54 research outputs found

    Alternative treatment for otitis media with effusion: eustachian tube rehabilitation

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    In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of eustachian tube rehabilitation (ETR) as treatment for otitis media with effusion (OME). Thirty-five children with persistent OME were enrolled. Patients were divided into three groups: group I (isolated OME); group II (OME and atypical swallowing); group II (OME, habitual mouth breathing and atypical swallowing). All children underwent ETR. Otomicroscopy and tympanograms were performed before treatment, and at one and three months following ETR. Considering the overall patient population after ETR (one and three months later), the prevalence of type A tympanogram increased significantly compared to before therapy (p < 0.005), while the prevalence of type B tympanogram decreased significantly (p < 0.005). We found significant differences between pre- and both post-therapy control in groups I and II. However, children in group II experienced significant improvement of middle ear conditions only three months after the end of therapy (p < 0.005). On the basis of the physiopathologic knowledge of OME and the underlying principles of ETR, we conclude that ETR can be considered a useful therapy in management of OME

    Salivary biomarkers and proteomics: Future diagnostic and clinical utilities = Biomarkers e proteomica salivari: Prospettive future cliniche e diagnostiche

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    Saliva testing is a non-invasive and inexpensive test that can serve as a source of information useful for diagnosis of disease. As we enter the era of genomic technologies and –omic research, collection of saliva has increased. Recent proteomic platforms have analysed the human salivary proteome and characterised about 3000 differentially expressed proteins and peptides: in saliva, more than 90% of proteins in weight are derived from the secretion of three couples of “major” glands; all the other components are derived from minor glands, gingival crevicular fluid, mucosal exudates and oral microflora. The most common aim of proteomic analysis is to discriminate between physiological and pathological conditions. A proteomic protocol to analyze the whole saliva proteome is not currently available. It is possible distinguish two type of proteomic platforms: top-down proteomics investigates intact naturally-occurring structure of a protein under examination; bottom-up proteomics analyses peptide fragments after pre-digestion (typically with trypsin). Because of this heterogeneity, many different biomarkers may be proposed for the same pathology. The salivary proteome has been characterised in several diseases: oral squamous cell carcinoma and oral leukoplakia, chronic graft-versus-host disease Sjögren’s syndrome and other autoimmune disorders such as SAPHO, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and genetic diseases like Down’s Syndrome and Wilson disease. The results of research reported herein suggest that in the near future human saliva will be a relevant diagnostic fluid for clinical diagnosis and prognosis

    Proteomics of saliva: personal experience

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    The salivary proteome is a complex protein mixture resulting from the activity of salivary glands with the contribution of other components that form the oral environment such as oral tissues and micro-organisms. For diagnosis purposes, saliva collection has the great advantage of being an easy and non-invasive technique. Human saliva proteomics have proven to be a novel approach in the search for protein biomarkers for detection of different local and systemic diseases. Currently, more than 1400 salivary proteins have been identified. In the last few years, our research group has extensively studied the salivary proteomics in order to analyse the salivary composition, investigating the major families of proteins present in human and mammalian saliva, the post-translational modifications, the different contributions of glands, the physiological and pathological modifications of saliva. The aim of this report is to present our personal experience in salivary proteomics. In conclusion, salivary proteome analysis represents an important field both for diagnosis and monitoring of various diseases and could be considered a novel approach to prevention of various pathological conditions

    Top-down platform for deciphering the human salivary proteome

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    Proteomic platforms can be classified in bottom-up strategies, which analyze the sample after proteolytic digestion, and top-down strategies, which analyze the intact naturally occurring proteome. Bottom-up platforms are high-throughput because they can investigate a large number of proteins, regardless of their dimension. Nonetheless, information on post-translational modifications (PTMs) can be lost, especially those regarding naturally occurring cleavages and alternative splicing. Top-down platforms cannot cover vast proteomes, however, they can disclose subtle structural variations occurring during protein maturation and allow label-free relative quantifications in an unlimited number of samples. A repertoire of 256 masses belonging to naturally occurring proteins and peptides consistently detected by RP-HPLC-ESI-MS analysis of the acidic soluble fraction of human whole saliva is presented in this study. Of them, 233 have been identified, while 23 are still pending for the definitive characterization. The present review reports average and mono-isotopic masses of the peptides and proteins detected, RP-HPLC elution times, PTMs, origin and quali-quantitative variations observed in several physiological and pathological conditions. The information reported can be a reference for users of top-down RP-HPLC-ESI-MS proteomic platforms applied to the study of the human salivary proteome as well as of other human bodily fluids

    Investigation by top-down high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry of glutathionylation and cysteinylation of salivary S100A9 and cystatin B in preterm newborns

