7,536 research outputs found

    Studies of the effect of cerebroprotective substances on the course of stress-induced behavioral depression

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    Atrophic disturbances of neurons of the limbic structures of the brain, which lead to insufficient regu-lation of emotions and mood, cause depression. Substances with cerebroprotective activity have the ability to inhibit further development and even reverse atrophic damage to neuron

    Associations of Cytokines Genetic Variants with Myomatous Knots Sizes

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    The article presents study of cytokines molecular genetic markers’ impact on nature of uterus affection with myomatous knot

    The role of chemokine genes in the formation of terminal stage of chronic renal failure

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    The data on the role of chemokine genes (+1931A/T CCL4, A/G CXCL11 (rs4512021), -403A/G CCL5, C/G CCL2 (rs2857657), -801G/A CXCL12) in the formation of terminal stage of chronic renal failure, in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, is presented in the work. It was established, that the allele A CXCL11 (rs4512021) (OR = 1.65) was the marker for the development of terminal stage of chronic renal insufficiency, and the genotype GG CXCL11was a protective factor for the development of terminal stage of chronic renal failure (OR = 0.22

    Analysis of Involvement of Cytokine Genetic Polymorphisms in Development of Genital Endometriosis

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    The article outlines the role of cytokines in development of genital endometriosis. There were detected associations between genetic polymorphisms and their combinations and development of genital endometriosis among women in the Central region of Russi

    The new molecular targets for antidepressants

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    The efficacy of depressive disorders treatment is insufficient. It is explained by an incomplete understanding of both pathogenesis of depression and antidepressants mechanism action. An improvement of the treatment efficacy of depression disorders is closely associated with complete knowledge of the pathogenesis of disorders and antidepressant mechanism of action. The effect produced by the first line of antidepressants prescribed currently in the clinical practice includes the accumulation of monoamines and prolonged activation of their membrane receptors. However, a decrease in the membrane receptors density evoked by prolonged activation of monoaminergic receptors is counteracted by the second line of antidepressant activity. It is associated with the expression of inducible regulatory protein S100A10 (p11) and its partners. In this review, the authors examined the structure and function of protein p11, its interaction with such proteins as annexin A2, Ahnak, chromatinremodeling factor SMARCA3. The authors analyzed the influence of p11 on the membrane density of serotonin 5-HT1B and 5-HT4 receptors, metabotropic glutamate receptors 5, voltage-dependent potassium Kv3, and calcium Cav1.2 and 1.3 channels, that play an important role in both the effect of antidepressants and the pathogenesis of depression disorders. A systematic literature search was conducted in Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, elibrary, and other databases

    Identification method based on Zadeh filter models

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    Mathematical modeling which provides the description of objects and proper organization of control operations in future is an integral stage in the automation of production. One of the approaches to build a mathematical model of an object is to represent nonlinear systems as combinations of inertial and nonlinear inertialess elements. The models thus obtained are called block-oriented. In this paper, we consider nonlinear dynamic objects represented as the models of the Zadeh filter class. In the process of the method development the identification equations were derived for the case when the test signal is a single sinusoid. Then the case of two sinusoids was considered. Such investigations allowed us to identify the patterns and describe the general case for several test components in the signal. The results of digital modeling using the sum of harmonic signals confirm the feasibility and validity of the proposed approach for identifying nonlinear models of the Zadeh filter class

    Candidate genes and clinical-laboratory parameters in pregnant women with preeclampsia

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    They studied the associations of genetic polymorphisms with clinico-laboratory indicators among pregnant women with preeclampsia depending on hereditary complicatio

    Анализ исследований, представленных в статьях по ликвидации медико-биологических последствий аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС в мире (1986–2018 гг.)

