213 research outputs found

    Mustard Greens Growth and Yield Caused by Liquid Organic Fertilizer in Peat Soil

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    Mustard is one type of leaf vegetable favored by the community because it tastes fresh and contains lots of vitamins A, B, and a little vitamin C. The large area of peatlands in Indonesia and the lack of mineral soils that can be used as agricultural land, make peatland use necessary. Peat is used for agricultural development, with the main limiting factor for growing media conditions that are not conducive to root development, especially land conditions that are saturated with water, react with acid, and contain organic acids at levels that can poison plants, so that some reclamation measures are needed for the land condition peat becomes more suitable for plant development. This study aims to determine the response to the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF)  and its interaction on the growth of mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.) in peatlands. This research was conducted from April to May 2018 using a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatment given was a dose of LOF consisting of 0; 500; 1000; 1500; 2000 and 2500 L/ha. The variables observed included soil pH, plant height, number of leaves, above-ground fresh weight, below ground fresh weight, above-ground dry weight, and below-ground dry weight. The results of this study indicate that dosing of LOF has a significant effect on plant height, above-ground fresh weight, and above-ground dry weight. However, it did not have a significant effect on soil pH, leaf number, and below ground fresh weight and ground dry weight. The application of the highest LOF at 2500 L/ha was able to increase plant height by an average of 7.75 cm

    Analysis of the Level of Erosion Hazard By Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in the Sub-Watershed of Rindu Hati

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    Rindu Hati sub-watershed is located in District of Central Bengkulu, Bengkulu Province, that has flat until montainous topography with various slope and annual rainfall up to 4,032 mm year-1 which possible causes erosion. This research was aimed to analyze soil erosion at Rindu Hati sub-watershed based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation formula, using remote sensing imagery data and by applying GIS technique. USLE method were uses five parameters, those were length and slope factor, rainfall erosivity factor, crop management factor and land conservation , and soil erodibility factor. An overlay analysis has been conducted to obtain the erosion. Then, the result is overlaid with soil depth map to get the level of erosion hazard, which is classified into: very light, light, moderate, heavily, and very heavily. The results showed that the total erosion was 12,410,650.59 tons ha-1 year-1, while its level of erosion hazard were very light (15 tons ha-1 year-1) covering an area of 2,983 ha spreading over community agricultural areas and forest areas, the rate of light erosion (> 15-60 tons ha-1 year-1) has the largest area of covering an area of 10,410.05 ha which scattered in plantation areas having flat topography, moderate erosion rates (> 60-180 tons ha-1 year-1) of 1,317.33 ha spread over land areas with shrub land use and relatively flat topography, heavily erosion rates (> 180- 480 tons ha-1 year-1) covering 1,735.48 ha spread over land with shrub land use but has a hilly topography and very heavily erosion rates (> 480 tons ha-1 year-1) covering 2,700.42 ha located in the mining area. Erosion potential rate mapping will be very helpful in determining good and appropirate land management and conservation in the study area.

    Relationship Analysis of Soil Bulk Density, Available K, and Slope to Productivity of Salak Pondoh at Padang Jaya, North Bengkulu

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    Salak (Zalacca edulis Gaertn. Voss) is one of the most populair native fruits of Indonesia, consumed as a table fruit by most Indonesians. However, the yield of salak pondoh grown in Bengkulu is still lower than that in their native soil Java, believed to have more suitable soil properties for growing salak pondoh. The objective of this research were to evaluate the relationship of soil bulk density, available K, and slope to the productivity of salak pondoh grown at Padang Jaya Regency, North Bengkulu. We did a survey to collect data on soil bulk density (BD), available K (K), and slope as well as the productivity of salak pondoh grown at Padang Jaya from November 2017 to May 2017. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between soil characteristics and salak productivity, as shown in a linear model of Y = 2.929 -1.070 BD + 0.069 K - 0.126 Slope. Soil K was positively correlated to salak productivity, suggesting that salak productivity increased with an increase in soil K.  On the other than, soil bulk density and slope were negatively correlelated to salak productivity, indicating that salak productity decreased with an increase in slope and in soil bulk density

