340 research outputs found

    Quantifying Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty in Machine Learning: Are Conditional Entropy and Mutual Information Appropriate Measures?

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    This short note is a critical discussion of the quantification of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in terms of conditional entropy and mutual information, respectively, which has recently been proposed in machine learning and has become quite common since then. More generally, we question the idea of an additive decomposition of total uncertainty into its aleatoric and epistemic constituents.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Learning to Rank based on Analogical Reasoning

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    Object ranking or "learning to rank" is an important problem in the realm of preference learning. On the basis of training data in the form of a set of rankings of objects represented as feature vectors, the goal is to learn a ranking function that predicts a linear order of any new set of objects. In this paper, we propose a new approach to object ranking based on principles of analogical reasoning. More specifically, our inference pattern is formalized in terms of so-called analogical proportions and can be summarized as follows: Given objects A,B,C,DA,B,C,D, if object AA is known to be preferred to BB, and CC relates to DD as AA relates to BB, then CC is (supposedly) preferred to DD. Our method applies this pattern as a main building block and combines it with ideas and techniques from instance-based learning and rank aggregation. Based on first experimental results for data sets from various domains (sports, education, tourism, etc.), we conclude that our approach is highly competitive. It appears to be specifically interesting in situations in which the objects are coming from different subdomains, and which hence require a kind of knowledge transfer.Comment: Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18), 8 page

    Reliable Multi-label Classification: Prediction with Partial Abstention

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    In contrast to conventional (single-label) classification, the setting of multilabel classification (MLC) allows an instance to belong to several classes simultaneously. Thus, instead of selecting a single class label, predictions take the form of a subset of all labels. In this paper, we study an extension of the setting of MLC, in which the learner is allowed to partially abstain from a prediction, that is, to deliver predictions on some but not necessarily all class labels. We propose a formalization of MLC with abstention in terms of a generalized loss minimization problem and present first results for the case of the Hamming loss, rank loss, and F-measure, both theoretical and experimental.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    An analysis of chaining in multi-label classification

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    The idea of classifier chains has recently been introduced as a promising technique for multi-label classification. However, despite being intuitively appealing and showing strong performance in empirical studies, still very little is known about the main principles underlying this type of method. In this paper, we provide a detailed probabilistic analysis of classifier chains from a risk minimization perspective, thereby helping to gain a better understanding of this approach. As a main result, we clarify that the original chaining method seeks to approximate the joint mode of the conditional distribution of label vectors in a greedy manner. As a result of a theoretical regret analysis, we conclude that this approach can perform quite poorly in terms of subset 0/1 loss. Therefore, we present an enhanced inference procedure for which the worst-case regret can be upper-bounded far more tightly. In addition, we show that a probabilistic variant of chaining, which can be utilized for any loss function, becomes tractable by using Monte Carlo sampling. Finally, we present experimental results confirming the validity of our theoretical findings