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    Glutathionylation and cysteinylation can be involved in the protection of critical cysteines from irreversible oxidative damages. S100A9 long and cystatin B, proteins highly represented in the saliva of preterm and at-term newborns, can undergo these modifications. Levels of S100A9 long and cystatin B and their glutathionylated and cysteinylated derivatives have been determined by a top-down platform based on high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry in 100 salivary samples serially collected from 17 preterm newborns with different postconceptional age at birth (178-226 days) and in 90 salivary samples collected from at-term newborns and babies. Results showed that: (1) S100A9 long and cystatin B were mainly present as unmodified forms in extremely preterm newborn; (2) the percentage of the S-thiolated derivatives of both proteins increased with increasing the postconceptional age; (3) the greatest variation occurred up to about 280 days of postconceptional age. Interestingly, differences in the levels of the S-thiolated derivatives only depended on the postconceptional age and not on whether the infant was born preterm or at-term. Inadequate levels of cysteine and glutathione might be responsible for the low level of S-thiolated derivatives measured in preterm newborns. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD025517

    Postural control and disability in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis

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    PMID: 33427617 Abstract Objectives: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may affect the postural control through abnormal sensory inputs and impaired motor responses. Sensory Organization Test (SOT) objectively evaluates contribution of different sensorial afferences in postural control. The aim of the study is to assess mechanisms of postural instability and their relations with disability and disease characteristics in an early RA(ERA) cohort. Methods: The equilibrium scores were assessed in 30 ERA patients and 30 age- and sex-matched controls. The somatosensory (SOM), visual (VIS) and vestibular (VEST) ratios were computed to assess the use of different sensory and the composite equilibrium score (CES) as a measure of global balance performance. Results: ERA patients had lower CES (78.4±6.0% vs. 83.4±5.0%, p=0.002), SOM ratio (98.5±1.8% vs. 99.6±2.1%, p=0.035), VIS ratio (85.2±7.6% vs. 91.5±6.0%, p=0.001) and VEST ratio (70.8±10.0% vs. 80.3±7.8%, p&lt;0.001) compared to controls. The presence of ankle arthritis correlated negatively to both SOM (r=-0.369, p=0.045) and VIS ratio (r=0.470, p=0.009), pain severity to CES (r=-0.389, p=0.045) and VIS ratio (r=-0.385, p=0.048) and HAQ-DI to CES (r=-0.591, p=0.001), SOM (r=-0.510, p=0.004) and VIS ratio (r=-0.390, p=0.033.). Patients-reported postural instability was associated with lower CES (75.4±5.4% vs. 80.7±5.5%, p=0.016) and VEST ratios (66.5±10.1% vs. 74.1±8.8%, p=0.036). SOT outcomes did not differ according to acute phase reactants, disease activity or autoantibody positivity. Conclusions: RA patients showed an early impairment of postural control related to the degree of disability and subjective postural instability. Our data suggest that the lack of balance could result from both impaired motor response and abnormal sensory organisation

    Salivary biomarkers and proteomics: future diagnostic and clinical utilities

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    Lo studio della proteomica salivare, test economico e non invasivo, rappresenta una fonte di numerose informazioni, ed è utile per la diagnosi di svariate malattie. Da quando siamo entrati nellera della tecnologia genomica e delle scienze omiche, la raccolta di campioni salivari è aumentata esponenzialmente. Recenti piattaforme proteomiche hanno analizzato il proteoma salivare umano, caratterizzando circa 3000 peptidi e proteine, espressi in maniera differente: più del 90% in peso deriva dalla secrezione delle tre ghiandole salivari maggiori, mentre la restante parte proviene dalle ghiandole salivari minori, dal fluido crevicolare gengivale, da essudati mucosi e dalla microflora orale. Lobiettivo principale dellanalisi proteomica è discriminare tra condizioni fisiologiche e patologiche. Ad oggi, tuttavia, non esiste un preciso protocollo che permetta di analizzare lintero proteoma salivare, pertanto sono state realizzate svariate strategie. Innanzitutto, è possibile distinguere due tipologie di piattaforme proteomiche: lapproccio top-down prevede lanalisi delle proteine sotto esame come entità intatte; nellapproccio bottom-up la caratterizzazione della proteina avviene mediante lo studio dei peptidi ottenuti dopo digestione enzimatica (con tripsina tipicamente). A causa di questa eterogeneità, per una stessa patologia sono stati proposti differenti biomarkers. Il proteoma salivare è stato caratterizzato in numerose malattie: carcinoma squamoso e leucoplachie orali, malattia del trapianto contro lospite (GVHD) cronica, sindrome di Sjögren e altri disordini autoimmuni come la sindrome SAPHO (sinovite, acne, pustolosi, iperostosi e osteite), schizofrenia e disordine bipolare, malattie genetiche come la sindrome di Down o la malattia di Wilson. In conclusione, i risultati delle ricerche riportate in questa review suggeriscono che nel prossimo futuro la saliva diverrà un fluido di indubbia rilevanza diagnostica utile per fini clinici, sia diagnostici, sia prognostici

