6,107 research outputs found

    Change of the work function of platinum electrodes induced by halide adsorption

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    The properties of a halogen-covered platinum(111) surface have been studied by using density functional theory (DFT), because halides are often present at electrochemical electrode/electrolyte interfaces. We focused in particular on the halogen-induced work function change as a function of the coverage of fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. For electronegative adsorbates, an adsorption-induced increase of the work function is usually expected, yet we find a decrease of the work function for Cl, Br and I, which is most prominent at a coverage of approximately 0.25 ML. This coverage-dependent behavior can be explained by assuming a combination of charge transfer and polarization effects on the adsorbate layer. The results are contrasted to the adsorption of fluorine on calcium, a system in which a decrease in the work function is also observed despite a large charge transfer to the halogen adatom

    A Combined XPS and Computational Study of the Chemical Reduction of BMP‐TFSI by Lithium

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    Employing density functional theory (DFT) calculations and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), we identify products of the reaction of the ionic liquid N,N-butylmethylpyrrolidinum bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (BMP-TFSI) with lithium in order to model the initial chemical processes contributing to the formation of the solid electrolyte interphase in batteries. Besides lithium oxide, sulfide, carbide and fluoride, we find lithium cyanide or cyanamide as possible, thermodynamically stable product in the Li-poor regime, whilst Li3_{3}N is the stable product in the Li-rich regime. The thermodynamically controlled reaction products as well as larger fragments of TFSI persisting due to kinetic barriers could be identified by a comparison of experimentally and computationally determined core level binding energies

    Simulating elliptic flow with viscous hydrodynamics

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    In this work we simulate a viscous hydrodynamical model of non-central Au-Au collisions in 2+1 dimensions, assuming longitudinal boost invariance. The model fluid equations were proposed by \"{O}ttinger and Grmela \cite{OG}. Freezeout is signaled when the viscous corrections become large relative to the ideal terms. Then viscous corrections to the transverse momentum and differential elliptic flow spectra are calculated. When viscous corrections to the thermal distribution function are not included, the effects of viscosity on elliptic flow are modest. However, when these corrections are included, the elliptic flow is strongly modified at large pTp_T. We also investigate the stability of the viscous results by comparing the non-ideal components of the stress tensor (πij\pi^{ij}) and their influence on the v2v_2 spectrum to the expectation of the Navier-Stokes equations (\pi^{ij} = -\eta \llangle \partial_i u_j \rrangle). We argue that when the stress tensor deviates from the Navier-Stokes form the dissipative corrections to spectra are too large for a hydrodynamic description to be reliable. For typical RHIC initial conditions this happens for \eta/s \gsim 0.3.Comment: 34 pages, 40 figures added references, updated figure 1

    Coherence lifetimes of excitations in an atomic condensate due to the thin spectrum

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    We study the quantum coherence properties of a finite sized atomic condensate using a toy-model and the thin spectrum model formalism. The decoherence time for a condensate in the ground state, nominally taken as a variational symmetry breaking state, is investigated for both zero and finite temperatures. We also consider the lifetimes for Bogoliubov quasi-particle excitations, and contrast them to the observability window determined by the ground state coherence time. The lifetimes are shown to exhibit a general characteristic dependence on the temperature, determined by the thin spectrum accompanying the spontaneous symmetry breaking ground state

    The Formaldehyde Masers in NGC 7538 and G29.96-0.02: VLBA, MERLIN, and VLA Observations

