1,472 research outputs found

    Labor Market Imperfections and the Firm's Wage Setting Policy

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    We use matched employer-employee data and firm balance sheet data to investigate the importance of firm productivity and firm labor market power in explaining firm heterogeneity in wage formation. We use a linear regression model with one interacted high dimensional fixed effect to estimate 5-digit sector-specific elasticity of output with respect to input factors directly from the production function. This allows to derive firm specific price-cost mark-up and elasticity of labor supply. The results show that firms possess a considerable degree of product and labor market power. Furthermore, we find evidence that firm's monopsony power affects negatively the earnings of its workers and firm's total factor productivity is considerably associated with higher earnings, ceteris paribus. We also find that firms use monopsony power for wage differentiation between male and female workers

    Drug Decriminalization and the Price of Illicit Drugs

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    This study is an empirical assessment of the impact of the drug decriminalization policy followed by Portugal in July, 2001. We investigate especially the impact of the policy change on the price of illicit drugs. The analysis is performed using a difference-in-differences approach and a comprehensive set of countries as control group. We also investigate the application of Synthetic Control Method in order to construct a synthetic control unit from a convex combination of other countries. The results suggest that the prices of opiates and cocaine in the post-treatment period did not decrease in the sequence of the policy change. This result contrasts with the argument that softer drug law enforcement necessarily leads to lower prices and, consequently, to higher drug usage rates and dependence

    Reabilitação da escola secundária Eça de Queirós, em Lisboa: coordenação e fiscalização da obra

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    A Coordenação e Fiscalização da obra de reabilitação de uma Escola é um projecto tecnicamente bastante motivador. Este tipo de intervenção assume um grau acentuado de complexidade face à frequente escassez de informação exacta sobre a construção existente, designadamente no que diz respeitos às instalações especiais. Esta situação implica que os Projectistas e Donos de Obra tenham uma tarefa mais dificultada na correcta, perfeita e total definição dos trabalhos a realizar. Cabe sobretudo à Fiscalização, sob coordenação e orientação do seu responsável máximo em obra, o Chefe da Fiscalização, em representação do Dono de Obra, assegurar a coordenação de todos os intervenientes, garantido o controlo da qualidade e dos custos da obra. Neste âmbito, são utilizados pelas Empresas e equipas de Fiscalização diversas ferramentas e métodos de controlo da obra, em regra previamente estabelecidos com o Dono de Obra. Este trabalho será tanto mais produtivo quanto maior for a colaboração dos Empreiteiros durante a execução dos trabalhos de reabilitação, designadamente na entreajuda com a Fiscalização e Dono de Obra na procura de soluções que permitam ultrapassar todas as questões que vão surgindo ao longo do período de construção. No presente relatório procurar-se-á descrever os métodos e princípios utilizados durante o estágio, sempre com dois objectivos fundamentais: - Representar e defender os interesses do Dono de Obra; - Em conjunto com os restantes intervenientes no processo, procurar que o produto final se aproxime o mais possível do definido em projecto, garantindo a qualidade, funcionalidade e durabilidade desejáveis. Será efectuada, ainda, a identificação dos procedimentos utilizados pelo Chefe de Fiscalização e restante elementos da sua equipa, constituindo um exemplo de como pode ser efectuada a Coordenação e Fiscalização de uma obra de um modo eficaz, conduzindo ao cumprimento dos objectivos traçados pelo Dono de Obra. Desta forma, poderá concluir-se que a mais-valia que os Donos de Obra retiram da contratação de uma equipa de Fiscalização, será bastante superior ao custos a suportar por esta

    Longe da vista, perto da validação? As Tecnologias e Metodologias de E-learning (TMEL) no reconhecimento de competências a distância nos processos de Reconhecimento, Validação e Certificação de Competências (RVCC), no âmbito da Educação e Formação de Adultos (EFA)

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    As TMeL no RVCC, no âmbito da EFA é um estudo exploratório que resulta de um trabalho de investigação realizado no âmbito do curso de mestrado em Tecnologias e Metodologias em e- Learning, para a obtenção do grau de mestre, pela Faculdade de Ciências e Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa. Constitui móbil deste estudo investigar a viabilidade do recurso às TMe-L no reconhecimento de competências a distância nos processos de RVCC. As questões de investigação são: Qual a perceção da viabilidade e potencialidade da utilização das TMeL do ponto de vista institucional, pedagógico e operacional?; Quais as competências digitais dos elementos da equipa do CNO?; Qual a percepção do nível de formação e necessidades formativas dos elementos da equipa?; Quais as práticas das equipas no recurso às TMeL? Com os resultados objectiva-se relacionar as formas de operacionalização do reconhecimento de competências a distância com recurso às TMeL, com a percepção de viabilidade das TMeL, as competências digitais e a formação da equipa. Este estudo incidiu sobre um CNO da NUT III – Lezíria do Tejo. Participaram a directora e a coordenadora do CNO, 3 profissionais de RVC e 6 formadores. Os instrumentos de recolha de dados utilizados foram um inquérito por questionário, aplicado a profissionais de RVC e Formadores, e inquérito por entrevista, dirigida à coordenação pedagógica e direcção. Os dados recolhidos apontam para uma visão positiva da utilização das TMeL, competências informáticas relativamente adequadas à aplicação das TMeL, mas uma utilização pouco diversificada, não fazendo os informantes uso do verdadeiro potencial das TMeL no processo de RVCC

    What role does corporate governance play in the intention to use cloud computing technology?