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    A lack of accessible information about the demand for domestic articles on the mitigation of consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the early post-accident period necessitates referring to publications presented in international bibliographic databases, which can be a good help in planning research and preparing publications. The intention is an analysis of articles in the field of eliminating the biomedical consequences of the Chernobyl accident in the world and in Russia, indexed in the Scopus database in 1986–2018. A search query gave an array of 3929 articles in Scopus. The largest number of articles was published by authors from the USA (13.2%), Ukraine (12.6%) and Russia (12.2%). A significant number of articles were published by international authors. The average annual number of articles was (119±6) in the whole array and (15±2) in the Russian array. In the whole array, 11.5% of the articles dealt with the biomedical problems of the liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident; 12.5% – the population living in the radioactively-contaminated territories; 18.7% – neoplasms; 8.6% – medical radiation physics; 21.2% – radioecology; 12.0% – biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology. In the Russian array, these respective percentages were 19.8, 17.3, 18.1, 21.7, 18.8% and 10.2%. On average, there were 10.5 citations per article, 70% of the articles were at least once cited, self-citations made up to 17.6%, and the Hirsch index was 81. A quite high demand for articles in the field of eliminating the biomedical consequences of the Chernobyl accident has been revealed among the world scientific community. Russian scientists should form a habit of quoting articles from their colleagues more often. Some domestic magazines still have a low publishing culture. A lack of transliterated lists of references not only precludes from indexing articles in Scopus, but also interferes with citing research papers from domestic scientists, their affiliated research institutions, and Russia as a whole.Отсутствие доступной информации о востребованности отечественных статей в сфере ликвидации последствий катастрофы на Чернобыльской АЭС в ранний послеаварийный период обусловливает необходимость обратиться к публикациям, представленным в международных базах данных, которые могут стать хорошим подспорьем при планировании научных исследований и подготовке публикаций. Цель – анализ статей в сфере ликвидации медико-биологических последствий аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС в мире и России, проиндексированных в базе данных Scopus в 1986–2018 гг. Поисковый запрос позволил создать в Scopus массив из 3929 статей. Наибольшее количество статей опубликовали авторы из США – 13,2%, Украины – 12,6% и России – 12,2%. Значительное количество статей были изданы международными авторскими коллективами. Среднегодовое количество статей в общем массиве было 119±6, в российской выборке – 15±2. В общем массиве 11,5% статей содержали исследования медико-биологических проблем ликвидаторов аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС, 12,5% – населения, проживающего на радиоактивно загрязненных территориях, 18,7% – новообразований, 8,6% – медицинской радиационной физики, 21,2% – радиоэкологии, 12,0% – биохимии, генетики и молекулярной биологии, в российской выборке таких статей было 19,8%, 17,3%, 18,1%, 21,7%, 18,8%, 10,2% соответственно. В среднем на 1 статью приходилось по 10,5 цитирований, были процитированы хотя бы 1 раз 70% статей, самоцитирования составили 17,6%, индекс Хирша – 81. Выявлена достаточно высокая востребованность статей в сфере ликвидации медико-биологических последствий аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС у мирового научного сообщества. У российских ученых следует формировать привычку чаще цитировать статьи коллег. Отмечается низкая издательская культура в некоторых отечественных журналах. Отсутствие транслитерации списка литературы не только является препятствием для индексации статей в Scopus, но и лишает цитирований ученых, аффилированных с ними научных организаций и в целом Россию


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    The article presents the results of a new magnetic liquid separation method study. This method differs from known methods by the presence of a bilayer separation medium in the form of immiscible ferromagnetic liquids of different density. When separating in a bilayer separation medium, the particle equilibrium condition on a plane surface, recorded according to Young's law and Neumann's rule, must be supplemented by the linear tension of a curved phase interface. A linear tension is a force and energy barrier that prevents fixing of fine particles of noble metals at the phase interface, and is the reason for their effective extraction into the heavy fraction. The magnetic liquid separation method was tested on concentrates containing platinoids. It was established that during separation in a bilayer medium, the extraction of platinoids into the heavy fraction was 25,89 %, and during separation in a water-based ferromagnetic fluid it was 19,73 %. The quality of the heavy fraction makes it possible to direct it to the hydrometallurgical process, bypassing the copper plant, which increases the extraction of precious metals by 5,0 % abs.Приведены результаты исследования нового способа магнитожидкостной сепарации, который отличается от известных наличием бислойной среды разделения в виде несмешивающихся ферромагнитных жидкостей разной плотности. При сепарации в бислойной среде разделения условие равновесия частицы на плоской поверхности, записанное согласно закону Юнга и правилу Неймана, должно быть дополнено линейным натяжением искривленной межфазной поверхности. Линейное натяжение является силовым и энергетическим барьером, препятствующим закреплению мелких частиц благородных металлов на межфазной границе, и причиной их эффективного извлечения в тяжелую фракцию. Способ магнитожидкостной сепарации испытан на концентратах, содержащих платиноиды. Установлено, что при сепарации в биcлойной среде извлечение платиноидов в тяжелую фракцию составляет 25,89 %, а в ферромагнитной жидкости на основе воды – 19,73 %. Качество тяжелой фракции позволяет направить ее на гидрометаллургический передел, минуя медный завод, что повышает извлечение драгметаллов на 5,0 абс.%