1,164 research outputs found

    Penambahan Sari Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia) terhadap Mutu Sirup Buah Kundur (Benincasahispida)

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    The purpose of this research was to obtain the best ratio of bligo extracts and lime extracts in the manufacturing of syrup. This research used Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and four replication which followed by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at level 5%. The treatments in this research included KD0 (ratio of bligo extracts and lime extracts 100 : 0), KD1 (bligo extracts and lime extracts 95 : 5), KD2 (ratio bligo extracts and lime extracts 90 : 10), KD3 (bligo extracts and lime extracts 85 : 15). The result showed that the ratio of bligo extracts and lime extracts significantly affected pH, sucrose, viscosity, total dissolved and sensory value (colour, flavour , taste and overall acceptability) but are did not significant affected the sensory value viscosity. The best treatment was KD3 (bligo extracts and lime extracts 85 : 15) with pH 3,96, sucrose 65%, viscosity 295,82cP, total dissolved 70,63 obrix and sensory scores of KD3 are 2,47 (colour), 2,37 (flavour), 1,87 (taste), and comprehersive score (3,80)

    Virtual Fencing Predictable for Cattle? A Simple Method to Test Whether and How Fast Cattle Can Learn the Association Between Acoustic Signal and Electric Pulse

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    Virtual fencing (VF) offers promising future prospects for improved grazing management as it has the potential to simplify fencing. VF lines are easily drawn and shifted via GPS coordinates. A VF collar emits an acoustic signal when the animal approaches the VF line. The signal stops immediately when the animal turns around. If the animal continues to move towards the VF line, a short electric pulse is emitted. A teaching and an operating mode are provided by the VF collars. The animals automatically change mode when they respond correctly to 20 consecutive acoustic signals without receiving an electric pulse. A prerequisite for using the technology is the ability of the grazing animal to learn to predict the electric pulse, therefore we used the time until mode change (from teaching to operating) to evaluate the learning ability and speed of 16 Fleckvieh heifers equally divided into two groups. All heifers were naive to VF prior to the study (conducted 05.07-16.07.2021). On the first day, the two groups were equipped with VF collars (® Nofence, AS, Batnfjordsøra Norway) and assigned to two adjacent pastures. On day eight, the collars were deactivated for a short time and then activated to start in teaching mode again to analyze differences in mode change speed when they were naive to the technology or experienced. The animals remained on the same pasture after reactivation of the collars. We investigated the time to reach theoperating mode (Δ) for each consecutive round (days one and eight) and found a significant difference (p \u3c 0.0001). Average Δ was 49.32 ± 0.41 h and 2.31± 0.41 h for round one and two, respectively. The faster mode change speed of the second round suggested successful learning. Given our study results, cattle learned to predict (and avoid) the electric pulse of VF collars

    More Than a Fencing System? Testing the Validity of Virtual Fencing Collars for Animal Monitoring on Pasture

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    High labour requirements for fencing and animal monitoring appear to be general obstacles for the wider use of pastureland for grazing livestock. Virtual fencing (VF) enables a less laborious pasture management. Fence lines can be easily drawn and moved using GPS data. The advantages of VF for reducing the labour inherent to controlled grazing management are obvious. Potential additional animal monitoring opportunities arising from such a VF system that uses real-time GPS data have not yet been studied. Lying is seen as an indicator for assessing comfort or restlessness of cattle. Therefore, we focus on lying behavior in this evaluation. Based on data from conventional GPS collars, lying and standing often cannot be distinguished. The VF collars (® Nofence, AS, Batnfjordsøra Norway) used in this study detect low movement via an integrated accelerometer and then send the same GPS position during this time of low movement, in order to save battery life. We tested whether this battery life save function could be suitable for the detection of lying behavior. To address this question in a two-step-approach, we first compared observational data with IceTag pedometer (IceRobotics Ltd. Edinburgh, Scotland) data. In the second step, the pedometer data were compared to VF collar data via a confusion matrix. With 93% precision, 89% accuracy and 83% recall in this second step, the use of the VF collars can be recommended for a valid measure of lying behavior monitoring on pasture, which would be an added benefit to VF technology

    Parameter Kinetik Char Hasil Pirolisis Serbuk Kayu Mahoni (Switenia Macrophylla) Dengan Variasi Heating Rate Dan 1 Temperatur

