30 research outputs found

    Tempo and Mode of Spliceosomal Intron Evolution in Actin of Foraminifera

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    Spliceosomal introns are present in almost all eukaryotic genes, yet little is known about their origin and turnover in the majority of eukaryotic phyla. There is no agreement whether most introns are ancestral and have been lost in some lineage or have been gained recently. We addressed this question by analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution of introns in actins of foraminifera, a group of testate protists whose exceptionally rich fossil record permits the calibration of molecular phylogenies to date intron origins. We identified 24 introns dispersed along the sequence of two foraminiferan actin paralogues and actin deviating proteins, an unconventional type of fast-evolving actin found in some foraminifera. Comparison of intron positions indicates that 20 of 24 introns are specific to foraminifera. Four introns shared between foraminifera and other eukaryotes were interpreted as parallel gains because they have been found only in single species belonging to phylogenetically distinctive lineages. Moreover, additional recent intron gain due to the transfer between the actin paralogues was observed in two cultured species. Based on a relaxed molecular clock timescale, we conclude that intron gains in actin took place throughout the evolution of foraminifera, with the oldest introns inserted between 550 and 500 million years ago and the youngest ones acquired less than 100 million years ag

    Molecular data reveal high taxonomic diversity of allogromiid Foraminifera in Explorers Cove (McMurdo Sound, Antarctica)

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    Allogromiids are organic-walled or agglutinated, single-chambered Foraminifera, common in deep-sea and polar benthic communities. The simple forms and paucity of distinctive features make allogromiid identification difficult by traditional means. Molecular phylogenetic methods offer alternative tools for species identification and are used here to investigate allogromiid diversity. We obtained 135 partial small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences of allogromiids collected in Explorers Cove, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. In contrast to the 27 morphotypes identified, phylogenetic analysis revealed 49 molecular types (considered separate species) that differ by more than 5% of sequence divergence. The 49 genetic types form 28 molecular supra-groups that differ by more than 20% and probably represent distinct genera or families. Large genetic distances separating the molecular types indicate unexpectedly high taxonomic diversity. Comparison of our data with sequences of non-Antarctic allogromiids suggests that Explorers Cove species might be endemic and only distantly related to comparable northern hemisphere faun

    Identification of actins in foraminifera: Phylogenetic perspectives

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    Actin was identified by immunoblotting with two monoclonal antibodies in 13 species of foraminifera representing four major taxonomic groups (Allogromiina, Textulariina, Rotaliina and Miliolina). Three actins of different molecular weight (MW) were detected. The MWof these actins (about 43, 45 and 46 kD) is larger than that of vertebrate skeletal actin and protistan cytoplasmic actin. Two actins of different MW were detected in Allogromiina, Textulariina and Rotaliina, while only one type was present in Miliolina. Differences between actins of different taxonomic groups in foraminifera suggest that actin might be a useful tool in the study of the molecular phylogeny of these microorganisms

    How many novel eukaryotic 'kingdoms'? Pitfalls and limitations of environmental DNA surveys

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    Over the past few years, the use of molecular techniques to detect cultivation-independent, eukaryotic diversity has proven to be a powerful approach. Based on small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene analyses, these studies have revealed the existence of an unexpected variety of new phylotypes. Some of them represent novel diversity in known eukaryotic groups, mainly stramenopiles and alveolates. Others do not seem to be related to any molecularly described lineage, and have been proposed to represent novel eukaryotic kingdoms. In order to review the evolutionary importance of this novel high-level eukaryotic diversity critically, and to test the potential technical and analytical pitfalls and limitations of eukaryotic environmental DNA surveys (EES), we analysed 484 environmental SSU rRNA gene sequences, including 81 new sequences from sediments of the small river, the Seymaz (Geneva, Switzerland)

    SSU rRNA-based Phylogenetic Position of the Genera <i>Amoeba</i> and <i>Chaos</i> (Lobosea, Gymnamoebia): the Origin of Gymnamoebae Revisited

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    Naked lobose amoebae (gymnamoebae) are among the most abundant group of protists present in all aquatic and terrestrial biotopes. Yet, because of lack of informative morphological characters, the origin and evolutionary history of gymnamoebae are poorly known. The first molecular studies revealed multiple origins for the amoeboid lineages and an extraordinary diversity of amoebae species. Molecular data, however, exist only for a few species of the numerous taxa belonging to this group. Here, we present the small-subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences of four species of typical large gymnamoebae: Amoeba proteus, Amoeba leningradensis, Chaos nobile, and Chaos carolinense. Sequence analysis suggests that the four species are closely related to the species of genera Saccamoeba, Leptomyxa, Rhizamoeba, Paraflabellula, Hartmannella, and Echinamoeba. All of them form a relatively well-supported clade, which corresponds to the subclass Gymnamoebia, in agreement with morphology-based taxonomy. The other gymnamoebae cluster in small groups or branch separately. Their relationships change depending on the type of analysis and the model of nucleotide substitution. All gymnamoebae branch together in Neighbor-Joining analysis with corrections for among-site rate heterogeneity and proportion of invariable sites. This clade, however, is not statistically supported by SSU rRNA gene sequences and further analysis of protein sequence data will be necessary to test the monophyly of gymnamoebae

    Tempo and Mode of Spliceosomal Intron Evolution in Actin of Foraminifera

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    Spliceosomal introns are present in almost all eukaryotic genes, yet little is known about their origin and turnover in the majority of eukaryotic phyla. There is no agreement whether most introns are ancestral and have been lost in some lineage or have been gained recently. We addressed this question by analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution of introns in actins of foraminifera, a group of testate protists whose exceptionally rich fossil record permits the calibration of molecular phylogenies to date intron origins. We identified 24 introns dispersed along the sequence of two foraminiferan actin paralogues and actin deviating proteins, an unconventional type of fast-evolving actin found in some foraminifera. Comparison of intron positions indicates that 20 of 24 introns are specific to foraminifera. Four introns shared between foraminifera and other eukaryotes were interpreted as parallel gains because they have been found only in single species belonging to phylogenetically distinctive lineages. Moreover, additional recent intron gain due to the transfer between the actin paralogues was observed in two cultured species. Based on a relaxed molecular clock timescale, we conclude that intron gains in actin took place throughout the evolution of foraminifera, with the oldest introns inserted between 550 and 500 million years ago and the youngest ones acquired less than 100 million years ago

    Molecular Identification of Algal Endosymbionts in Large Miliolid Foraminifera: 1. Chlorophytes

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    Large miliolid foraminifers bear various types of algal endosymbionts including chlorophytes, dinoflagellates, rhodophytes, and diatoms. Symbiosis plays a key role in the adaptation of large foraminifera to survival and growth in oligotrophic seas. The identity and diversity of foraminiferal symbionts, however, remain largely unknown. In the present work we use ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences to identify chlorophyte endosymbionts in large miliolid foraminifera of the superfamily Soritacea. Partial 18S and complete Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences were obtained from symbionts of eight species representing all genera of extant chlorophyte‐bearing Soritacea. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences confirms the previous fine structure‐based identification of these endosymbionts as belonging to the genus Chlamydomonas. All foraminiferal symbionts form a monophyletic group closely related to Chlamydomonas noctigama. The group is composed of seven types identified in this study, including one previously morphologically described species, Chlamydomonas hedleyi. Each of these types can be considered as a separate species, based on the comparison of genetic differences observed between other established Chlamydomonas species. Several foraminiferal species share the same symbiont type, but only one species, Archaias angulatus , was found to bear more than one type