    Ruolo della sleep endoscopy nella selezione dei pazienti affetti da sindrome delle apnee ostruttive durante il sonno di grado lieve moderato candidati a terapia ortodontica con dispositivo di avanzamento mandibolare

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    Il trattamento con dispositivi di avanzamento mandibolare (MAD) rappresenta un’efficace alternativa terapeutica per i pazienti affetti da roncopatia semplice, OSAS di grado lieve/moderato e in casi selezionati di OSAS grave con scarsa tollerabilità alla terapia ventilatoria con C-PAP. Pertanto è importante identificare dei criteri oggettivi per selezionare i pazienti che possono beneficiare del trattamento con i sistemi di avanzamento mandibolare (MAD). In letteratura sono stati descritti vari fattori predittivi sia antropometrici che polisonnografici, mentre esistono ancora controversie circa il ruolo della Sleep Endoscopy e della manovra di avanzamento mandibolare bimanuale durante lo stesso esame come fattori predittivi del successo terapeutico con MAD. In questo studio descriviamo la nostra esperienza nel management di pazienti affetti da OSAS lieve/moderata trattati con MAD e selezionati mediante “sleep endoscopy”. Abbiamo eseguito una valutazione prospettica longitudinale di una serie consecutiva di pazienti giunti alla nostra osservazione con diagnosi di OSAS lieve/moderata e sottoposti a sleependoscopy. Durante il sonno indotto farmacologicamente è stata eseguita una delicata manovra di avanzamento mandibolare con escursione inferiore ai 5 mm e abbiamo riscontrato che in 30 dei 65 pazienti (46,2%) lo spazio respiratorio non migliorava in modo significativo a livello dei siti di ostruzione osservati, mentre in 35 dei 65 pazienti (53,8%) si osservava un miglioramento significativo tale da poter indicare terapia con MAD. In 7 dei 35 pazienti venivano riscontrate condizioni che ostacolavano l’applicazione del MAD per cui 28 dei 35 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a terapia con MAD. Dopo 3 mesi di trattamento abbiamo documentato un miglioramento significativo dell’indice di Epworth medio [(7,35 ± 2,8 vs 4,1 ± 2,2 (p < 0.05)], dell’AHI medio [(21.4 ± 6 eventi per ora verso 8,85 ± 6,9 (p < 0.05) ] e dell’ODI medio [(18.6 ± 8 eventi per ora versus 7 ± 5.8 (p < 0.05)]. Abbiamo inoltre osservato che l’AHI migliorava di almeno il 50% rispetto al basale nel 71.4% dei pazienti selezionati mediante sleep endoscopy. In questo studio, la terapia con i dispositivi di avanzamento mandibolare è stata prescritta con successo sulla base non soltanto dell’indice di apnea/ipopnea, ma anche dei reperti della sleep endoscopy e della manovra di avanzamento mandibolare, ottenendo una visione diretta degli effetti della protrusione mandibolare sullo spazio respiratorio in corrispondenza dei siti di ostruzione, e ottenendo una buona ottimizzazione della selezione dei pazienti per il trattamento con MAD

    Validity and reliability of a computer-assisted system method to measure axial vertebral rotation

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    BACKGROUND: Axial vertebral rotation and Cobb’s angle are essential parameters for analysing adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. This study’s scope evaluates the validity and absolute reliability of application software based on a new mathematical equation to determine the axial vertebral rotation in digital X-rays according to Raimondi’s method in evaluators with different degrees of experience. METHODS: Twelve independent evaluators with different experience levels measured 33 scoliotic curves in 21 X-rays with the software on three separate occasions, separated one month. Using the same methodology, the observers re-measured the same radiographic studies three months later but on X-ray films and in a conventional way. RESULTS: Both methods show good validity and reliability, and the intraclass correlation coefficients are almost perfect. According to our results, the software increases 1.7 times the validity and 1.9 times the absolute reliability of axial vertebral rotation on digital X-rays according to Raimondi’s method, compared to the conventional manual measurement. CONCLUSIONS: The intra-group and inter-group agreement of the measurements with the software shows equal or minor variations than with the manual method, among the different measurement sessions and in the three experience groups. There is almost perfect agreement between the two measurement methods, so the equation and the software may be helpful to increase the accuracy in the axial vertebral rotation assessment