61 research outputs found

    Induction of endothelial cell proliferation by recombinant and microparticle-tissue factor involves β1-integrin and extracellular signal regulated kinase activation

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    Objective: Increased levels of circulating tissue factor (TF) in the form of microparticles increase the risk of thrombosis. However, any direct influence of microparticle-associated TF on vascular endothelial cell proliferation is not known. In this study, the influence of recombinant and microparticle- associated TF on endothelial cell proliferation and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling mechanisms was examined. Methods and Results: Incubation of human coronary artery endothelial cells with lipidated recombinant full-length TF, or TF-containing microparticles (50 to 200 pmol/L TF), increased the rate of cell proliferation and induced phosphorylation of extracellular signal regulated kinase 1 in a TF-dependent manner. Inhibition of extracellular signal regulated kinase 1/2 using PD98059 or extracellular signal regulated kinase 1/2 antisense oligonucleotides or inhibition of c-Jun N-terminal kinase reduced recombinant TF-mediated cell proliferation. PD98059 also reduced cell proliferation in response to TF-containing microparticles. Inclusion of FVIIa (5 nmol/L) and FXa (10 nmol/L) or preincubation of cells with an inhibitory anti-FVIIa antibody had no additional influence on TF-mediated cell proliferation. However, preincubation of exogenous TF with a β1-integrin peptide (amino acids 579 to 799) reduced TF-mediated proliferation. Conclusion: High concentrations of recombinant or microparticle-associated TF stimulate endothelial cell proliferation through activation of the extracellular signal regulated kinase 1/2 pathway, mediated through a novel mechanism requiring the interaction of exogenous TF with cell surface β1-integrin and independent of FVIIa. © 2010 American Heart Association, Inc

    Filamin-A is required for the incorporation of tissue factor into cell-derived microvesicles

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    We previously reported that the incorporation of tissue factor (TF) into cell-derived microvesicles (MVs) is regulated by the phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of TF. Since the cytoskeletal protein filamin-A is known to bind to the cytoplasmic domain of TF in a phosphorylation-dependent manner, the involvement of filamin-A in the incorporation of TF into MVs was examined. Endothelial cells were transfected to express TF, whereas MDA-MB-231 cells were used to examine endogenously expressed TF. MV release was induced by activating protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2). Partial suppression of filamin-A expression using two different filamin-A siRNA sequences resulted in significant reductions in the incorporation of TF antigen into MVs as determined by TF-ELISA and western blot analysis, and was reflected in reduced thrombin-generation and FXa-generation capacities of these MVs. Deletion of the cytoplasmic domain of TF also resulted in reduced incorporation of TF into MVs, whereas the suppression of filamin-A expression had no additional effect on the incorporation of truncated TF into MVs. Partial suppression of filamin-A expression had no effect on the number and size distribution of the released MVs. However, >90 % suppression of filamin-A expression resulted in increased MV release, possibly as a result of increased instability of the plasma membrane and underlying cytoskeleton. In conclusion, the presence of filamin-A appears to be essential for the incorporation of TF into MVs following PAR2 activation, but is not required for the process of MV formation and release following PAR2 activation

    Accumulation of tissue factor in endothelial cells induces cell apoptosis, mediated through p38 and p53 activation

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    We previously reported that high levels of tissue factor (TF) can induce cellular apoptosis in endothelial. In this study, TF-mediated mechanisms of induction of apoptosis were explored. Endothelial cells were transfected to express wild-type TF. Additionally, cells were transfected to express Asp253-substituted, or Ala253-substitued TF to enhance or prevent TF release respectively. Alternatively, cells were pre-incubated with TF-rich and TF-poor microvesicles. Cell proliferation, apoptosis and the expression of cyclin D1, p53, bax and p21 were measured following activation of cells with PAR2-agonist peptide. Greatest levels of cell proliferation and cyclin D1 expression were observed in cells expressing wild-type or Asp253-substituted TF. In contrast, increased cellular apoptosis was observed in cells expressing Ala253-substituted TF, or cells pre-incubated with TF-rich microvesicles. The level of p53 protein, p53-phosphorylation at ser33, p53 nuclear localisation and transcriptional activity, but not p53 mRNA, were increased in cells expressing wild-type and Ala253-substituted TF, or in cells pre-incubated with TF-rich microvesicles. However, the expression of bax and p21 mRNA, and Bax protein were only increased in cells pre-incubated with TF-rich microvesicle and in cells expressing Ala253-substituted TF. Inhibition of the transcriptional activity of p53 using pifithrin-α suppressed the expression of Bax. Finally, siRNA–mediated suppression of p38α, or inhibition using SB202190 significantly reduced the p53 protein levels, p53 nuclear localisation and transcriptional activity, suppressed Bax expression and prevented cellular apoptosis. In conclusion, accumulation of TF within endothelial cell, or sequestered from the surrounding can induce cellular apoptosis through mechanisms mediated by p38, and involves the stabilisation of p53

