5 research outputs found

    Investigating the Antituberculosis Activity of Selected Commercial Essential Oils and Identification of Active Constituents Using a Biochemometrics Approach and In Silico Modeling

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis which has become prevalent due to the emergence of resistant M. tuberculosis strains. The use of essential oils (EOs) as potential anti-infective agents to treat microbial infections, including TB, offers promise due to their long historical use and low adverse effects. The current study aimed to investigate the in vitro anti-TB activity of 85 commercial EOs, and identify compounds responsible for the activity, using a biochemometrics approach. A microdilution assay was used to determine the antimycobacterial activity of the EOs towards some non-pathogenic Mycobacterium strains. In parallel, an Alamar blue assay was used to investigate antimycobacterial activity towards the pathogenic M. tuberculosis strain. Chemical profiling of the EOs was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Biochemometrics filtered out putative biomarkers using orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). In silico modeling was performed to identify potential therapeutic targets of the active biomarkers. Broad-spectrum antimycobacterial activity was observed for Cinnamomum zeylanicum (bark) (MICs = 1.00, 0.50, 0.25 and 0.008 mg/mL) and Levisticum officinale (MICs = 0.50, 0.5, 0.5 and 0.004 mg/mL) towards M. smegmatis, M. fortuitum, M. gordonae and M. tuberculosis, respectively. Biochemometrics predicted cinnamaldehyde, thymol and eugenol as putative biomarkers. Molecular docking demonstrated that cinnamaldehyde could serve as a scaffold for developing a novel class of antimicrobial compounds by targeting FtsZ and PknB from M. tuberculosis

    Molecular insight on the non-covalent interactions between carbapenems and L,D-transpeptidase 2 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: ONIOM study

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    Tuberculosis remains a dreadful disease that has claimed many human lives worldwide and elimination of the causative agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis also remains elusive. Multidrug-resistant TB is rapidly increasing worldwide; therefore, there is an urgent need for improving the current antibiotics and novel drug targets to successfully curb the TB burden. L,D-Transpeptidase 2 is an essential protein in Mtb that is responsible for virulence and growth during the chronic stage of the disease. Both D,D- and L,D-transpeptidases are inhibited concurrently to eradicate the bacterium. It was recently discovered that classic penicillins only inhibit D,D-transpeptidases, while L,D-transpeptidases are blocked by carbapenems. This has contributed to drug resistance and persistence of tuberculosis. Herein, a hybrid two-layered ONIOM (B3LYP/6-31G+(d): AMBER) model was used to extensively investigate the binding interactions of LdtMt2 complexed with four carbapenems (biapenem, imipenem, meropenem, and tebipenem) to ascertain molecular insight of the drug-enzyme complexation event. In the studied complexes, the carbapenems together with catalytic triad active site residues of LdtMt2 (His187, Ser188 and Cys205) were treated at with QM [B3LYP/6-31+G(d)], while the remaining part of the complexes were treated at MM level (AMBER force field). The resulting Gibbs free energy (ΔG), enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) for all complexes showed that the carbapenems exhibit reasonable binding interactions towards LdtMt2. Increasing the number of amino acid residues that form hydrogen bond interactions in the QM layer showed significant impact in binding interaction energy differences and the stabilities of the carbapenems inside the active pocket of LdtMt2. The theoretical binding free energies obtained in this study reflect the same trend of the experimental observations. The electrostatic, hydrogen bonding and Van der Waals interactions between the carbapenems and LdtMt2 were also assessed. To further examine the nature of intermolecular interactions for carbapenem–LdtMt2 complexes, AIM and NBO analysis were performed for the QM region (carbapenems and the active residues of LdtMt2) of the complexes. These analyses revealed that the hydrogen bond interactions and charge transfer from the bonding to anti-bonding orbitals between catalytic residues of the enzyme and selected ligands enhances the binding and stability of carbapenem–LdtMt2 complexes.The College of Health Sciences (CHS), Aspen Pharmacare, MRC and NRF.https://link.springer.com/journal/108222019-06-01hj2018Chemistr

    Identification of Potential Inhibitors of Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase IV from Bioactive Phytoconstituents

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    Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaMKIV) is an upstream regulator of CaMKK-CaMKIV signaling cascade that activates various transcription factors, thereby regulating several cellular activities including, neuronal communication and immune response. Owing to the abnormal expression in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, the CaMKIV has been considered a potential drug target. In the present study, we checked the binding affinity of plant-derived natural compounds viz., quercetin, ellagic acid (EA), simvastatin, capsaicin, ursolic acid, DL-α-tocopherol acetate, and limonin towards CaMKIV. Molecular docking and fluorescence binding studies showed that EA and quercetin bind to the CaMKIV with a considerable affinity in comparison to other compounds. Enzyme inhibition assay revealed that both EA and quercetin inhibit CaMKIV activity with their IC50 values in the micromolar range. To get atomistic insights into the mode of interactions, inhibition mechanism, and the stability of the CaMKIV-ligand complex, a 100 ns MD simulation analysis was performed. Both EA and quercetin bind to the catalytically important residues of active site pocket of CaMKIV forming enough stabilizing interactions presumably inhibiting enzyme activity. Moreover, no significant structural change in the CaMKIV was observed upon binding of EA and quercetin. In conclusion, this study illustrates the application of phytoconstituents in the development of therapeutic molecules targeting CaMKIV having implications in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases after in vivo validation

    A comparative modeling and molecular docking study on <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> targets involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis

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    <p>An alarming rise of multidrug-resistant <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> strains and the continuous high global morbidity of tuberculosis have reinvigorated the need to identify novel targets to combat the disease. The enzymes that catalyze the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan in <i>M. tuberculosis</i> are essential and noteworthy therapeutic targets. In this study, the biochemical function and homology modeling of MurI, MurG, MraY, DapE, DapA, Alr, and Ddl enzymes of the CDC1551 <i>M. tuberculosis</i> strain involved in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan cell wall are reported. Generation of the 3D structures was achieved with Modeller 9.13. To assess the structural quality of the obtained homology modeled targets, the models were validated using PROCHECK, PDBsum, QMEAN, and ERRAT scores. Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to calculate root mean square deviation (RMSD) and radius of gyration (Rg) of MurI and MurG target proteins and their corresponding templates. For further model validation, RMSD and Rg for selected targets/templates were investigated to compare the close proximity of their dynamic behavior in terms of protein stability and average distances. To identify the potential binding mode required for molecular docking, binding site information of all modeled targets was obtained using two prediction algorithms. A docking study was performed for MurI to determine the potential mode of interaction between the inhibitor and the active site residues. This study presents the first accounts of the 3D structural information for the selected <i>M. tuberculosis</i> targets involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis.</p