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    The value of k (rate constant) is one of the important parameters in the equation speed of reaction (kinetics of reactions). This paper discusses the value of k (rate constan) at each heating rate (673 K / h and 873 K / h). Where k is the value obtained by calculating the value of k temperature 523 K, 623 K, 723 K, 773 K and 873 K heating rate of 673 K / h and k values of temperature 523 K, 623 K, 723 K, 773 K and 873 K heating rate 1073 K / h. From the k value of each temperature, calculated values of k in the heating rate. Calculation results obtained kinetic parameters heating rate of 673 K / h Kinetic is = 24,022 . −1230 ⁄ , Ea = 10226.2 kJ Mol -1 , A = 269.4548 min -1 and a heating rate of 1073 K / h is = 8,998 . , Ea = 6550.6 kJ Mol -1 , A = 100.9273 min . From the k value of each heating rate validated into the mass loss is calculated, which obtain the actual mass loss results with the mass loss calculation results of kinetic equations for each temperature and heating rate can be seen that the value of mass loss value calculation results is approaching mass reduction so the actual kinetic equation respectively temperature and heating rate. Rate constan) is one of the important parameters in the equation speed of reaction (kinetics of reactions) -

    Faktor Pembentuk Persepsi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Akuntansi Angkatan 2011 dan 2012 dalam Memilih Bidang Keahlian Khusus Pendidikan Akuntansi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret

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    The objective of research is about to study the factors of creating student perception (experience, feeling, cognitive, motivation, attention, perception object, and environment) in choosing BKK of Accounting Education. This study is categorized into explanation research type with quantitative approach. The population of research was the 2011 and 2012 generations of accounting education students consisting 134 students. The hypothesis testing was conducted a simple regression analysis. The conclusion of this research is the seven variables had significant value less than 0.05, so that it could be stated that the seven factors (experience, feeling, cognitive, motivation, attention, perception object, and environment) affected positively is the creation of student perception in making decision concerning the preference of Accounting Education BKK. Out of seven variables, the one with strongest effect was motivation factor

    The anticancer agent prodigiosin is not a multidrug resistance protein substrate

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    The brilliant red pigments prodiginines are natural secondary metabolites that are produced by select species of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. These molecules have received significant attention due to their reported antibacterial, antifungal, immunosuppressive, and anticancer activities. In this study, a Serratia marcescens SER1 strain was isolated and verified using 16s rDNA. The prodigiosin was purified using silica chromatography and was analyzed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The cell cytotoxic effects of

    Mobile phone usage in patients with type II diabetes and their intention to use it for self-management: A cross-sectional study in Iran

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    Background: Mobile health has potential for promotion of self-management in patients with chronic diseases. This study was conducted to investigate smartphone usage in patients with type II diabetes and their intention to use it for self-management. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2018 with 176 patients with type II diabetes visiting a specialized diabetes clinic or one of two endocrinology and metabolism specialists in north of Iran. Data were collected using a validated questionnaire containing items on demographic characteristics, disease information, use of mobile phones, smartphones and the internet, and intention to use mobile phones for diabetes self-management. Results: The majority of the participants had mobile phones (94.9), smartphones (61.1), and daily access to the internet (81.3), and used phones two hours per day on average (80.1). They mostly used mobile phones to contact friends (89.2) and search for information (50.6), and their greatest intention for using smartphones and the internet for self-management was related to dietary planning (96), checking blood glucose (90.9), and contacting specialists (87.5). Younger participants were more interested in using smartphone applications (apps) (P < 0.001). About half of the participants argued that using apps can be interesting (54) and useful (50) for diabetes management, and intended to use apps much more in future (48.3). Conclusions: The majority of patients with type II diabetes are inclined to use mobile phone and the Internet, especially to plan their diet, check blood glucose, and contact their doctors. The present study provides valuable information for designing and implementing interventions based on mHealth to promote self-management in type II diabetes. © 2020 The Author(s)

    Analisis Pengaruh Investasi Dan Ketenagakerjaan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Regional Di Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Economic growth is defined as an increase in the ability of an economy in producing goods and services. A high and sustainable growth is the main condition which indicates that economic development is running. Conduct analysis by multiple regressions. Independent variable methods used namely: Investment, Labor and the dependent variable is the economic growth.The result of this research indicate that the investment have significant effect to economic growth of Pelalawan Regency, while the labor of Pelalawan Regency haven't significant effect on timeliness of econonimic growht. Based on the test result the coefficient of determination, the value of adjust R square of 39 % while the remaining 61 % is influenced by other variables aren't include on this research