1,067 research outputs found

    Computer simulation of bistable switching in a nematic device containing pear-shaped particles

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    We study the microscopic basis of bistable switching of a confined liquid crystal via Monte Carlo simulations of hard pear-shaped particles. Using both dielectric and dipolar field couplings to this intrinsically flexoelectric fluid, it is shown that pulsed fields of opposing polarity can be used to switch between the vertical and hybrid aligned states. Further, it is shown that the field-susceptibility of the surface polarisation, rather than the bulk flexoelectricity, is the main driver of this switching behaviour.</p

    Vesuvio civil protection exercise MESIMEX: survey on volcanic risk perception.

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    In October 2006 the European Civil Protection Exercise MESIMEX (Somma Vesuvio Mesimex – Major Emergency SIMulation Exercise) on volcanic risk took place at Vesuvio, promoted by Campania Region and coordinated by the Italian Civil Protection Department. The exercise was focused on the preparedness phase for a major volcanic emergency in the area of Vesuvio. An evacuation of a sample of 1800 inhabitants from the Vesuvio Red Zone was also tested during the drill because the emergency plan ensures the complete evacuation of the population from the higher risk zone before the onset of the eruption. During that event a survey on volcanic risk perception was carried out on the evacuated population in order to compare the results with the ones coming from a previous similar survey, using the same questionnaire, carried out on a wider sample of residents in the Vesuvio Red Zone few months before MESIMEX exercise. The aim was to point out any differences in population’s attitude towards volcanic risk after having received detailed information on the emergency plan and on the hazards and risk related to the reactivation of Vesuvio, and experiencing the exercise. 463 questionnaires were distributed to the population evacuated from the 18 municipalities of the Red Zone and participating to the exercise. Main results in comparing data from MESIMEX survey with the Vesuvio previous one, put in evidence how the general level of Vesuvio residents’ trust remains quite low, indicating that a continuous and effective effort has to be done by both scientific community and Civil Protection Department. Particular attention should be paid in education and outreach activities and in involving people in risk mitigation procedures, also through more frequent exercises

    Bioactive glasses: from parent 45S5 composition to scaffold-assisted tissue-healing therapies

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    Nowadays, bioactive glasses (BGs) are mainly used to improve and support the healing process of osseous defects deriving from traumatic events, tumor removal, congenital pathologies, implant revisions, or infections. In the past, several approaches have been proposed in the replacement of extensive bone defects, each one with its own advantages and drawbacks. As a result, the need for synthetic bone grafts is still a remarkable clinical challenge since more than 1 million bone-graft surgical operations are annually performed worldwide. Moreover, recent studies show the effectiveness of BGs in the regeneration of soft tissues, too. Often, surgical criteria do not match the engineering ones and, thus, a compromise is required for getting closer to an ideal outcome in terms of good regeneration, mechanical support, and biocompatibility in contact with living tissues. The aim of the present review is providing a general overview of BGs, with particular reference to their use in clinics over the last decades and the latest synthesis/processing methods. Recent advances in the use of BGs in tissue engineering are outlined, where the use of porous scaffolds is gaining growing importance thanks to the new possibilities given by technological progress extended to both manufacturing processes and functionalization techniques

    Health Hazard From Endogenous Gas Emissions In Alban Hills (Rome, Italy)

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    The quiescent volcano of Alban Hills, near Rome, is characterized by strong emission of endogenous gas (mostly CO2 with minor H2S) from zones where excavation removed the superficial impervious cover. These gases –denser than air- accumulate in morphological depressions and many lethal accidents to animals and also to one person have occurred in the last years. At Cava dei Selci and Solforata sites, the CO2 flux has been estimated to 95 and 200 tons/day respectively from 0,6 and 5 hectares. Dangerous accidental gas blowouts also occurred from boreholes that reached gas pressurized shallow aquifers. In order to evaluate the gas hazard, several geochemical surveys were performed to estimate the CO2 and H2S soil flux and air concentration. In the urbanized area of Vigna Fiorita, dangerous indoor conditions were found with [CO2] up to 10 % and [H2S] up to 30 ppm and lethal indoor [CO2] (up to 22%) persisted within a non-ventilated house. Results will help in suggesting appropriate prevention measures to be adopted by residents. An important discovery was found measuring CO2 and H2S air concentration (by TDL at 30 cm from the ground). In periods of very low or no wind (generally in night-time) lethal concentrations were reached by H2S (up to 400 ppm), whereas [CO2] remained at tolerable values. These data indicate that the many animal deaths occurred in these years and previously attributed to CO2 where instead caused by H2S and a specific study on the health effects of this gas on man and on different animal species is presently under progress. Alban Hills test site provides useful methodological indications on how to assess the insidious hazard associated to soil gas release in inhabited zones of quiescent or recent volcanoes

