1,699 research outputs found

    The School We Want: evolution or change? A consideration about italian school

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    Un'analisi dei programmi di letteratura italiana svolti nei licei di Pis

    Cromatismo, ritmo, memoria: sulla narrativa di Sergio Atzeni

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    Sergio Atzeni’s works are many and really heterogeneous, both in style and contents. But if we dig up deeply into his texts, we discover that the currents followed by the author are always the same, and that texts that are apparently different have actually significant common aspects.Le opere di Sergio Atzeni sono numerose e molto eterogenee, sia nello stile che nei contenuti. Ma se andiamo a scavare nel profondo, ci rendiamo conto che i filoni seguiti dall’autore sono sempre gli stessi, e che esiti testuali apparentemente distinti hanno in realtà importanti aspetti in comune

    "La Coscienza di Zeno": per l’intertestualità di Ritmo Lento

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    One of Carmen Martín Gaite’s interest was the Italian literature. There are many studies that focused their attention on the influence that this literature has in the Carmen Martín Gaite’s work. But the influence of Italo Svevo is forgotten. In this work I want to focus my attention in the relationship between La coscienza di Zeno and Ritmo Lento.Nonostante sia noto l’interesse per la letteratura italiana da parte di Carmen Martín Gaite, e nonostante quest’interesse sia stato registrato da numerosi critici che ne hanno visto il riflesso nell’opera dell’autrice salamantina, l’influenza dell’opera di Italo Svevo non è mai stata studiata in maniera sistematica e approfondita. Eppure, la stessa Martín Gaite cita lo scrittore triestino come esempio. Nello studio che segue si vuole mettere in luce come La coscienza di Zeno costituisca, sia dal punto di vista strutturale sia dal punto di vista tematico, l’intertestualità fondamentale della composizione di Ritmo Lento

    The proteome of the imbibition spillage in Cicer arietinum L

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    Being a preparative step for germination, seed imbibition is a hydration process that involves the release of seed molecules into the environment, an essential ecological aspect of this phase. On one side this leakage leads to unlocking the seed dormancy by removing abscisic acid and other pro-dormancy molecules, on the other side, it releases small molecules such as vitamins, amino acids, flavonoids, and proteins contributing to supporting germination by attracting symbionts, contrasting pathogens, and facilitating nutrients uptake. Here the proteome associated with the imbibition spillage of chickpea seeds emerges as a probe to understand the early events during germination and (pre-) symbiosis, providing a proxy to disclose the influence that the seed applies to the environment for optimal achievement of its eco-physiological needs. This proteome is clustered into two main groups that differ in chemical-physical properties and function. Most proteome entries belong to biochemical pathways that directly influence germination by enhancing nutrient uptake, protecting against stresses of various origins, and promoting symbiosis. A fraction of this proteome was found to be associated with accidental pathways due to the loss of proteins from teguments and fractured tissues. Here, germination, protection, and symbiosis emerge as a balanced proteomic triad aimed at enhancing and sustaining seedling emergence and plant growth

    Spatial arrangement and density variations in the cell envelope of Deinococcus radiodurans

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    The cell envelope of the poly-extremophile bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is renowned for its highly organized structure and unique functional characteristics. In this bacterium, a precise regularity characterizes not just the S -layer, but it also extends to the underlying cell envelope layers, resulting in a dense and tightly arranged configuration. This regularity is attributed to a minimum of three protein complexes located at the outer membrane level. Together, they constitute a recurring structural unit that extends across the cell envelope, effectively tiling the entirety of the cell body. Nevertheless, a comprehensive grasp of the vacant spaces within each layer and their functional roles remains limited. In this study, we delve into these aspects by integrating the state of the art with structural calculations. This approach provides crucial evidence supporting an evolutive pressure intricately linked to surface phenomena depending on the environmental conditions

    The S-layer protein DR_2577 binds deinoxanthin and under desiccation conditions protects against UV-radiation in Deinococcus radiodurans

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    Deinococcus radiodurans has the puzzling ability to withstand over a broad range of extreme conditions including high doses of ultraviolet radiation and deep desiccation. This bacterium is surrounded by a surface layer (S-layer) built of a regular repetition of several proteins, assembled to form a paracrystalline structure. Here we report that the deletion of a main constituent of this S-layer, the gene DR_2577, causes a decrease in the UVC resistance, especially in desiccated cells. Moreover, we show that the DR_2577 protein binds the carotenoid deinoxanthin, a strong protective antioxidant specific of this bacterium. A further spectroscopical characterization of the deinoxanthin-DR_2577 complex revealed features which could suggest a protective role of DR_2577. We propose that, especially under desiccation, the S-layer shields the bacterium from incident ultraviolet light and could behave as a first lane of defense against UV radiation

    Networked Intimacy. Intimacy and Friendship among Italian Facebook users

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    In this paper, we describe the results of a qualitative study conducted with 120 Italian Facebook users to investigate how Facebook enables people to achieve a mutually constitutive intimacy with their own friendship network: a negotiation of intimacy in public through self-disclosure, where the affordances of the platform are useful to elicit significant reactions, validations and demonstrations of affection from others. We observed that, in order to achieve various levels of intimacy on Facebook, people engage in various strategies: Showing rather than telling, Sharing implicit content, Tagging, Expectation of mutual understanding and Liking. These strategies produce a collaborative disclosure that relies on others’ cooperation to maintain the boundaries between private and public space. Based on these premises, we developed a framework of collaborative strategies for managing public intimacy that both systematizes and extends the findings identified in previous studies of intimacy on Facebook. We describe this framework as networked intimacy and we discuss the consequences of it in the light of already existing research on online self-disclosure

    Controllo genetico della stagionalitĂ  riproduttiva in ovini di razze autoctone

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    Genetic control of reproductive seasonality in native sheep Reproductive physiology in sheep can change with latitudes. It’s normally characterized by seasonality, and is regulated by photoperiod’s exposure. The aim of this study was to investigate the GPR54, MTNR1a and KiSS1 genes polymorphisms in Sardinian and Slovenian local breeds, in order to determine if there is an association with reproductive seasonality. The PCR-SSCP analysis was carried out on 250, 130, and 106 bp fragment, respectively from GPR54 exons 1 and 2 and KiSS1 exon 1, while for the 824 bp fragment from MTNR1A gene exon 2 was also added RFLP analysis, using MnlI and Rsa1 endonucleases. Some polymorphic sites were found: G1035A at the Kiss1 gene exon 1 leading to GG (75,7 %), GA (21,3 %) and AA (3 %) genotypes; C606T and G612A at the MTNR1A exon 2, leading to genotypes CC (42,5 %), CT (31 %) and TT (26,5 %), and GG (51,5 %), GA (34,75%) and AA (13,75 %), respectively. These two last polymorphisms showed to influence the reproductive recovery in Sarda breed. No polymorphism was found in the exon 1 and 2 of the GPR54 gene. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between genotypes and reproductive seasonality in Slovenian breed sheep. The effect of the gene genotypes, in Slovenian s sheeps, maybe was masked by management e of males put inside the group during decreasing of photoperiod, therefore already favorable at the beginning of the reproductive activity. The low frequency of genotypes found for KISS1 and GPR54 genes does not allow us to highlight possible influences of these mutations on reproductive activity
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