95 research outputs found

    An asymptomatic schwannoma of the nasal septum: report of a unique case.

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    Schwannomas of the nasal septum are extremely rare, and therefore their diagnosis and treatment can pose certain challenges. We describe the case of an incidentally discovered schwannoma of the nasal septum that was unique in that the lesion was completely asymptomatic. In view of our finding, we believe that routine examinations of both nasal fossae should be considered during routine diagnostic laryngeal flexible endoscopy

    TUSC (TUrbinate Surgery Classification): A Novel Classification Proposal for Turbinate Surgery

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    Aim of this manuscript is to propose a clear and easily applicable classification for turbinate surgery, based on the use of a numerical model, which could be introduced in the practice of Otolaryngologists and Maxillo-Facial surgeons.Applying this classification, it will be possible to offer an easy format when describing which turbinates are involved in a procedure, and to offer a quick method to record and analyse clinical data, also for scientific purpose

    Are sinonasal dissection courses a valid instrument for endoscopic sinus surgeons? A report on 7-years of experience

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    I corsi di chirurgia endoscopica naso-sinusale sono rivolti sia a giovani specialisti per il training chirurgico, sia a chirurghi più esperti per migliorare le abilità chirurgiche. Ad un totale di centotrenta (130) partecipanti, ad 8 corsi di dissezione in totale, tra il 2013 e il 2019, è stato somministrato un questionario strutturato standardizzato, comprendente domande sulla strumentazione ricevuta e problemi riscontrati durante la pratica di dissezione. L’uncinectomia e l’etmoidectomia anteriore sono state considerate le procedure più semplici del corso, dalla maggior parte dei partecipanti, mentre l’approccio al seno frontale, indipendentemente dall’esperienza e dall’età, è stato ritenuto il passaggio più complicato. Tutti i partecipanti hanno considerato il corso di dissezione come un mezzo utile per migliorare le loro conoscenze anatomiche, ed il grado di confidenza con la strumentazione e con la dissezione. I corsi di chirurgia endoscopica naso-sinusale sono stati ritenuti utili sia dai giovani specialisti, che dai chirurghi più esperti. Il miglioramento delle conoscenze anatomiche può ridurre efficacemente l’insorgenza di complicazioni indesiderate, in particolare per gli approcci endoscopici.Sinonasal dissection courses have been reported to be effective in teaching sinonasal anatomy to trainees, and in improving surgical skills for trained surgeons. Between 2013 and 2019, a standardised structured questionnaire was handed out to 130 participants of 8 sinonasal dissection courses. Each questionnaire included questions about the medical equipment the surgeons were fitted, and the problems encountered during the dissection.The majority of the participants, regardless of their experience and age, considered uncinectomy and anterior ethmoidectomy as the simplest parts of the dissection, whereas the most complicated step was the approach to the frontal sinus. All participants considered the dissection course as a useful way to improve their medical skills while performing an endoscopic surgery procedure, such as their anatomical knowledge, and confidence with instrumentation and the dissection. Sinonasal dissection courses can be considered to be useful for both trainees and trained surgeons. Improving anatomical knowledge can reduce the occurrence of complications, especially in endoscopic surgery

    Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia in North African and sub-Saharan patients

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    Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or Osler-Weber-Rendu disease is an autosomal-dominant inherited vascular disease, characterised by the presence of mucocutaneous telangiectasia and visceral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Three main causative genes are known: ENG, ACVRL1 and SMAD4. BMP9 has also been shown to be involved in a small number of cases. We report two cases of HHT in North African and sub-Saharan patients

    Haemorrhagic Presentation of a Craniopharyngioma in a Pregnant Woman

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    Objective. Craniopharyngioma is a rare tumour, and, consequently, acute clinical presentation and diagnosis, during pregnancy, of this pathology are quite difficult to find. Only few cases are reported in the literature, and no one describes these two conditions in association. Methods. We report a particular case of craniopharyngioma presenting both of the above conditions. Results. The patient was successfully operated with endoscopic technique. Conclusions. Rare and difficult cases, created by the superposition of different clinical conditions, need multidisciplinary management, with collaboration, integration, and cooperation between different medical specialists
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