    Chronology of the 2007 eruption of Stromboli and the activity 1 of the Scientific Synthesis Group

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    On 27 February 2007, at 12.49 GMT, a new eruption of Stromboli took place with the effusion of a 15 lava flow from a fracture cutting the flank of the NE cone, which rapidly reached the sea. The eruption 16 had been heralded by an increase in the amplitude of tremor and flank movement since at least the 14th 17 of February. Short-term precursors were an increase in the rate of occurrence of small landslides within 18 the “Sciara del Fuoco” scar on the North-western flank of the volcano. A new effusive vent opened at 19 18.30 GMT on the Sciara del Fuoco at an height of 400 m asl. The new lava emission caused the 20 sudden termination of the summit flow and initiated a period of non-stationary lava outpouring which 21 ended on 2 April, 2007. The eruption has been characterized by a rapid decrease in the eruption rate after the first days and subsequently by episodic pulse increases. On the 15th 22 of March, the increase in 23 lava outpouring, monitored by a thermal camera, heralded by 9 minutes the occurrence of a violent 24 paroxysmal explosion with the formation of an impulsive eruption column and the emission of small 25 pumices mingled with black scoriae. The pumice had a bulk composition similar to that of the lava and 26 of the black scoriae, but with a distinct lower content of phenocrysts. A similar feature has been 27 repeateadly observed during the major explosive paroxysms of Stromboli. Short term precursors of the 28 paroxysm were recorded by strainmeter and tiltmeter stations. The volcano monitoring activity has 29 been made by a joint team of researchers from the INGV sections of Catania, Napoli, Palermo and 30 Rome, along with researchers from the University of Florence, Pisa, Roma Tre, and Palermo. The 31 scientific activity was coordinated by a Synthesis Group made up by the responsibles of the different 32 monitoring techniques of INGV and Universities and by the volcanic experts of Commissione Nazionale Grandi Rischi of the Prime Minister Office (Civil Protection Department). 33 The group made a 34 daily evaluation of the state of the volcano and transmitted its recommendations to the Civil Protection 35 Department (DPC). Several prevention measures were adopted by DPC, the main of which were the 36 evacuation of the coast zone when strong acceleration of the Sciara del Fuoco slope motion (occurred 37 twice) could led to a dangerous tsunami by flank collapse (as last occurred on 30 December 2002) and 38 four days before the 15 March paroxysm when access was prohibited to the part of the volcano above 39 290m as

    Tectonics and seismicity of the Tindari Fault System, southern Italy: Crustal deformations at the transition between ongoing contractional and extensional domains located above the edge of a subducting slab

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    The Tindari Fault System (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) is a regional zone of brittle deformation located at the transition between ongoing contractional and extensional crustal compartments and lying above the western edge of a narrow subducting slab. Onshore structural data, an offshore seismic reflection profile, and earthquake data are analyzed to constrain the present geometry of the Tindari Fault System and its tectonic evolution since Neogene, including the present seismicity. Results show that this zone of deformation consists of a broad NNW trending system of faults including sets of right-lateral, left-lateral, and extensional faults as well as early strike-slip faults reworked under late extension. Earthquakes and other neotectonic data provide evidence that the Tindari Fault System is still active in the central and northern sectors and mostly accommodates extensional or rightlateral transtensional displacements on a diffuse array of faults. From these data, a multiphase tectonic history is inferred, including an early phase as a right-lateral strike-slip fault and a late extensional reworking under the influence of the subductionrelated processes, which have led to the formation of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin. Within the present, regional, geodynamic context, the Tindari Fault System is interpreted as an ongoing accommodation zone between the adjacent contractional and extensional crustal compartments, these tectonic compartments relating to the complex processes of plate convergence occurring in the region. The Tindari Fault System might also be included in an incipient, oblique-extensional, transfer zone linking the ongoing contractional belts in the Calabrian-Ionian and southern Tyrrhenian compartments

    Recent activity and kinematics of the bounding faults of the Catanzaro trough (Central Calabria, italy): new morphotectonic, geodetic and seismological data

