1,359 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh untuk mengatahui apakah melalui penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif dengan menggunakan media audio visual dalam permainan tenis meja dapat meninglatan keterampilan forehand drive dan backhand drive,. Tujuan penelitian ini dengan menerapkan pembelajaran kooperatif dengan menggunkan media audio visual untuk meningkatkan keterampilan forehand drive dan backhand drive dalam permainan tenis meja (pada siswa kelas V SDN Cinunuk 02 Kabupaten Bandung). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan dua siklus dengan program permainan-permainan tenis meja. Subjek penelitian ini siswa kelas V SDN Cinunuk 02 Kabupaten Bandung yang berjumlah 40 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu tes keterampilan forehand drive dan backhand drive. Hasil observasi awal menunjukan bahwa mengenai tes forehand drive dan backhand drive siswa masih rendah dalam pembelajaran, hal ini ditunjukan dengan nilai-nilai tes forehand drive dan backhand drive rata-rata presentase backhand drive 42,55% sedangkan forehand drive 45,13% Yang seharusnya 75%. Selanjutnya hasil siklus 1 tindakan 1 dengan nilai presentase backhand drive 48,07% sedangkan forehand drive 55,80%. Kemudian hasil siklus 1 tindakan 2 dengan nilai presentase backhand drive 57,50% sedangkan forehand drive 66,63% . Selanjutnya hasil siklus 2 tindakan 1 dengan nilai presentase backhand drive 68,73% sedangkan forehand drive 73,10% . Selanjutnya hasil siklus 2 tindakan 2 dengan nilai presentase backhand drive 78,03% sedangkan forehand drive 83,90% Setelah melalui dua siklus rata-rata nilai tes keterampilan forehand drive dan backhand drive dalam permainan tenis meja mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah nilai keterampilan forehand drive dan backhand drive siswa melalaui permainan tenis meja dan penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif dengan menggunakan media audio visual mengalami peningkatan.,---This research is motivated by whether through learning to know the game of table tennis skills can meninglatan forehand and backhand drives drive ,. The purpose of this study to implement cooperative learning by using audio-visual media to enhance the skills of forehand and backhand drives drives in a game of table tennis (in the fifth grade students of SDN 02 Cinunuk Bandung District). The method used in this research is the Classroom Action Research (PTK) with two cycles of the program table tennis games. These research subjects fifth grade students of SDN 02 Cinunuk Bandung regency totaling 40 people. The instrument used is a test of skills forehand and backhand drives drive. Results of preliminary observations showed that the test drive forehand and backhand drives student learning is still low, this is indicated by assay values forehand and backhand drives drive the average percentage backhand drive 42.55% 45.13% while the forehand drive That should 75%. The results of the first cycle of action 1 percentage backhand drive with a value of 48.07% whereas 55.80% forehand drive. Then the results of cycle 1 action 2 with backhand drive percentage value 57.50% 66.63% while the forehand drive. The results of the second cycle of action 1 percentage backhand drive value 68.73% 73.10% while the forehand drive. The results of the second cycle of action 2 with backhand drive value percentage of 78.03% and 83.90% forehand drive After two average cycle skills test scores forehand and backhand drives drives in a game of table tennis has increased significantly. It is concluded that the value of the skills forehand and backhand drives drive students melalaui game of table tennis and implementation of cooperative learning by using audio-visual media has increased

    A Mapping System as a Method in Experiential Culture Learning and Engagement

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    From my observation as a new resident in Education City, I recognize a need for cultural awareness and communication amongst those studying and working in this particular area. With this project I propose a different experience, a new way to use experiential learning as a mechanism to change people’s predetermined opinions about one another and disrupt personal biases in order to foster cultural awareness and friendship. A mapping system or wayfinding strategy to navigate a new city is the beginning of a visitor’s experience in a new place. This new experience is one way for users to identify locations through the use of a mapping system, discover cultural communication areas and be involved with sensory objects that require them to become aware of their surroundings. All of these elements are a catalyst for students in Education City to communicate and participate in experiential learning as part of their experience in Qatar

    Analisis Lubuk Larangan Sebagai Wisata Ekologi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Desa Lubuk Beringin, Kecamatan Bathin III Ulu, Kebupaten Bungo,Jambi. (Sebagai Pendukung Substansi Materi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam pada Bidang Studi Geografi di Kelas XI SMA)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis sistem penentuan Lubuk Larangan, menganalisis pengelolaan SDA Lubuk Larangan, menganalisis potensi Lubuk Larangan sebagai wisata ekologi berbasiskeraifan lokal. Selain itu untuk menyusun pendukung substansi materi pengelolaan SDA pada bidang studi pendidikan geografi kelas XI SMA dan untuk dijadikan sebagai inisiasi materi muatan lokal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan tenik snowball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi lapangan serta dokumentasi.Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan analisis interaktif dan SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threads atau Kekuatan, Kelemahan, Peluang, dan Ancaman). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sistem penentuan Lubuk Larangan melalui tahapan perencanaan hingga pengesahan yang tidak terlepas dari sejarah terbetuknya dan warisan budaya leluhur.Pengelolaan sumber daya alam berbasiskearifan lokal sangat nyata terjadi di Lubuk Beringin denan aturan adat dan kebiasaan yang sangat ditaati. Potensi ekowisata yang dimiliki sangat meyakinkan untuk dikembangkan, hal ini berdasarkan hasil analisis yang menunjukan tren positif dengan indeks Total Internal Factor dan External Factor adalah 3,58 dan 3,47.Pendukung substansi materi diperlukan agar pengelolaan Sumber daya alam tidak memberikan dampak negatif dengan mengabaikan kebudayaan masyarakat setempat. Inisiasi materi muatan lokal diperlukan untuk mendekatkan peserta didik dengan lingkungan, mengenal dan mengetahui segala potensi keunggulan daerahnya

