1,871 research outputs found

    Learning in Italian as a second language

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    This paper reports on an experiment on enhancing second language reading comprehension through textual modification. The study aims to verify if textual modification - namely semplification, elaboration and logical-conceptual re-organization - can be a useful pedagogic strategy in teaching school subject to immigrant students at low proficiency level

    Constraining modified theories of gravity with gravitational wave stochastic background

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    The direct discovery of gravitational waves has finally opened a new observational window on our Universe, suggesting that the population of coalescing binary black holes is larger than previously expected. These sources produce an unresolved background of gravitational waves, potentially observables by ground-based interferometers. In this paper we investigate how modified theories of gravity, modeled using the ppE formalism, affect the expected signal, and analyze the detectability of the resulting stochastic background by current and future ground-based interferometers. We find the constraints that AdLIGO would be able to set on modified theories, showing that they may significantly improve the current bounds obtained from astrophysical observations of binary pulsars.Comment: Results updated to match the version accepted on Phys. Rev. Let

    Maximum likelihood localization: When does it fail?

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    Maximum likelihood is a criterion often used to derive localization algorithms. In particular, in this paper we focus on a distance-based algorithm for the localization of nodes in static wireless networks. Assuming that Ultra Wide Band (UWB) signals are used for inter-node communications, we investigate the ill-conditioning of the Two-Stage Maximum-Likelihood (TSML) Time of Arrival (ToA) localization algorithm as the Anchor Nodes (ANs) positions change. We analytically derive novel lower and upper bounds for the localization error and we evaluate them in some localization scenarios as functions of the ANs' positions. We show that particular ANs' configurations intrinsically lead to ill-conditioning of the localization problem, making the TSML-ToA inapplicable. For comparison purposes, we also show, through some examples, that a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based algorithm guarantees accurate positioning also when the localization problem embedded in the TSML-ToA algorithm is ill-conditioned

    Low-complexity UWB-based collision avoidance system for automated guided vehicles

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    This paper describes a low-complexity collision avoidance system for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) based on active ultra-wide band (UWB) modules. In particular, we consider an industrial warehouse where all the AGVs and target nodes (TNs) (e.g., people) are equipped with active UWB modules. A communication session between a pair of UWB modules permits the exchange of information and the estimation of the distance between them. The UWB module positioned on an AGV is connected to an on-board computer; whenever the UWB module on an AGV receives a message from a TN, it communicates all the received data to the on-board computer that can decide to stop the AGV if the range estimate is below a given threshold. This prevents undesired collisions between the AGV and the TN. In this paper, we present the experimental results of the proposed collision avoidance system obtained using the UWB modules, PulsON 410 ranging and communication modules (P410 RCMs), produced by Time Domain

    La lingua di mezzo

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    L'osservazione dell'interlingua nei percorsi di apprendimento della L

    L'AS-unit come unit\ue0 di produzione per l'italiano parlato in L1 e L2. Problemi di applicazione e possibili soluzioni

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    L\u2019identificazione di unit\ue0 valide e affidabili per l\u2019analisi \ue8 un passaggio essenziale per condurre analisi quantitative di dati sul parlato al fine di indagare dimensioni come complessit\ue0, accuratezza e fluidit\ue0 o misurare la frequenza di caratteristiche specifiche del discorso o della grammatica. L\u2019Analysis of Speech Unit (AS-unit), inizialmente proposta da Foster et al. (2000) per l\u2019inglese, ha dimostrato di essere uno strumento utile: si basa su processi di pianificazione psicolinguistica ed \ue8 descritta ed esemplificata in dettaglio, il che contribuisce alla sua validit\ue0 e affidabilit\ue0. Il presente articolo illustra l\u2019applicazione di questa unit\ue0 di produzione del parlato all\u2019italiano L1 e L2. Dopo aver presentato l\u2019unit\ue0 AS e i suoi vantaggi, vengono discusse le questioni relative alla sua applicazione in generale e all\u2019italiano in particolare. Sulla base di queste osservazioni, ne viene proposta una parziale ridefinizione

    Usare le parole per gestire situazioni di conflitto alla scuola primaria

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    Questo contributo illustra i risultati di un\u2019indagine esplorativa relativa alle modalit\ue0 di gestione verbale di situazioni diconflitto da parte di bambini della scuola primaria. L\u2019analisi mira a rilevare come gli allievi monolingui e plurilingui di 7-8 anni gestiscono l\u2019atto di protesta in italiano nell\u2019interazione tra pari. Oltre a descrivere alcuni degli usi pragmatici dei bambini delle classi multilingui coinvolte, l\u2019osservazione sperimentale ha l\u2019obiettivo di offrire indicazioni ai docenti per sviluppare interventi didattici rivolti a questa fascia d\u2019et\ue0

    Insegnare l'italiano con i task

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    L'articolo illustra le caratteristiche di base della didattica per tas

    L'interlingua come origine della differenziazione

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    La visione della classe in termini di CAD, ossia di sistema aperto in cui la differenza diventa la chiave di lettura per la gestione di un insegnamento efficace e di un apprendimento di successo, \ue8 il punto di partenza per un far scuola coerente con i reali bisogni degli apprendenti. All'interno di questa prospettiva, il concetto di interlingua \ue8 una sorta di bussola per l'insegnante che, come un navigante, si muove nel mare plurilingue della propria classe; supporta il docente nella creazione di percorsi di apprendimento capaci di tenere insieme le differenze che emergono e di rispondere in modo comune, ma allo stesso tempo differenziato, ai bisogni di ciascuno

    Fare pragmatica alla scuola primaria. Tra teoria e pratica didattica

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    Both first and second language acquisition research and language education invite teachers to integrate grammar and pragmatics into the curriculum. A wider attention towards spoken language use in situational contexts close to children experience can potentially facilitate the development of inclusive teaching practices. However, such a challenge requires a strict collaboration between research and classroom practice, in order to develop teacher training programs and teaching resources for multicultural primary school classrooms.The present work, after presenting a review of present literature on learning and teaching pragmatics in L1 and L2, discusses the teacher training and action-research project Oggi facciamo pragmatica dedicated to the Italian pragmatics in primary schools and illustrates the first results from a serie of exploratory studies
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