    The Effect of Eco Enzyme from Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Peel Waste on Soil pH, P Availability, Growth and Yield of Shallots (Allium cepa) in Ultisols

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    Ultisols have a main problem of high soil acidity, low organic matter, low macronutrients, and very low P availability which can affect plant growth and yield. This research aims to determine the dynamics of soil pH, and P availability and determine the concentration of pineapple peel-based eco enzyme that produces the highest shallots. This research was carried out using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with treatment concentrations of eco enzyme 20% (200 mL eco enzyme and 800 mL water), 40% (400 mL eco enzyme and 600 mL water), 60% (600 mL eco enzyme and 400 mL water), 80% (800 mL eco enzyme and 200 mL water), 100% (100% eco enzyme), without treatment/control, and NPK fertilizer treatment. The results showed that the application of eco enzyme at a concentration of 60% was a sufficient concentration to improve soil characteristics and shallot yield as indicated by soil pH of 6.58, soil P of 6.75 ppm, number of bulbs 3.21 and weight of bulbs 4.69 g, as well as the application of 100% eco enzyme to provide soil organic C amounted to 3.76% which was higher than other treatments

    Relationship Characteristics Soil, Fertilization and Outcome of Rice in Village Lubuk Pinang, Mukomuko

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    This study aims to determine the close relationship between the characteristics of paddy soils and rice yields in Lubuk Pinang, the Manjunto Air Irrigation area, and to determine the level of applied technology of farmers and rice yields in Lubuk Pinang, the Air Manjunto Irrigation area. This research was conducted in April 2018 until June 2018 in Lubuk Pinang, Lubuk Pinang District, Mukomuko Regency. The study was conducted by survey method. Data as collected through direct observation in the field and soil analysis at the Soil Science Laboratory of Bengkulu University. The results showed that the coefficient regression soil pH (X1 ) is 0.208 to 0.875 sig t values are not real in the statistics. The regression coefficient cation exchange capacity (X2 ) is -0.018 with t sig value 0,781. Regression coefficient peat depth (X3 ) is -0.002 to 0.814 sig t values are not real in the statistics. Regression coefficient levels of soil organic C (X4 ) is -0.507 to 0.307 sig t values are not real in the statistics

    Mapping Erosivity Rain And Spatial Distribution Of Rainfall In Catchment Area Bengkulu River Watershed

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    Some information from the study of the spatial and temporal distribution of these have significance in the management of water resources,  such as drinking water supply, agricultural planning, analysis of flood and erosion hazard rate analysis and the effects of climate change (climate phenomenon ) for the purposes of environmental management. The main objective of this study was to produce precipitation variability to spatial and temporal erosivity Catchment Area in Bengkulu River watershed based on rainfall data. The specific objective of this research is to:  Produce monthly rainfall erosion by 14 stations rainfall observation post in the  Catchment  Area Bengkulu River watershed. Spatial interpolation models to map the R-factor values are seen in their spatial distribution. Spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall reviewed to provide basic information on the distribution patterns of rainfall at a rate of rain erosivity (R). This study focuses on the use of Bol's method for calculating the value of erosivity rainfall and calculates the spatial distribution pattern of an average value analysis Rainfall In Monthly and Yearly so be input in applying the method of spatial models IDW interpolation method.Results showed that the spatial distribution pattern as follows (1). Value Erosivity highest in January is 725, which is the highest value, the value of erosivity reached 26 was in August at Station Post observations of rainfall in the area Pagar Jati, this shows the level of erosion is very small, because of the intensity of the fall of rain sanggat rare happen. There are several factors that can affect the rate of erosion in addition to the intensity of the rainfall, Climate, soil, Relief, and Topography. (2). Monthly rainfall distribution  Catchment  Area  Bengkulu  River watershed monsoon rainfall pattern shows that there is a maximum peak in November and a minimum peak that occurred in August

    Effect of Biourine on N Uptake and Cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L) Growth on Lowland Ultisol