    Regulation of tissue factor activity by interaction with the first PDZ domain of MAGI1

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    Background Tissue factor (TF) activity is stringently regulated through processes termed encryption. Post-transla-tional modification of TF and its interactions with various protein and lipid moieties allows for a multi-step de-encryp-tion of TF and procoagulant activation. Membrane-associated guanylate kinase-with inverted configuration (MAGI) proteins are known to regulate the localisation and activity of a number of proteins including cell-surface receptors. Methods The interaction of TF with MAGI1 protein was examined as a means of regulating TF activity. MDA-MB-231 cell line was used which express TF and MAGI1, and respond well to protease activated receptor (PAR)2 activation. Proximity ligation assay (PLA), co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down experiments were used to examine the interaction of TF with MAGI1-3 proteins and to investigate the influence of PAR2 activation. Furthermore, by cloning and expressing the PDZ domains from MAGI1, the TF-binding domain was identified. The ability of the recombinant PDZ domains to act as competitors for MAGI1, allowing the induction of TF procoagulant and signalling activity was then examined. Results PLA and fluorescence microscopic analysis indicated that TF predominantly associates with MAGI1 and less with MAGI2 and MAGI3 proteins. The interaction of TF with MAGI1 was also demonstrated by both co-immunoprecipitation of TF with MAGI1, and co-immunoprecipitation of MAGI1 with TF. Moreover, activation of PAR2 resulted in reduction in the association of these two proteins. Pull-down assays using TF-cytoplasmic domain pep-tides indicated that the phosphorylation of Ser253 within TF prevents its association with MAGI1. Additionally, the five HA-tagged PDZ domains of MAGI1 were overexpressed separately, and the putative TF-binding domain was identified as PDZ1 domain. Expression of this PDZ domain in cells significantly augmented the TF activity measured both as thrombin-generation and also TF-mediated proliferative signalling. Conclusions Our data indicate a stabilising interaction between TF and the PDZ-1 domain of MAGI1 and demonstrate that the activation of PAR2 disrupts this interaction. The release of TF from MAGI1 appears to be an initial step in TF de-encryption, associated with increased TF-mediated procoagulant and signalling activities. This mechanism is also likely to lead to further interactions and modifications leading to further enhancement of procoagulant activity, or the release of TF

    Apixaban suppresses the release of TF-positive microvesicles and restrains cancer cell proliferation through directly inhibiting TF-fVIIa activity

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    The activation of protease-activated receptor (PAR)-2 by factor Xa (fXa) promotes the release of tissue factor-positive microvesicles (TF + MV), and contributes to proliferation in cancer cells. This study examined the ability of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), apixaban and rivaroxaban, to inhibit the release of TF + MV from two cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and AsPC-1) as well as cell proliferation. Activation of the cells with fXa (10 nM) enhanced the release of TF + MV but was suppressed in the presence of either DOAC. These MVs were found to contain fVIIa, but not fXa. Incubation of cell lines with apixaban (1.8 μM) but not rivaroxaban (1.8 μM), in the absence of fXa decreased the release of TF + MV below that of resting cells, in a PAR2-dependent manner. Furthermore, incubation with apixaban reduced the proliferation rate in both cells lines. Incubation of purified fVIIa with apixaban but not rivaroxaban resulted in complete inhibition of fVIIa proteolytic activity as measured using two fVIIa chromogenic substrates. Pre-incubation of the cells with an inhibitory anti-fVIIa antibody, with apixaban or the blocking of PAR2 suppressed the release of TF + MV to a comparable level, and reduced cell proliferation but the effect was not cumulative. This study has established that the activation of PAR2 by TF-fVIIa complex is the principal mediator in augmenting the release of TF + MV as well as cancer cell proliferation. Importantly, for the first time we have shown that apixaban selectively inhibits the proteolytic activity of fVIIa as well as the signalling arising from the TF-fVIIa complex