    A study of body composition and its association with disease severity in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in HUSM

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    Background: COPD is not just a disease of the lungs alone; it has systemic manifestations due to the underlying pathogenesis of inflammatory reaction. Systemic manifestations in term of reduction in body composition (Body Mass Index and Fat Free Mass Index) has been shown to be an independent risk factor for disease severity and mortality in COPD. The objective of this study is to determine the association of body composition with disease severity in stable COPD patients (patients who had no exacerbation in the past three months). Methods: We evaluated 38 stable COPD patients attending Respiratory Clinic in HUSM and calculated their Body Mass Index, Fat Free Mass Index and determined their six minutes walking distance and serum CRP values. Results: There was no satisfactory significant difference between body composition and disease severity in COPD patients noted in this study ( p > 0.05 ). Conclusion: Body composition (BMI,FFMI) is not suitable for assessment of disease severity in stable COPD patients

    Performance evaluation of multipath TCP : Mohammad Faisal. Advisor: Ash Mohammad Abbas M.Tech. Thesis Department of Computer Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. May 2014

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    En esta tesis, tratamos de responder a la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo realizar múltiples rutas-TCP, en comparación con el TCP tradicional? Para ello, se evaluó el desempeño de múltiples-TCP. Durante la evaluación del desempeño, que se centró en los siguientes parámetros: retardo, rendimiento, y la relación de la entrega de paquetes de extremo a extremo. Se evaluó el impacto de ancho de banda de enlace y número de buffers en la cola de los parámetros de rendimiento antes mencionados.Resumen de la tesis realizada por el autor.Facultad de Informátic

    Experience of blended learning at King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia among students, lecturers and academic leaders : implications for educational planning and learning process strategy

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    This research explores the experiences of blended learning and its implication for higher education planning at King Khalid University (KKU) within the context of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The study is based on the perspectives of key stakeholders in KSA comprising academic leaders, lecturers and students. KKU was chosen to conduct the case study, and is where the research investigated the views and perceptions of its students, lecturers and academic leaders in order to ascertain their experiences and perceptions of blended learning, and examine its impact. The study is motivated by the need to get insight into the status and implications of blended learning in KSA since it is at an early phase of implementation. The study seeks to provide a contextual assessment of blended learning by exploring the benefits and challenges present in the higher education ecosystem. A mixed method approach has been adopted in which quantitative and qualitative methods have been applied. Data collection includes a survey questionnaire involving 76 students, interviews with six of them, and five further interviews with lecturers and academic leaders. The findings of the study reveal the perceived level of proficiency with blended learning devices affects students’ perceptions of blended learning; that it particularly enhances interactions and communication between lecturers and students since learning was not limited to the physical classroom settings only. Although it saved time for the students and their lecturers at KKU, blended learning was constrained by a weak infrastructure, such as a weak internet connection and lack of devices that limits its applicability. These challenges affected the interaction of the students learning through blended learning, and may be an impediment to its effectiveness in higher education learning. It is imperative that the aforementioned challenges that students and lecturers encounter in blended learning be resolved to motivate students who may be resigned to face-to-face classroom learning due to these challenges. A positive perception of blended learning is informed by its perceived usefulness to lecturers and students notwithstanding the challenges that make students prefer traditional modes of learning. However, given the benefits that the KKU learning community perceives in blended learning, it is imperative that the administrators move swiftly to improve the underlying infrastructure for blended learning to make it more appealing to students. This may motivate more students to embrace blended learning, as it provides benefits of both classroom and distance learning. There is also a need for improving awareness and training of lecturers and students in order to prepare them more adequately for effectively utilising the technology to maintain a blended learning environment

    Hierarchical N-Body problem on graphics processor unit

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    Galactic simulation is an important cosmological computation, and represents a classical N-body problem suitable for implementation on vector processors. Barnes-Hut algorithm is a hierarchical N-Body method used to simulate such galactic evolution systems. Stream processing architectures expose data locality and concurrency available in multimedia applications. On the other hand, there are numerous compute-intensive scientific or engineering applications that can potentially benefit from such computational and communication models. These applications are traditionally implemented on vector processors. Stream architecture based graphics processor units (GPUs) present a novel computational alternative for efficiently implementing such high-performance applications. Rendering on a stream architecture sustains high performance, while user-programmable modules allow implementing complex algorithms efficiently. GPUs have evolved over the years, from being fixed-function pipelines to user programmable processors. In this thesis, we focus on the implementation of Barnes-Hut algorithm on typical current-generation programmable GPUs. We exploit computation and communication requirements present in Barnes-Hut algorithm to expose their suitability for user-programmable GPUs. Our implementation of the Barnes-Hut algorithm is formulated as a fragment shader targeting the selected GPU. We discuss implementation details, design issues, results, and challenges encountered in programming the fragment shader