25 research outputs found

    Możliwości rozwoju turystyki uzdrowiskowej w województwie lubelskim

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    The aim of the study is to present a quantitative analysis of the current development and forecasts of development of the spa tourism in the province of Lublin. The results of the research indicate significant changes in the dynamics of the analyzed characteristics thus clearly indicating the growing interest in spa tourism in the region of Lublin. The authors point to the need of developing the medicinal-service base and the need to prepare a plan for promoting the region in terms of spa tourism.Celem prezentowanego opracowania jest ukazanie stanu i kierunków rozwoju turystyki uzdrowiskowej oraz prognoza rozwoju tej dziedziny gospodarki turystycznej w województwie lubelskim, na podstawie kompilacji danych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego w zakresie jednostek lecznictwa uzdrowiskowego w Polsce w latach 2010–2015 oraz bazy noclegowej województwa lubelskiego. Dane o lecznictwie uzdrowiskowym obejmują szpitale i sanatoria uzdrowiskowe (w tym szpitale i sanatoria dziecięce), przychodnie uzdrowiskowe oraz zakłady przyrodolecznicze

    Whittle estimation based on the extremal spectral density of a heavy-tailed random field

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    We consider a strictly stationary random field on the two-dimensional integer lattice with regularly varying marginal and finite-dimensional distributions. Exploiting the regular variation, we define the spatial extremogram which takes into account only the largest values in the random field. This extremogram is a spatial autocovariance function. We define the corresponding extremal spectral density and its estimator, the extremal periodogram. Based on the extremal periodogram, we consider the Whittle estimator for suitable classes of parametric random fields including the Brown-Resnick random field and regularly varying max-moving averages

    The knowledge and skills on pediatric EEG in medical education - Lublin experience

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    Background Electroencephalography is a study that records the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. This record of neuronal communication supports clinical diagnosis of epilepsy and status epilepticus and monitoring of its future courses. That is why electroencephalography is considered one of the most important examination in children neurology. Aim and methodology Due to the interest of medical students in neuroscience, the Pediatric EEG Training was conducted and its efficacy was measured. The study group included 68 international students, who attended lectures in 10-15 participant groups in year 2014-2017. Both knowledge and students self-confidence were rated before and after conduction of the workshops. Results After the conduction of the workshop, 73% increase of knowledge was observed. In aspect of self confidence, 91% of participants confirmed they are confident in reasonable ordering of the examination to their future patients, and 72% of participants feel confident in technical preparation of the examination. Small groups of participants and sufficient amount of time for both theoretical lecture and practical skills training were essential to the significant results and participants’ satisfaction. Conclusions EEG workshops are a great example of combined theoretical and practical training which supports not only the knowledge improvement, but also the practical skills and teamwork experience for future healthcare professionals

    Use of yoga in treatment and screening of eating disorders

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    Mental disorders are a common cause of human disability and early morbidity. Eating disorders, affecting greatly both mental and physical abilities of the patients, are a frequent diagnosis in modern societies (1-5% in women population) with low rate of full recovery (50%) and high morbidity (10-20%). The difficulties in compliance as well as importance of holistic approach, including restoring mind-body balance, improving body image disturbances and additional psychiatric symptoms, urge medicine to find complementary and alternative solutions for existing therapeutic options. Among those yoga, which involves meditation, body awareness, breathing techniques, light physical activity without significant BMI changes, seems to become a more and more popular mean of additional treatment in fighting eating disorders. The aim of this study is to present the effectiveness of yoga interventions in treatment of eating disorders and importance of screening of yoga communities in terms of higher prevalence of several eating disorder types among those groups. . Within 6 reviewed articles from PubMed database in years 2008-2018, presented research proved the importance of inclusion of yoga interventions in patients with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, binge eating disorder. Also among yoga communities, higher scores for disorders like orthorexia nervosa, weight control behaviours were found, comparing to non-participants of those practices. Yoga, the ancient practice of finding balance between body, mind and soul, should be furtherly researched and developed in psychiatric practices, due to the effectiveness and promising results proved by presented reviewed studies