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    This paper aims to investigate the factors which promote the adoption of cloud-based technology. It strives for a better understanding of the impact of corporate governance on the adoption of this technology. This study concentrated on executives in companies where the use of cloud computing may give a competitive advantage. The main contribution of this work is to propose a model for the influence of corporate governance and other factors that determine the adoption of this technology. A questionnaire was prepared after taking into consideration the reviewed literature. The sample consisted of 164 technology companies from Southern Spain that already use the new economic models for digital solutions. The methodology used to analyze the structural model was the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the survey showed the influence of Corporate Governance and the procedures and practices of the organization on the adoption of cloud computing and the associated business model. This study aims to point out the importance of corporate support and Knowledge Management for the correct and successful adoption of this technology and to show the effects on the new business model of billing for the use of available resources. View Full-Tex

    What Drives Volunteers to Accept a Digital Platform That Supports NGO Projects?

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    Technology has become the driving force for both economic and social change. However, the recruitment of volunteers into the projects of non-profit-making organizations (NGO) does not usually make much use of information and communication technology (ICT). Organizations in this sector should incorporate and use digital platforms in order to attract the most well-prepared and motivated young volunteers. The main aim of this paper is to use an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to analyze the acceptance of a technological platform that provides a point of contact for non-profit-making organizations and potential volunteers. The TAM is used to find the impact that this new recruitment tool for volunteers can have on an ever-evolving industry. The TAM has been extended with the image and reputation and visual identity variables in order to measure the influence of these non-profit-making organizations on the establishment and implementation of a social network recruitment platform. The data analyzed are from a sample of potential volunteers from non-profit-making organizations in Spain. A structural equation approach using partial least squares was used to evaluate the acceptance model. The results provide an important contribution to the literature about communication in digital environments by non-profit-making organizations as well as strategies to improve their digital reputation

    Catalogación retrospectiva y sistemas CD/ROM

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    The emergence of a number of databases on CD / ROM with content directly related to the library operation will allow to carry out some retrospective cataloging processes locally and automatically. Until recently, these processes had to be carried out by means of remote online procedures, some times partially offline. This paper analyses the problems involved in retrospective cataloging projects. A description of the current state of CD / ROM supply for the library sector in Spain is included. The difficulties to transfer cataloging information via machine-readable records standard formats are discussed

    Modelling global pyrogeography using data derived from satellite imagery

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - ULVegetation burning has an important impact on the global atmosphere and vegetated land surface. Deforestation fires, peatland fires, and ecosystems with shortening fire return interval contribute substantially to the build-up of atmospheric greenhouse gases affecting environmental quality and the climate system at local and regional scales. Recognition of the role of fire in the Earth system led to its designation as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV), a physical, chemical, or biological variable that has a crucial contribution towards characterization of Earth’s climate. The central task of this thesis was the development of a new global classification and map of fire regimes, using multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering, and relying on active fire data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) MCD14ML product. That work was preceded by study dedicated to a thorough screening and exploratory spatial analysis of the dataset, and led to the development of an improved algorithm for identifying individual active fire clusters, and to global analysis of size inequality in their statistical distributions. In addition to this core research, other continental-global pyrogeography studies were developed, and are presented, dealing with: the time lag between the timing of optimal fire weather conditions and peak fire season dates as a diagnostic of anthropogenic vegetation burning; the spatial non-stationarity in the parameters of the relationship between population density and area burned; and the modulation of weekly cycles of vegetation burning in African croplands by regionally dominant religious affiliation. We hope that this set of studies may constitute a useful contribution to the burgeoning topic of global pyrogeograph

    Cooperación entre bibliotecas y archivos y el formato MARC

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    These pages will make a presentation on some technical aspects of cooperation between institutions having custody to bibliographic and those responsible for managing archives. The implementation of an integrated national and international documentary network has to contemplate, in our view, the possibility of developing mechanisms for exchange of information between any documentary entities, without any can be excluded. Moreover, it seems that coordination between libraries and historical archives of every point is needed if you want to facilitate the work of researchers and recovery procedures provide more advanced and flexible than traditionally have been offering information

    Proyectos EDI y normalización documental

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    EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) systems have been mainly conceived to be used within the world of commercial transactions. Owing to their technical characteristics andcircumstances, however, they also arouse the interest of Information Science professionals. This paper describes the main features of the EDI systems: their assets, the technological infrastructure that they use and their conditioning factors as well. EDI's presence in the European market is studied. The characteristics of EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport), ODA/ODIF (Office Document Architecture/Office Document Interchange Format)and FORMEX (FORMalized EXchange of electronic publications) standards are examined as well as the problems posed by these formats as regards document standardization techniques. An overview is given of some of the main ongoing European projects within the library and Information Science field which are related to Electronic Data Interchange