outside matter. However, the analysis of the field equations within matter (a crucial point which is often forgotten in the literature) exhibits a deadly problem, namely that they do not remain always hyperbolic. Incidentally, we prove that the same theoretical framework provides a stable and well-posed model able to reproduce the Pioneer anomaly without spoiling any of the precision tests of general relativity. Our conclusion is that all MOND-like models proposed in the literature, including the new ones examined in this paper, present serious difficulties: Not only they are unnaturally fine tuned, but they also fail to reproduce some experimental facts or are unstable or inconsistent as field theories. However, some frameworks, notably the tensor-vector-scalar (TeVeS) one of Bekenstein and Sanders, seem more promising than others, and our discussion underlines in which directions one should try to improve them.Comment: 66 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX4 format, version reflecting the changes in the published pape

    Arbitrary p-form Galileons

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    We show that scalar, 0-form, Galileon actions --models whose field equations contain only second derivatives-- can be generalized to arbitrary even p-forms. More generally, they need not even depend on a single form, but may involve mixed p combinations, including equal p multiplets, where odd p-fields are also permitted: We construct, for given dimension D, general actions depending on scalars, vectors and higher p-form field strengths, whose field equations are of exactly second derivative order. We also discuss and illustrate their curved-space generalizations, especially the delicate non-minimal couplings required to maintain this order. Concrete examples of pure and mixed actions, field equations and their curved space extensions are presented.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, RevTeX4 format, v2: minor editorial changes reflecting the published version in PRD Rapid Communication