    Activation of PAR2 by tissue factor induces the release of the PTEN from MAGI proteins and regulates PTEN and Akt activities

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    Tissue factor (TF) signalling has been associated with alterations in Akt activity influencing cellular survival and proliferation. TF is also shown to induce signalling through activation of the protease activated receptor (PAR)2. Seven cell lines were exposed to recombinant-TF (rec-TF), or activated using a PAR2-agonist peptide and the phosphorylation state of PTEN, and the activities of PTEN and Akt measured. Furthermore, by measuring the association of PTEN with MAGI proteins a mechanism for the induction of signalling by TF was proposed. Short term treatment of cells resulted in de-phosphorylation of PTEN, increased lipid-phosphatase activity and reduced Akt kinase activity in most of the cell lines examined. In contrast, continuous exposure to rec-TF up to 14 days, resulted in lower PTEN antigen levels, enhanced Akt activity and increased rate of cell proliferation. To explore the mechanism of activation of PTEN by TF, the association of "membrane-associated guanylate kinase-with inverted configuration" (MAGI)1–3 proteins with PTEN was assessed using the proximity ligation assay and by co-immunoprecipitation. The interaction of PTEN with all three MAGI proteins was transiently reduced following PAR2 activation and explains the changes in PTEN activity. Our data is first to show that PAR2 activation directly, or through exposure of cells to TF releases PTEN from MAGI proteins and is concurrent with increases in PTEN phosphatase activity. However, prolonged exposure to TF results in the reduction in PTEN antigen with concurrent increase in Akt activity which may explain the aberrant cell survival, proliferation and invasion associated with TF during chronic diseases

    Biomarkers of coronary endothelial health: correlation with invasive measures of collateral function, flow and resistance in chronically occluded coronary arteries and the effect of recanalization

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    Objectives: In the presence of a chronically occluded coronary artery, the collateral circulation matures by a process of arteriogenesis; however, there is considerable variation between individuals in the functional capacity of that collateral network. This could be explained by differences in endothelial health and function. We aimed to examine the relationship between the functional extent of collateralization and levels of biomarkers that have been shown to relate to endothelial health. Methods: We measured four potential biomarkers of endothelial health in 34 patients with mature collateral networks who underwent a successful percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for a chronic total coronary occlusion (CTO) before PCI and 6-8 weeks after PCI, and examined the relationship of biomarker levels with physiological measures of collateralization. Results: We did not find a significant change in the systemic levels of sICAM-1, sE-selectin, microparticles or tissue factor 6-8 weeks after PCI. We did find an association between estimated retrograde collateral flow before CTO recanalization and lower levels of sICAM-1 (r=0.39, P=0.026), sE-selectin (r=0.48, P=0.005) and microparticles (r=0.38, P=0.03). Conclusion: Recanalization of a CTO and resultant regression of a mature collateral circulation do not alter systemic levels of sICAM-1, sE-selectin, microparticles or tissue factor. The identified relationship of retrograde collateral flow with sICAM-1, sE-selectin and microparticles is likely to represent an association with an ability to develop collaterals rather than their presence and extent

    Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase 1 (Pin1) preserves the phosphorylation state of tissue factor and prolongs its release within microvesicles

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. The exposure and release of TF is regulated by post-translational modifications of its cytoplasmic domain. Here, the potential of Pin1 to interact with the cytoplasmic domain of TF, and the outcome on TF function was examined. MDA-MB-231 and transfected-primary endothelial cells were incubated with either Pin1 deactivator Juglone, or its control Plumbagin, as well as transfected with Pin1-specific or control siRNA. TF release into microvesicles following activation, and also phosphorylation and ubiquitination states of cellular-TF were then assessed. Furthermore, the ability of Pin1 to bind wild-type and mutant forms of overexpressed TF-tGFP was investigated by co-immunoprecipitation. Additionally, the ability of recombinant or cellular Pin1 to bind to peptides of the C-terminus of TF, synthesised in different phosphorylation states was examined by binding assays and spectroscopically. Finally, the influence of recombinant Pin1 on the ubiquitination and dephosphorylation of the TF-peptides was examined. Pre-incubation of Pin1 with Juglone but not Plumbagin, reduced TF release as microvesicles and was also achievable following transfection with Pin1-siRNA. This was concurrent with early ubiquitination and dephosphorylation of cellular TF at Ser253. Pin1 co-immunoprecipitated with overexpressed wild-type TF-tGFP but not Ser258 → Ala or Pro259 → Ala substituted mutants. Pin1 did interact with Ser258-phosphorylated and double-phosphorylated TF-peptides, with the former having higher affinity. Finally, recombinant Pin1 was capable of interfering with the ubiquitination and dephosphorylation of TF-derived peptides. In conclusion, Pin1 is a fast-acting enzyme which may be utili sed by cells to protect the phosphorylation state of TF in activated cells prolonging TF activity and release, and therefore ensuring adequate haemostasis