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    A multidisciplinary work integrating structural, geodetic and seismological data was performed in the Catanzaro Trough (central Calabria, Italy) to define the seismotectonic setting of this area. The Catanzaro Trough is a structural depression transversal to the Calabrian Arc, lying in-between two longitudinal grabens: the Crati Basin to the north and the Mesima Basin to the south. The investigated area experienced some of the strongest historical earthquakes of Italy, whose seismogenic sources are still not well defined. We investigated and mapped the major WSW–ENE to WNW–ESE trending normal-oblique Lamezia-Catanzaro Fault System, bounding to the north the Catanzaro Trough. Morphotectonic data reveal that some fault segments have recently been reactivated since they have displaced upper Pleistocene deposits showing typical geomorphic features associated with active normal fault scarps such as triangular and trapezoidal facets, and displaced alluvial fans. The analysis of instrumental seismicity indicates that some clusters of earthquakes have nucleated on the Lamezia-Catanzaro Fault System. In addition, focal mechanisms indicate the prevalence of left-lateral kinematics on E–W roughly oriented fault plains. GPS data confirm that slow left-lateral motion occurs along this fault system. Minor north-dipping normal faults were also mapped in the southern side of the Catanzaro Trough. They show eroded fault scarps along which weak seismic activity and negligible geodetic motion occur. Our study highlights that the Catanzaro Trough is a poliphased Plio-Quaternary extensional basin developed early as a half-graben in the frame of the tear-faulting occurring at the northern edge of the subducting Ionian slab. In this context, the strike-slip motion contributes to the longitudinal segmentation of the Calabrian Arc. In addition, the high number of seismic events evidenced by the instrumental seismicity, the macroseismic intensity distribution of the historical earthquakes and the scaling laws relating to earthquakes and seismogenic faults support the hypothesis that the Lamezia-Catanzaro Fault System may have been responsible for the historical earthquakes since it is capable of triggering earthquakes with magnitude up to 6.9

    Fluid-Assisted Strain Localization in Quartz at the Brittle/Ductile Transition

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    A mylonitic quartzite with conjugate and synthetic shear bands was investigated by Electron Backscatter Diffraction and optical microscopy to obtain insights on recrystallization mechanisms and strain localization in quartz at plastic to semibrittle conditions close to the brittle-ductile transition. The mylonitic quartzite deformed during late Miocene thrusting coeval with contact metamorphism in the high-strain domains of the Calamita Schists (Elba Island, Italy). Mylonitic deformation occurred from amphibolite to lower greenschist facies conditions during cooling of the aureole. Dynamic recrystallization, dominated by the activity of dislocation creep by prism slip, produced recrystallized quartz layers mantling relic large quartz porphyroclasts. Under decreasing temperature and fluid-rich conditions, quartz porphyroclasts acted as relatively rigid bodies and fractured along synthetic and conjugate Câ€Č shear bands. Shear bands developed along kinematically favored orientations, just locally assisted by weak crystallographic planes in quartz. Fracturing along shear bands was assisted by cataclasis and fluid infiltration enhancing fracture propagation and healing by recrystallization and authigenesis of new quartz and phyllosilicate grains. The process enhanced the propagation of and strain localization in shear bands, with the development of bands of weak phyllosilicates. Furthermore, we observed the development of a c axis preferred orientation (CPO) related to dissolution and precipitation of new grains with their c axis oriented parallel to shear bands. This study highlights the importance of the interplay between brittle and crystal-plastic processes and fluid ingress in the semibrittle regime to understand deformation partitioning and strain localization

    Innovative crop and weed management strategies for organic spinach: crop yield and weed suppression.

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    In organic agriculture, it is important to tackle crop and weed management from a system perspective to make it effective, especially in poorly competitive crops such as vegetables. For that reason, we developed two innovative integrated crop and weed management systems for a field vegetable crop sequence in a commercial organic farm that we have been comparing to a standard farm system from 2006 to 2008. The three systems are applied to a spinach-potato-cabbage-tomato two-year crop sequence and include different levels of technical innovation: Standard Crop Management System (SCMS); Intermediate Crop Management System (ICMS); and Advanced Crop Management System (ACMS). ICMS is based on a sequence of physical weed management treatments, whereas ACMS also includes a subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) living mulch. In this paper we analyse the results obtained on spinach (Spinacia oleracea) in terms of crop yield and weed suppression. Both innovative systems increased total spinach fresh weight yield compared to SCMS, despite higher weed biomass. In ACMS, total weed biomass decreased linearly with increasing biomass of the subterranean clover living mulch