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    Research on the effect of doses of cattle biourine on plant N levels and growth of cabbage (Brassica oleraceae, L) in lowland Ultisol was carried out by Desa Bakti in Marga Sakti Sebelat District, North Bengkulu Regency in October 2019 to January 2020. This study aimed to determine the dosage of cattle biourine optimal for N levels and cabbage growth in lowland ultisols. This study used a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) of one factor consisting of 4 treatments and 4 replications, with the treatment dose 0 L ha-1, 1500 L ha-1, 3000 L ha-1, and 4500 L ha-1. Observation data were analyzed by Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at ? level of 5% with the Orthogonal Polynomial Test. The results of the study showed that the optimum dosage was not obtained on the variable N levels of plants and soil pH, but had a very significant effect on both of these variables. The optimum dosage obtained on the variable growth and yield of plants includes the optimum dose of 2250 L ha-1 biourine producing an average plant height of 36.14 cm age 45 dap, the optimum dose of 2200 L ha-1 of biourine produces an average plant height of 37.87 cm age 60 dap, optimum dose of biourine 1250 L ha-1 produces an average biomass fresh weigh 1.33 kg, the optimum dose of biourine 1666.67 L ha-1 produces an average head weight of 0.83 kg, and optimum dose of biourine 2000 L ha-1 produces average head diameter of 15.36 cm.  

    Land Suitable Areas Refer to Red Potato Planted on Medium Altitude in Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Province Indonesia

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    The research aims to define potential areas for red potato cultivation in agriculture land in Rejang Lebong District, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. The research was conducted from February to April, 2016 in Rejang Lebong, geographically lying on 102°19'-102°57' Lat., 2°22'07''- 3°31' Long., covering of 155,504.81 ha. Land functions on the district are covered by of Bukit Daun and Bukit Balai Rejang protected forests, Kerinci Seblat National Park, Bukit Kaba Tourism Natural Forest Park, and agricultural cultivation areas. To define land suitability for red potato cultivation in Rejang Lebong areas based on suitable temperature following adaptation experiment results of red potato planted in the medium altitude of Bengkulu Province conducting previously. Spatial analysis for calculating areas of potential suitable cultivation for red potato was based on overlaying from attributes of suitable temperature, rainfall, and some soil characteristics.  Initial suitable land for potato plantation in Rejang Lebong covered about ha 46,608.98 ha or 29.97 % of the district area with agriculture land function of 11,954.59 ha or 7.69% of the district, and forest land use of 34,654.39 ha or 22.28% of the district.  Based on the overlying suitable land for red potato cultivation over the Rejang Lebong areas was about 108,639.36 ha lying on agriculture land use of 58,076.64 ha or 37.34%, and over on conservation and protected forest of 50,562.72 ha or 32.51%.  Potential suitable land for potato cultivation in Rejang Lebong after correcting with reference of suitable temperature covered double more of the agriculture land than that of the initial.  Therefore, in one hand, Rejang Lebong as a central of potato production in Bengkulu has some opportunities to increase potato production for supplying potato demand from surrounding areas in the future. On the other, attempt to increase potato production in Rejang Lebong have to consider environmental aspects and protected conservation forest areas


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    Bukit Kaba merupakan sebuah gunung dengan ketinggian 1952 Mdpl yang termasuk dalam Taman Wisata Alam dengan luas wilayahnya 14.650,51 Ha. Kondisi alamnya yang masih asri dan alami serta pemandangannya yang cantik menjadikan tempat ini salah satu favorit bagi kalangan pendaki. Pengelolaan Taman Wisata Alam Bukit Kaba merupakan bagian integral dari pembangunan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong dan Kabupaten Kepahiang.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode observasi lapangan, wawancara dengan responden dan studi literatur dan analisis data menggunakan analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif beserta analisi SWOT.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bah-wa pada potensi objek wisata di TWA Bukit Kaba memiliki objek wisata yang sudah ada dan juga objek wisata yang belum dikembangkan. Persepsi masyarakat positif akan adanya pengelolaan pengembangan ekowisata TWA Bukit Kaba, daya dukung ekologis TWA Bukit Kaba belum tercapai maksimal dan juga penataan sarana dan prasarana merupakan salah satu strategi pengembangan TWA Bukit Kaba