    Oligoubiquitination of tissue factor on Lys255 promotes Ser253-dephosphorylation and terminates TF release

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    Restriction of tissue factor (TF) activity at the cell surface and TF release are critical for prevention of excessive coagulation. This study examined the regulation of TF dephosphorylation and its release through ubiquitination. A plasmid containing the sequence to express the tandem protein TF-tGFP was mutated to include an arginine-substitution at Lys255 within TF. MDA-MB-231 cell line, and HCAEC endothelial cells were transfected and subsequently activated with PAR2-agonist peptide. The wild-type and mutant TF-tGFP were immunoprecipitated from the cell lysates and the ubiquitination and phosphorylation state of TF examined. Analysis of the proteins showed that arginine-substitution of Lys255 within TF prevented its ubiquitination while the wild-type TF-tGFP was oligoubiquitinated. The TF-associated oligoubiquitin chain was estimated to contain up to 4 ubiquitin units, with the linkage formed between Lys63 of one ubiquitin unit, and the C-terminus of the next unit. The Lys255 → Arg substitution of TF-tGFP prolonged the phosphorylation of Ser253 within TF, compared to the wild-type TF-tGFP, lengthened the presence of TF-tGFP at the cell surface and extended the duration of TF-tGFP release from cells following PAR2 activation. A biotinylated 19-mer peptide corresponding to the C-terminus of TF (TFc) was used as substrate to show that the ubiquitination of TF was mediated by the Ube2D family of E2-enzymes and involved Mdm2. Moreover, double-phosphorylation of TFc was prerequisite for ubiquitination, with subsequent dephosphorylation of Ser253 by phosphatase PP2A. In conclusion, oligoubiquitination of Lys255 within TF permits PP2A to bind and dephosphorylate Ser253 and occurs to terminate TF release and contain its activity

    The Ratio of Factor VIIa:Tissue Factor Content within Microvesicles Determines the Differential Influence on Endothelial Cells

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    Tissue factor (TF)-positive microvesicles from various sources can promote cellular proliferation or alternatively induce apoptosis, but the determining factors are unknown. In this study the hypothesis that the ratio of fVIIa:TF within microvesicles determines this outcome was examined. Microvesicles were isolated from HepG2, BxPC-3, 786-O, MDA-MB-231, and MCF-7 cell lines and microvesicle-associated fVIIa and TF antigen and activity levels were measured. Human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) were incubated with these purified microvesicles, or with combinations of fVIIa-recombinant TF, and cell proliferation/apoptosis was measured. Additionally, by expressing mCherry-PAR2 on HCAEC surface, PAR2 activation was quantified. Finally, the activation of PAR2 on HCAEC or the activities of TF and fVIIa in microvesicles were blocked prior to addition of microvesicles to cells. The purified microvesicles exhibited a range of fVIIa:TF ratios with HepG2 and 786-O cells having the highest (54:1) and lowest (10:1) ratios, respectively. The reversal from proapoptotic to proliferative was estimated to occur at a fVIIa:TF molar ratio of 15:1, but HCAEC could not be rescued at higher TF concentrations. The purified microvesicles induced HCAEC proliferation or apoptosis according to this ruling. Blocking PAR2 activation on HCAEC, or inhibiting fVIIa or TF-procoagulant function on microvesicles prevented the influence on HCAEC. Finally, incubation of HCAEC with recombinant TF resulted in increased surface exposure of fVII. The induction of cell proliferation or apoptosis by TF-positive microvesicles is dependent on the ratio of fVIIa:TF and involves the activation of PAR2. At lower TF concentrations, fVIIa can counteract the proapoptotic stimulus and induce proliferation
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