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    The 6 cm formaldehyde (H2CO) maser sources in the compact HII regions NGC 7538-IRS1 and G29.96-0.02 have been imaged at high resolution (beams < 50 mas). Using the VLBA and MERLIN, we find the angular sizes of the NGC 7538 masers to be ~10 mas (30 AU) corresponding to brightness temperatures ~10^8 K. The angular sizes of the G29.96-0.02 masers are ~20 mas (130 AU) corresponding to brightness temperatures ~10^7 K. Using the VLA, we detect 2 cm formaldehyde absorption from the maser regions. We detect no emission in the 2 cm line, indicating the lack of a 2 cm maser and placing limits on the 6 cm excitation process. We find that both NGC 7538 maser components show an increase in intensity on 5-10 year timescales while the G29.96-0.02 masers show no variability over 2 years. A search for polarization provides 3-sigma upper limits of 1% circularly polarized and 10% linearly polarized emission in NGC 7538 and of 15% circularly polarized emission in G29.96-0.02. A pronounced velocity gradient of 28 km/s/arcsecond (1900 km/s/pc) is detected in the NGC 7538 maser gas.Comment: accepted to ApJ, 15 figures, 11 table

    Zeeman tomography of magnetic white dwarfs. II, The quadrupole-dominated magnetic field of HE 1045-0908

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    We report time-resolved optical flux and circular polarization spectroscopy of the magnetic DA white dwarf HE 1045−0908 obtained with FORS1 at the ESO VLT. Considering published results, we estimate a likely rotational period of P rot 2.7 h, but cannot exclude values as high as about 9 h. Our detailed Zeeman tomographic analysis reveals a field structure which is dominated by a quadrupole and contains additional dipole and octupole contributions, and which does not depend strongly on the assumed value of the period. A good fit to the Zeeman flux and polarization spectra is obtained if all field components are centred and inclinations of their magnetic axes with respect to each other are allowed for. The fit can be slightly improved if an offset from the centre of the star is included. The prevailing surface field strength is 16 MG, but values between 10 and ∼ 75 MG do occur. We derive an effective photospheric temperature of HE 1045−0908 of T eff = 10 000 ± 1000 K. The tomographic code makes use of an extensive database of pre-computed Zeeman spectra (Paper I)

    QTL Analysis of Mineral Content in Perennial Ryegrass (\u3cem\u3eLolium Perenne\u3c/em\u3e L.)

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    Variation in mineral content of grasses can be strongly influenced by genetic factors. Grass tetany (hypomagnesemia) of cattle and sheep is due to disturbances in serum magnesium levels. In Southern Australia, resultant levels of mortality in cattle vary between 0.5-1.5% of total stock numbers. Serum magnesium variation may be due to feed deficits, or dietary imbalances that interfere with magnesium metabolism. High levels of potassium appear to exert negative effects on the levels of magnesium in the blood. Italian ryegrass genotypes with high levels of magnesium can alleviate the incidence of grass tetany. The genetic control of mineral content, including magnesium, in perennial ryegrass has been investigated using molecular marker-based analysis

    Flexibility properties in Complex Analysis and Affine Algebraic Geometry

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    In the last decades affine algebraic varieties and Stein manifolds with big (infinite-dimensional) automorphism groups have been intensively studied. Several notions expressing that the automorphisms group is big have been proposed. All of them imply that the manifold in question is an Oka-Forstneri\v{c} manifold. This important notion has also recently merged from the intensive studies around the homotopy principle in Complex Analysis. This homotopy principle, which goes back to the 1930's, has had an enormous impact on the development of the area of Several Complex Variables and the number of its applications is constantly growing. In this overview article we present 3 classes of properties: 1. density property, 2. flexibility 3. Oka-Forstneri\v{c}. For each class we give the relevant definitions, its most significant features and explain the known implications between all these properties. Many difficult mathematical problems could be solved by applying the developed theory, we indicate some of the most spectacular ones.Comment: thanks added, minor correction

    Nonlinearities in Conservative Growth Equations

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    Using the dynamic renormalization group (DRG) technique, we analyze general nonlinearities in a conservative nonlinear growth equation with non-conserved gaussian white noise. We show that they fall in two classes only: the Edwards-Wilkinson and Lai-Das Sarma types, by explicitly computing the associated amputated two and three point functions at the first order in perturbation parameter(s). We further generalize this analysis to higher order nonlinearities and also suggest a physically meaningful geometric interpretation of the same.Comment: REVTEX, will appear in Phys Rev E Rapid Comm. February 1996, .ps figure file available upon request to [email protected]