62 research outputs found

    South Green bioinformatics platform : Plateforme collaborative de bioinformatique verte héraultaise

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    Drivers and other road users often encounter situations where priority is unclear or ambiguous, but must be resolved, for example, after arriving at an intersection nearly simultaneously. The participants in such scenarios reach agreement by communicating; while instinctive to humans, this is a significant challenge for autonomous vehicles. Currently, the nature of interaction for resolving ambiguous road situations between pedestrians and autonomous vehicles remains mostly in the realm of speculation, for which no direct means for expressing intent and acknowledgment has yet been established. This thesis approaches the challenge by contributing a model and approach for planning that can produce actions that are expressive and encode certain aspects of intent; the result is communicative in that vehicle-pedestrian coordination arises via a negotiation of intent in a prototypical unsignalized intersection crossing scenario. We deliberately construct a prototypical crossing setting with a vehicle and one pedestrian at an unsignalized intersection such that there is substantial ambiguity in crossing order. A decision-theoretic model is then used for capturing this scenario along with its ambiguity as uncertainty arising from non-determinism and partial observability. We solve the problem by first proposing a Markov decision process to express the interaction at the intersection. Next, we focus on the partial-observability and include it in the model to generate a sequence of vehicle actions by solving via a state-of-the-art online solver. We implement the approach on a self-driving Ford Lincoln MKZ platform and examine an experimental setting involving real-time interaction. The experiment shows that the method achieves safe and efficient navigation. We analyze the resulting policy in detail in simulation and examine the coupled behavior of the vehicle and pedestrian, interpreting evidence for implicit communication that emerges as the two resolve ambiguity to achieve safe and efficient navigation

    Optimisation des performances électriques appliquée aux interconnexions des circuits intégrés en présence de variabilité

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    La part prise par les interconnexions dans la détermination des performances des circuits intégrés croit à mesure que les dimensions des lignes et des vias diminuent. Les concepteurs doivent désormais composer avec des contraintes technologiques qui affectent les propriétés électriques des interconnexions. Développer les solutions technologiques les plus adaptées tout en limitant les temps de R&D se révèle essentiel pour les industriels afin d'assurer les performances et la viabilité économique de chaque nouvelle génération. La présente étude s'attache à définir une méthode d'analyse a priori des solutions technologiques dédiées aux interconnexions, visant à déterminer leur effets véritables sur les performances en propagation des circuits et identifier les solutions les plus intéressantes. Après avoir dressé un inventaire des principales solutions en cours de développement, la méthodologie mise en œuvre pour prédire avec précision le comportement des signaux électriques en fonction des paramètres technologiques variabilité est présentée. L'approche est ensuite appliquée au cas du nœud technologique CMOS 32 nm. Les résultats obtenus par l'expérimentation à l'issu d'une analyse de circuit destinée à identifier les conditions de simulation les plus réalistes et les modèles prédictifs qui en découlent sont ensuite dégagés. Finalement, les acquis de l'analyse statistique, qui prend en compte la variabilité des interconnexions, conduisent à l'optimisation de leurs performances et à l'identification des voies à développer en priorité pour atteindre les spécifications requises.The contribution of interconnects to overal1 integrated circuit performance is increasing as lines and vias dimensions scale down. Designers' work is now impacted by technological constraints such as Cu resistivity increase or process variability, which affect electrical properties of interconnects. The development of innovative processes and materials in a limited time frame to ensure economical viability of each new generation is absolutely mandatory. This study aims at developing a methodology to predict the real impact of technological solutions on interconnect propagation performance in order to identify the most suitable solutions. After a review of the main innovations under development, the methodology proposed to predict the dependence of signal transmission on technological stack properties and process variability is presented. This approach is then applied to the case of the 32 nm technological node. The experimental results obtained based on the analysis of real circuits to define realistic simulation conditions lead to the extraction of analytic models suitable for statistical analysis. An optimisation of interconnect technological stack is then performed taking into account process variability to identify the most promising technological solutions to reach the required electrical specifications.CHAMBERY -BU Bourget (730512101) / SudocSudocFranceF


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