    Convergence to stable laws for multidimensional stochastic recursions: the case of regular matrices

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    Given a sequence (Mn,Qn)n1(M_{n},Q_{n})_{n\ge 1} of i.i.d.\ random variables with generic copy (M,Q)GL(d,R)×Rd(M,Q) \in GL(d, \R) \times \R^d, we consider the random difference equation (RDE) Rn=MnRn1+Qn, R_{n}=M_{n}R_{n-1}+Q_{n}, n1n\ge 1, and assume the existence of κ>0\kappa >0 such that \lim_{n \to \infty}(\E{\norm{M_1 ... M_n}^\kappa})^{\frac{1}{n}} = 1 . We prove, under suitable assumptions, that the sequence Sn=R1+...+RnS_n = R_1 + ... + R_n, appropriately normalized, converges in law to a multidimensional stable distribution with index κ\kappa. As a by-product, we show that the unique stationary solution RR of the RDE is regularly varying with index κ\kappa, and give a precise description of its tail measure. This extends the prior work http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.1728v3 .Comment: 15 page

    Status społeczno-ekonomiczny jako determinanta dostępu do pediatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej w Polsce

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    Wprowadzenie: W prezentowanej pracy podjęto próbę określenia, czy status społeczno-ekonomiczny pacjentów wpływa na przestrzenne zróżnicowanie dostępu do pediatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej w Polsce. Dlatego też celem pracy była identyfikacja głównych czynników determinujących różnice w rozmieszczeniu i obciążeniu pracą lekarzy pediatrów w Polsce. W szczególności, wyjaśnienie roli statusu społeczno-ekonomicznego pacjentów w dostępie do publicznej pediatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej. Badanie to, specyficzne dla warunków polskich, przyczyni się do dalszego rozwoju wiedzy w tej dziedzinie.. Dane uzyskano z bazy danych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. W celu identyfikacji czynników różnic w obciążeniu pracą pediatrów zastosowano analizę składowych głównych standaryzowanych zmiennych czynnikowych dotyczących województw oraz regresję wieloraką. Wyniki: Zidentyfikowano dwie składowe główne. Pierwsza z nich, poziom statusu społeczno-ekonomicznego, ujemnie korelowała z liczbą leczonych pacjentów przypadających na jednego pediatrę (-26,845, p=0,010). Druga, stopień urbanizacji, wykazywała nieistotną statystycznie dodatnią korelację z liczbą leczonych pacjentów (3,946, p=0,664). Wnioski: Przeprowadzone badania sugerują, że czynniki społeczno-ekonomiczne mogą wpływać na nierównomierny rozkład przestrzenny obciążenia pracą pediatrów w Polsce oraz powodować różnice między województwami w równym dostępie do lekarzy pediatrów. Badania te mogą zatem dostarczyć implikacji dla polityki i praktyki, a także prowadzić do lepszego zrozumienia problemu.Background: The work presented here attempts to determine does patients' socio-economic status affect the spatial diversity of access to paediatric healthcare in Poland. That is why the aim of this study was to identify the main factors that determine differences in the distribution and workload of paediatricians in Poland. In particular, to clarify the role of patients' socio-economic status in access to public paediatric health care. This research, specific to conditions in Poland, will contribute to the further development of knowledge in this field. Data were obtained from the Statistics Poland database. Principal component analysis of standardized attribute variables related to provinces and multivariate regression were used to identify factors of differences in paediatrician workload. Results: Two principal components were identified. The first, the level of socio-economic status, negatively correlated with the number of treated patients per paediatrician (-26.845, p=0.010). The second, the degree of urbanisation, presented a statistically insignificant positive correlation with the mentioned patients' number (3.946, p=0.664). Conclusions: The research suggests that socio-economic factors may affect the uneven spatial distribution of the workload of paediatricians in Poland and cause differences between the provinces in the equal access to paediatricians. This research may thus provide implications for policy and practice, as well as lead to a better understanding of the problem